The house is gorgeous- I'd just like to see it during daylight sometime soon. Never did get those crocuses planted, spent all weekend scrubbing down the condo getting it ready to rent. We hand over the keys tonight- what a relief!
I also spent a good chunk of yesterday down at juvenille court. It seems the boys who broke into my jeep last winter were finally up for trial. It was fascinating waiting for the case to come up. Everyone was in a big lobby- parents, young criminals, lawyers, victims, etc- so I got to overhear all sorts of stuff that made my blood boil.
1) the parents all knew each other, most went to church with each other, it was like a potluck: "Oh, how have you been? Oh, you look marvelous! Is this your son? Oh my, he's grown!"... blah blah blah. No one was dressed for court: baggy-*** jeans, oversize jersey shirts. Juvi court- come as you are!
2) the parents were all convinced the system was out to get them, and that it was personal. Nevermind they let their children wander the streets at all hours, nevermind their children are criminals. Their children are perfect, oppressed little angels in their eyes.
3) the defense strategy was to plead guilty and then dispute the veracity of the victims' claims for restitution. These boys stole thousands of dollars worth of stuff (admittedly even!) from dozens of people, but anyone who makes a list of missing items is a liar. Lawyers! Heaven help us.
Haven't moved the office yet- might be January before it happens, but when it does, it'll be for 6 mos or so. But my roomies are going to be shipped out 01 Nov, most likely. Ah well, I'm up for an adventure.