I cannot find out what our 911 system is suppose to do in this event, and why there is no back up. Local news is not on for another 15 min , I saw the warning this happened on WGN watching the Cubbies.
Can it be anything but sabotage, there are no storms and in that event if 911 doesn't have a backup generator for its system what good is it?!
July 21, 2004
the 'miracle code'
So people claimed that there was a secret code in a bin laden video that also existed in twexus (and nowhere else). So I looked how it got into twexus:
When you click on this link: aol search for americanpitbulls then you see that the URL contains the magic string. That 'magic' number is simply the ISO-8859-1 encoded version of the 'word' amercianpitbulls. Somehow the AOL specific code of twexus.com is not well debugged, since it just takes the ISO encoded version and takes it literal.
So far so easy. But how does this string then make it into the Bin Laden video?
My theory is that whoever put it there (it indeed looks like a stupid and amateurish) falsification got it from twexus, thinking it would be some kind of a weird 'code'. Why? I don't know. That beats me.
self proclaimed 007s again ...
terror on twexus again
Same misunderstand than we had already in January:
twexus will associate an image to anything entered. Always did so.
Somebody searched for
on 2004-02-24 21:12:05
I still have the log file from then, but it will take a while to search 2GB worth of text ...
Somebody wrote on above mentioned link:
"Andreas Wacker probably faked it to promote his art site. "
That would not be true. I say somebody searched for this code end of February.
That's why twexus remembered it. Simple as that.