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To: JustPiper; ExSoldier; HipShot; All

Copied the revolution part to the board so others can see it. There is no doubt this is a call to revolution.

These are both of the pages calling for a revolution and giving the details of how they want to do it.

Part One

The Ballot, The Bullet, and the Grand Refusal

1 | 2

by Michael Rectenwald, CLG Founder and Chair

"Counterterrorism officials" are talking of "postponing" the upcoming elections. Postponing the November elections, they say, might be necessary if there is a terrorist attack at election time. The option is being denied by Rice and other Bush administration officials, but Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge warned last week that Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network may attack within the USA to try to disrupt the elections.

Regardless, Homeland Security, and DeForest B. Soaries Jr., chairman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, have already disrupted the elections. Soaries, who was hired to help localities improve their voting systems, may be doing more to drive voters from the polls. Low voter turnout happens to be the formula for a Republican "victory." And, such terrorism warnings make us think more about terrorism than regime change. But let the adminstration take heed: we fear nothing more than this regime itself!

And we are really afraid that the potential loss by Bush may occasion an attack. We are not saying how the attack and the polls might be connected; we are not pointing fingers. But, as Republican strategists debate the possibility like something they themselves are considering for their party's success, we cannot help but wonder: just who, if anyone, is considering/planning/promoting this 'attack?'

Regardless, a postponed election, or the playing the fear factor for low voter turnout, are acts of terrorism in themselves. We are already being attacked. This warning is yet another in a series of attacks on our rights, on our democratic system, on our freedom, and on our self-determination.

A postponed election, or what is far more likely, one conducted under the surveillance of military and police posted at polling places and along routes to polling places, will amount to intimidation and the abrogation of voting rights, at the very least, and the complete loss of any semblance of democracy, at the worst.

Our Response?

In 1964, Malcolm X posed the question to the government: 'The Ballot or the Bullet."' Without representation, Malcolm roared, rather than "I have a dream," the racist, antidemocratic government might expect to hear instead, "I have a rifle!" Today, we might make the same clarion call to arms.

Yet, while purely passive resistance will be utterly ineffectual, the condition of red or orange 'alert' will allow resistance to be classified as 'terrorism,' with militants facing imprisonment without charges, or worse. Today, perhaps like yesterday, the call to arms would be sheer suicide.

Under such circumstances, should officials attempt to cancel or inject fear into the elections, the only possible solution is the Grand Refusal. The Grand Refusal was Herbert Marcuse's term for the complete rejection of the techno-military government and the whole gambit of repressive state and ideological apparatuses. Unlike other Frankfurt School theorists, Marcuse had a pragmatic side, and suggested, under inspiration from the sixties revolts, the notion of a complete refusal of the system.

The refusal would begin on the planned election day, and last for for as long as necessary. On election day, this would mean showing up at polling places ready to vote, and demanding access to the ballot. It would be demanding the vote with our feet, until the vote with the ballot is granted. It would mean, for many voters, intimidation, but a refusal to succumb to fear.

Thus, the Grand Refusal will be first and foremost a refusal of the election postponement or curtailment, and a demand to vote. This will be a decentralized refusal and demonstration by hundreds of millions of registered voters: Democrats, Greens, Independents, and Republicans alike. All are asked to refuse the fear tactics, and all are welcomed in the refusal. The election is not a partisan issue. It's the democratic process itself. Thus, all true patriots must thus take part in the voter turnout demonstration, and continue to refuse until the election is undertaken. This process will be a massive refusal, but also, it will be a great lesson in democracy and freedom.

The refusal will mean more than this if voters turn out for an election that does not take place. The Grand Refusal would then mean, among other things: massive walkouts, demonstrations, the refusal to participate in the system at large. It would mean the continual voting with our feet by refusing to participate in a politico-economic system that does not deem us worthy of representation, regardless of its appeals to our so-called 'safety.' The only way to affect the system will be a continuing refusal to work, to be 'entertained,' and to consume at 'normal' levels. We would live by our wits, have courage, and shut the system down that refuses us. In any case, the claims to protect us will be proven false by their police brutality against us, when we refuse to acknowledge a danger that has no known source, other than the government.

To you who listen to the fearmongers, and prefer your work and your "safety" to your freedom and democracy, I give you the words of Samuel Adams, who wrote in 1776:

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.

But in any case, the claims to protect us will be betrayed by their brutality against us, and the wealth is all theirs in the end. We refuse to hear them and heed the call to abjure our rights. All who have courage will stand up, walk out, and refuse to listen to them, refuse their media, refuse their consolation prizes, refuse their guilt, refuse their lies, refuse their tyranny, and refuse their fake government!

So which will it be, oh "Homeland Security," police, election commissioner, Bush, Cheney, media mouthpieces, liars, one and all? Will it be the ballot, or the Grand Refusal (and the bullet)? All the bullets will be your own, not ours, although we paid for them. You may shoot us with the dollars you robbed from us, just as you have the Iraqis. You may kill us with our lost wages and services. But we will not be betrayed by a government supposedly intent on "protecting" us, and your slaughter of us will prove you to be complete liars. But even this lie we refuse.

