Good morning, everybody; we're still over here.
I'm here, but I can't spend any real time on FR today. Family obligations call.
I just couldnt stay much as I need too....
I never went to bed last night. Running on empty and have to make a fancy dessert for tomorrow..........
It's not going to be pretty.
Morning. I'm here for a little while.
Morning:) I've been prowling around out there...putting in my two cents now and then...hysteria is the watchword.
Symptoms of Bulimia...just in case they're useful From
Physical symptoms of bulimia nervosa
Swollen salivary glands from recurrent vomiting, often confused with mumps
Amenorrhoea (cessation of menstruation for at least 3 months) or irregular menstruation caused by energy deficiency during periods of starvation
Dental decay (caused by the high acid content of vomit)
Acute stretching or dilatation of the stomach due to overeating, often associated with abdominal pain
Irritable bowel, dark mucus in the colon (melanosis coli), and disturbed bowel motions from chronic laxative abuse
Electrolyte imbalances from purging, possibly leading to heart arrhythmias, brain seizures, abnormal EEGs, muscle cramps and stiffness, liver disease, and kidney failure
Swollen hands and feet, swollen salivary glands
Hair loss
Chronic hoarseness of the voice
Urinary tract infections
Callused knuckles
Hypokalemia (low potassium) as revealed by blood tests
Per MSNBC: State judge is expected to rule on the Schindler's latest motion by Noon ET.
I'm flying to Denver today for WORK so I'll be out of touch most of the day. Grrr.
This was kind of a fluke, Easter being in March. They usually schedule these things for mid to late March, or later in April, thus normally avoiding Easter. Alas, not this year.
Think of me when you're all enjoying your easter Sunday. I'll be slaving over a hot Motor Circuit Evaluator. Sigh. :(
I just pray it's over soon for Terri.
Good morning Howlin and everyone.
Will someone please ping me when the stigmata begins?
Good morning. I probably won't be spending much time here today. Much to do at home - moving furniture back into the living room and dining room, now that the hardwood floor installation is complete. The furniture is scattered through the rest of the house, causing a severe cluttering problem as well as the inabilaty to clean properly. Plus, I want to have the dining room table and china hutch back in place so we can have a nice Easter dinner tomorrow.
I need to get up on any new news here, but will have to do it quickly.
I'm just checking in here myself. Family duties kept me today and will have me away from a computer most of tomorrow. Trying to get caught up, but at this point I think the next real news will be when she passes. The court cases are effectively done so it is now just a matter of time. Hope nobody does anything more stupid than a couple of moonbats have already done.