For the past few days, the liberal media has used the word entrusted to describe Saleh's relationship with 1 MEF. So, you pick up on it and spit it out here in your post.
The following Lt. Gen Conway comments seems to suggest something a little bit different. The unit assumed control of four checkpoints April 30 and has started patrolling Fallujah, he said. Yet, until the Iraqi battalion demonstrates a capacity to effectively man designated checkpoints and positions, Marines will continue to maintain a strong presence in and around Fallujah, said Kimmitt during a press briefing April 30. "We have assigned the Iraqi battalion to our least-engaged sector until they can get their feet on deck, absorb the weapons and equipment we are passing their way and prepare for the next phase of the operation," said Lt. Gen. James T. Conway, the I Marine Expeditionary Force commander.
Well there it is. I hope they are kind enough to give them back.