The Ballot, The Bullet, and the Grand Refusal,
Part 2: "The Revolution Will Be Webcast!"

Michael Rectenwald
July 13, 200

Part Two

The Ballot, The Bullet, and the Grand Refusal

1 | 2

Part 2:

"The Revolution Will Be Webcast!"

by Michael Rectenwald, CLG Founder and Chair

(with input from Lori Price, CLG General Manager, and several CLG Readers)

Now hear this: Any sign that the election has been stolen again, and we are calling for a complete walkout, civil disobedience, complete refusal and the shutting down of the system, per the Grand Refusal (click here for part 1, or below this essay).

What are the TRIGGERS, what "election" events will trigger the Grand Refusal? The following list is by no means exhaustive. The Bush regime may very well alter their approach to stealing the election this time. But, this is a list that will guide us.

If any of these events occur in great number or even if one occurs to a significant, result-altering effect, we are calling for a complete WALKOUT! That means, do not go to work, do not shop beyond what you need to survive (food, beverages, medicine, etc.), do not pay credit card bills, do not participate in consumer events or sporting events, avoid all mass media and stay tuned to the WEB to stay posted for sites for mass demonstrations during the Grand Refusal. The Revolution will NOT be TELEVISED, the Revolution will be WEBCAST! If the web goes down, report to city hall in whatever city or town you reside! Until then, watch the web, the webring of revolution sites, for news and tactical issues. This webring is under construction, but will be in place for the "election." The CLG will be a revolutionary ringleader!

If the following or similar events take place and the election is stolen because of it, the Revolution, the Grand Refusal, must take place. If we do not do it, they have nothing to fear from us, ever again. Our rights will be gone. This is a very pivotal situation for our system of Government. One more coup and we are done for!

1) Reports of significant amounts voters in key precincts and states having been purged unduly from the voting rolls.

2) Reports of voter intimidation, poll closures, changed or moving polling places.

3) Reports of 'butterfly-ballot-like' spoilage of votes.

4) Reports of over-vote spoilage (as in Florida's mostly Democratic counties in 2000).

5) Evidence or signs of Diebold or other vote-counting machine manipulation, tampering, fixing, etc.

6) Serious discrepancies between pre-election and/or exit polling and "election" results favoring Bush.

7) Disruptions in voting due to brownouts or blackouts in key Democratic areas relying on electronic voting technology.

8) Sudden turnarounds in results in favor of the Dictator (such as took place for Florida in 2000 when Bush's cousin John Ellis at Faux reversed networks' consensus and overturned their predictions).

9) Reports and evidence of "bourgeois riots" or other means of intimidation to disrupt voting, or vote counting (as in Miami Dade in 2000).

10) "Terrorist" warnings and threat level increases in key races to either prevent voters from voting or to reduce turnout (a formula for Republican "victory) as warnings by Ridge and other administration officials presage.

11) Bioterrorism threats or attacks (the forced vaccines are not approved by FDA and behoove drug companies tied to Republicans--likewise, the threats or attacks will be in all probability manufactured with the intent to instill fear and support of status quo Republican 'war on [of] terror').

12) Judicial interventions to stop vote counting, stop voting, stop the real results from being registered, tabulated or COUNTED (as in the Supreme Court decision of 2000).

13) Cancellation or "postponement" of the election (in general or in part).

Any one or a combination of these and other events--resulting in a stolen, "postponed" or canceled election--will trigger the Revolution. By Revolution, we do not mean violence. We mean a TURNING OVER, a complete turning of the tables, a turnabout in terms of control. We go from ruled to rulers. We can show them how much they need us. Without us, they are nothing. "There is no king saved by the multitude of an host" (Psalms). The Real Revolution was against the people and the Constitution and took place in 2000 and continues to this day. The next Revolution must be a countercoup, and a recapturing, or a capturing for the first time, of our rights. How long will we stay out? As long as it takes to have a real election!!! or longer if we can and such a continued refusal brings even greater results...

All 9-11 activists please take note!!! All crimes of the former regime will be investigated upon gaining control of the state. Bush will be investigated and most likely tried for high crimes, including mass murders in the US and Iraq.

Stay tuned for more details and ideas. Most people who read this idea are for it. It is nonviolent, it is activist, it is workable. It worked in India for Gandhi and his followers, and it can work here. We have no other choice. Remember, as Bush himself said, "Fool me once, shame on...shame on me. Fool me...Won't Get Fooled again!"

Michael Rectenwald
July 21, 2004

Citizens For Legitimate Government

If you missed Part One of 'The Grand Refusal,' here it is again:

"Counterterrorism officials" are talking of "postponing" the upcoming elections. Postponing the November elections, they say, might be necessary if there is a terrorist attack at election time. The option is being denied by Rice and other Bush administration officials, but Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge warned last week that Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network may attack within the USA to try to disrupt the elections.

Regardless, Homeland Security, and DeForest B. Soaries Jr., chairman of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, have already disrupted the elections. Soaries, who was hired to help localities improve their voting systems, may be doing more to drive voters from the polls. Low voter turnout happens to be the formula for a Republican "victory." And, such terrorism warnings make us think more about terrorism than regime change. But let the administration take heed: we fear nothing more than this regime itself!

