I have told the facts about South Africa, here, for years. I am NOT interested in making friends with people who talk about topics they know nothing at all about, have been repeatedly told the same facts, for years on end, but ignore them and continue to post : " THE WHITES SHOULD JUST LEAVE ", as their ONLY contribution to a thread.
You want to hear some REAL news out of Africa ? Last week, my s-i-l's sister told us that the government is taking over the area where the VOORTREKKERS MONUMENT is ( it's in Pretoria)and are knocking it down. It was not only a national monument to whites, but also to blacks and history, factual history, made art. This was a HUGE tourist attraction.It made money FOR all of SA!
But not a word has gotten to the outside world about this desecration and if it had, would anyone care ? Instead, we get this article, filled with lies,` rumors, and scare tactics posted to FR, with a bunch of yowling from people who haven't the glimmer of an idea what they're talking about and I'm NOT supposed to slap at them ? WHY ?
I don't mean to be rude, but I'm frustrated and fed up to the teeth,from reading years of abjectly stupid posts, written by people who don't know the subject and refuse to learn from people who do.