To: Chad Fairbanks
I don't know how Jim will anser you, bu here is my opinion.
RINOS are living on borrowed time. As long as we don't have a super-majority in the Senate or House, we will have to tolerate them, because what ever failings they have, they do vote for Republican leadership, which is very important.
If we cn get a super-majority, then we can lean on these people to get them to change their ways or face replacement.
Until then, we have to live with them, annoying as they are.
To: Miss Marple
Well, I don't like having to tolerate them, because it moves the party too close to the center for my liking - so promise me we can throw 'em out on their butts soon... soon... ;0)
90 posted on
10/20/2003 5:13:01 PM PDT by
Chad Fairbanks
(Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.)
To: Miss Marple
Your post is exactly what I need to hear. That is a good point for me to remember right now ,and in the future. My hubby just got done telling me the same thing. I started to think that to vote for a RINO was a sell out, then I thought about just walking away, I was happy with neither of those thoughts.
I know I could not vote Democrat, then I thought about not voting party line.. but the more I thought about that the more upsetting that became.
Thank you for giving me some clarity right now, because I am struggling big time over here.
207 posted on
10/20/2003 5:31:32 PM PDT by
Diva Betsy Ross
((were it not for the brave, there would be no land of the free -))
To: Miss Marple
FWIW I think you are right. I would love to have the only conservatives, but even a moderate to liberal Pubbie is better than giving a seat to a Dim.
654 posted on
10/20/2003 7:31:39 PM PDT by
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