To: CourtneyLeigh
Was this uninhabited land, just like the 13 colonies?
Nope, this wAS NOT uninhabited land. So, all of us European, Asian, African -Americans shoudl get OUT. </sarcasm
291 posted on
02/09/2004 11:51:36 PM PST by
To: Cronos
But quite a lot of the land that the Boers settled WAS uninhabited land and some was bought from blacks.
To: Cronos
Nope, this wAS NOT uninhabited land. So, all of us European, Asian, African -Americans shoudl get OUT. No -- EVERYONE SHOULD GET OUT! The Indians took the land from the woolly mammoths and horses and saber-tooth tigers and ... They even exterminated many animals (see any live woolly mammoths lately?). When you come to it, the human race should get off the Earth! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson