"Personally speaking, all aspects of the Maronite Tradition have drawn me into a deeper relationship with our Lord and His blessed Mother."
Try as hard as I can, I cannot comprehend how one can have a relationship with Mary the mother of Christ.
"Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee."
These are the words of the Holy Writ. If even Martin Luther could understand the relationship of the Virgin Mary to Our Lord and our relationship with her for His sake, why can't you?
It's really quite simple. Mary's role is to lead us to her Son.
All devotions to Mary and the saints ultimately glorify their Creator, who made them what they are. Could we possibly praise the Mona Lisa without praising Leonardo DaVinci? That masterpiece certainly did not paint itself! Even so, Mary is God's great masterpiece, and all praise given to her is praise of Her Maker. When Elizabeth praises Mary, saying "Blessed art thou amongst women", Mary immediately replies "My soul doth magnify the Lord..." (Luke 1:42; 46). All the devotion which we offer her redounds to God's praise and glory.