Is loco weed and peyote smoked as much as maryjane? If it is, then outlaw it as well. Just because Momma Nature grows it doesn't mean we need to ingest it or supply it.
Just because a person can use an object to harm themselves does not mean that the object should be prohibited. Would you prohibit guns, junk food, tobacco, alcohol, steak knives, pencils, cars, dogs, baseball bats, and virtually every object imaginable. Marijuana prohibition is about government control over citizens.
If you think a person in possession of marijuana or any drug for that matter, has harmed by that act of possessing a drug take the person to court and do your best to convince an impartial jury that the defendant harmed you Do that so that you may gain restitution for your loss and suffering that the defendant inflicted on you by his possession of a drug. 99 times out of a hundred a jury wil rule in the defendants favor.
As I said, drug prohibition laws are about government control over people. Worse, you want government agents to act on your behalf to initiate harm against a person that has not harmed you. That's repulsive.
"No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him". -- Thomas Jefferson
Government is my friend not you especially when it protects me from drug users/dealers/growers.
It is also my friend when it protects me from terrorists who wish to harm and kill my own.
And Thomas Jefferson is not my God...Jesus Christ is. I get enough of Jefferson quotes every time I visit with left wing colleagues.
"The principle of freedom cannot require that he should be free not to be free. It is not freedom to be allowed to alienate his freedom."
-- John Stuart Mill
The Village says, "Yes." It's for The Children.