And we are really afraid that the potential loss by Bush may occasion an attack. We are not saying how the attack and the polls might be connected; we are not pointing fingers. But, as Republican strategists debate the possibility like something they themselves are considering for their party's success, we cannot help but wonder: just who, if anyone, is considering/planning/promoting this 'attack?'

Regardless, a postponed election, or the playing the fear factor for low voter turnout, are acts of terrorism in themselves. We are already being attacked. This warning is yet another in a series of attacks on our rights, on our democratic system, on our freedom, and on our self-determination.

A postponed election, or what is far more likely, one conducted under the surveillance of military and police posted at polling places and along routes to polling places, will amount to intimidation and the abrogation of voting rights, at the very least, and the complete loss of any semblance of democracy, at the worst.

Our Response?

In 1964, Malcolm X posed the question to the government: 'The Ballot or the Bullet."' Without representation, Malcolm roared, rather than "I have a dream," the racist, antidemocratic government might expect to hear instead, "I have a rifle!" Today, we might make the same clarion call to arms.

Yet, while purely passive resistance will be utterly ineffectual, the condition of red or orange 'alert' will allow resistance to be classified as 'terrorism,' with militants facing imprisonment without charges, or worse. Today, perhaps like yesterday, the call to arms would be sheer suicide.

Under such circumstances, should officials attempt to cancel or inject fear into the elections, the only possible solution is the Grand Refusal. The Grand Refusal was Herbert Marcuse's term for the complete rejection of the techno-military government and the whole gambit of repressive state and ideological apparatuses. Unlike other Frankfurt School theorists, Marcuse had a pragmatic side, and suggested, under inspiration from the sixties revolts, the notion of a complete refusal of the system.

The refusal would begin on the planned election day, and last for for as long as necessary. On election day, this would mean showing up at polling places ready to vote, and demanding access to the ballot. It would be demanding the vote with our feet, until the vote with the ballot is granted. It would mean, for many voters, intimidation, but a refusal to succumb to fear.

Thus, the Grand Refusal will be first and foremost a refusal of the election postponement or curtailment, and a demand to vote. This will be a decentralized refusal and demonstration by hundreds of millions of registered voters: Democrats, Greens, Independents, and Republicans alike. All are asked to refuse the fear tactics, and all are welcomed in the refusal. The election is not a partisan issue. It's the democratic process itself. Thus, all true patriots must thus take part in the voter turnout demonstration, and continue to refuse until the election is undertaken. This process will be a massive refusal, but also, it will be a great lesson in democracy and freedom.

The refusal will mean more than this if voters turn out for an election that does not take place. The Grand Refusal would then mean, among other things: massive walkouts, demonstrations, the refusal to participate in the system at large. It would mean the continual voting with our feet by refusing to participate in a politico-economic system that does not deem us worthy of representation, regardless of its appeals to our so-called 'safety.' The only way to affect the system will be a continuing refusal to work, to be 'entertained,' and to consume at 'normal' levels. We would live by our wits, have courage, and shut the system down that refuses us. In any case, the claims to protect us will be proven false by their police brutality against us, when we refuse to acknowledge a danger that has no known source, other than the government.

To you who listen to the fearmongers, and prefer your work and your "safety" to your freedom and democracy, I give you the words of Samuel Adams, who wrote in 1776:

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.

But in any case, the claims to protect us will be betrayed by their brutality against us, and the wealth is all theirs in the end. We refuse to hear them and heed the call to abjure our rights. All who have courage will stand up, walk out, and refuse to listen to them, refuse their media, refuse their consolation prizes, refuse their guilt, refuse their lies, refuse their tyranny, and refuse their fake government!

So which will it be, oh "Homeland Security," police, election commissioner, Bush, Cheney, media mouthpieces, liars, one and all? Will it be the ballot, or the Grand Refusal (and the bullet)? All the bullets will be your own, not ours, although we paid for them. You may shoot us with the dollars you robbed from us, just as you have the Iraqis. You may kill us with our lost wages and services. But we will not be betrayed by a government supposedly intent on "protecting" us, and your slaughter of us will prove you to be complete liars. But even this lie we refuse.

Michael Rectenwald
July 13, 2004

Citizens For Legitimate Government

3,796 posted on 07/24/2004 2:01:06 PM PDT by judicial meanz (I'm sick of wimpy liberal girlymen with documents stuffed in their pants trying to pass as real men)
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To: judicial meanz

JM do you have the links to the threats of the upsrising from this site, stuck in email to RNC?

3,800 posted on 07/24/2004 2:07:00 PM PDT by JustPiper (Something happened- Nothing's Working- Everything's a lie)
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To: judicial meanz

These guys are the ones with the "plans" to cause harm. Look at the list of things they're gonna do at the RNC.

They must know that they've crossed the line from freedom of speech and entered the realm of sedition.

3,828 posted on 07/24/2004 2:42:57 PM PDT by HipShot ("there is no reason to suspect terrorism")
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