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From TM'r WestCoastGal AKA CoCo



Things to Look Out For: Be Observant:

Multiple sightings of the same suspicious person, vehicle or activity at the same location;

Individuals or activities that don't "fit" into the surrounding environment;

Individuals sitting in a parked vehicle for an extended period of time;

Individuals or several people sketching or taking notes, photographing or videotaping areas or buildings not normally associated with tourist activity;

Clothing out of place for the weather, such as someone wearing a heavy coat in hot weather;

Individuals or people carrying unusually heavy bags or backpacks;

Vehicles -- especially vans, U-Hauls or delivery trucks -- improperly parked or parked in locations not normally associated with deliveries;

Follow your instinct. If something doesn't look right, it might not be.

5 posted on 07/18/2004 7:01:39 PM PDT by JustPiper (9/11 had been a wake-up call, as yet unanswered {TWT})
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To: JustPiper
Individuals or several people sketching or taking notes, photographing or videotaping areas or buildings not normally associated with tourist activity;

Clothing out of place for the weather, such as someone wearing a heavy coat in hot weather;

Individuals or people carrying unusually heavy bags or backpacks;

Sandy Berger coming to a town near you.

2,228 posted on 07/22/2004 12:18:28 PM PDT by alrea (Al Gore placed a bust of Lincoln from the Whitehouse on his mantle.)
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