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DUBOB 11- more tales from the Dark UnderBelly Of the Beast...
various links and websites | 01-31-03 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 01/31/2003 5:07:21 PM PST by backhoe

click here to read article

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Mark Steyn: Just to be Clear, Folks, It's a Novel
Rob Nicholson Strikes Again; We Should Strike Back --Autocratic and Dictatorial regimes seldom care about civil liberties. If they don’t need search warrants, they don’t need citizen organizations getting involved in the messy business of censorship and thought crimes which are, of course, the exclusive domain of the government.
Rob "The Knob" Nicholson opposes BCCL intervention... --WTF are they doing? One moment the Conservatives say they won't interfere with their operations (as quoted by Connie in her signature line) and then next minute they are taking a position on who should be heard at the tribunal.
Whatcott in the clear

Top 10 Energy Questions for the US Senate  “I just sent letters to my 2 worthless Senators saying basically: “Drill now, Drill here, build refineries, one blend of gas for all 50 states, your obstruction isn’t fooling anyone”.

Gas prices keep climbing even as oil prices drop

Workers shifting to 4-day week to save gas



It’s time to get off foreign oil, and begin drilling our own resources… Now!

When is ‘Under Seal’ Not ‘Under Seal’? GE Finds Out the Hard Way

Cold Irony: Arctic Sea Ice Traps Climate Tour Icebreaker


Indiana Photo ID Law Works

Hatred of Israel cuts deep to heart

'North American Parliament' under way


Vote for Obama and Hilary and make FR interesting again.<Vanity>


Hillary, Terrorism and the FALN

8,561 posted on 05/29/2008 1:39:51 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: All

CHRC - Jocko's Vignette --it appears the respondant/defendant/persecuted have to jump through extrodinary hoops at great personal cost to satisfy the CHRC yet the complainant doesn't even have to show up and face the person he accuses of "Spreading" hate.

Warman and Peter kouba

An Informal Arrangement With Our Spy Agency

Tory MP: repeal section 13, "weed out corruption", fight "tirelessly" for freedom

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John Cummins is the Conservative MP for the B.C. riding of Delta-Richmond East. On May 18, he received this letter from a constituent. Some excerpts:

I have always voted Conservative federally. Always... But, unless I see concrete evidence before the next election that the Conservative Government is taking concrete steps to rectify the many problems endemic to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, I will not be voting Conservative in the next election. I will be encouraging others to follow my lead.

...It takes a lot to get me out of my chair, and I have never written a letter to my MP or MLA before...

The [CHRC] is corrupt and it is a direct threat to our fundamental freedoms. I cannot think of a more deadly combination...

The Government's submissions in the Lemire case are a disgrace and an embarrassment... Please note that the right not to be offended is NOT enshrined in our Bill of Rights. It is more important than the current price of gas or whether our troops should be in or out of Aghanistan. In fact, when you think about it, it is why our soldiers are fighting in Afghanistan...

It's really a great letter. Again, you can read the whole thing here.

Two days later, Cummins replied -- not just to his constituent, but with a forceful and principled letter to the Prime Minister's office, too. You can see a copy of that letter here. Its text (I've bolded some great lines):

Dear Prime Minister:

I am writing on behalf of [name redacted] who wrote (copy enclosed) regarding his concerns with the Canadian Human Rights Commission...

In his letter to me, [name] states, "the CHRC is corrupt and a direct threat to our fundamental freedoms." He states that he wants to see the corruption weeded out, Section 13(1) repealed and to see the CHRC returned to its original, limited mandate. You should know that I am in full support of [name]'s request regarding the CHRC. Canadian soldiers have given their lives fighting for the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These rights should be passionately and tirelessly protected.

I am asking that you respond to [name]'s concerns as expressed in his letter to me.

Thank you for your consideration of this important matter.

Yours truly,

John Cummins, M.P.

Delta - Richmond East

Those are two great letters, by two Canadians who care very deeply about freedom.

Please take a moment to send Cummins an e-mail of encouragement. Just click here.

And if you haven't yet written to your own MP asking for his or her views on the CHRC, please do so now. You can find your MP's contact information here (by name) and here (by postal code). If you get a reply, please send it to me by e-mail. We're racking up quite a tally of MPs from both the Conservative and Liberal parties. I'm impressed with the bi-partisan nature of this campaign, which is exactly how it ought to be. Freedom of speech is bigger than partisan politics, and I'm glad our Parliamentarians understand that -- in fact, the word Parliament itself comes from the Old French word "to talk".

Fifteen Government of Alberta employees are working on my case

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UPDATE: E-mail link fixed.

I received the first, 200-page tranche of records from my Freedom of Information request to the Alberta Human Rights Commission, internal documents relating to their investigation and prosecution of me for publishing the Danish cartoons of Mohammed.

There are a lot of gaps in those documents that my lawyer will try to get them to fill in -- it's obvious they don't want to show me certain things. But even the edited pages they have sent over paint a fascinating picture -- sometimes troubling, sometimes hilarious. I've skimmed through them, and I plan to post some interesting nuggets over the next few days.

One thing that surprised me was just how many government bureaucrats are working on my file. I obviously knew a few -- like Shirlene McGovern, my interrogator and fellow YouTube TV star. But then I started counting: there were fourteen people working on my file, plus a pair of mysterious initials!

In alphabetical order, here are "my guys", as I have affectionately come to call them:

  1. Gerard Dale
  2. Nichole Daugherty
  3. Heidi Draper
  4. Jennifer Drover
  5. Pardeep Gundara
  6. Dave Haynes
  7. Donna MacKinnon
  8. Charlach Mackintosh
  9. Shirlene McGovern
  10. Michael McQuaid
  11. Marie Riddle
  12. Kathleen Samuel
  13. Tara Tkachuk
  14. Wendy Wong
  15. “L.B.”

Friends, until I received this information, I thought the complaint was about me. How selfish I was! Me, me, me -- that was all I could talk about! I couldn't go a day without bitching about my nearly $100,000 legal fees; or complaining about the 800 days I've been under the stigma of this prosecution; or whining about "freedom this" or "due process that".


I see now that this is much bigger than me. It's about putting bread on the table for fifteen hungry families. In the Alberta economy (unemployment rate: 3.3%) if these government bureaucrats couldn't prosecute me for a living, they might actually have to venture out from their 30 hour a week public sector union jobs and do some respectable work. The complaints against me aren't just about the "human rights" of cartoon-a-phobic radical Muslims. It's about the human right of a lot of government employees to continue to suck on the public teat.


What about Shirlene "Muzzle" McGovern's new car? Who will buy Pardeep "Gag Order" Gundara his new cabin at the lake? And doesn't poor Jennifer "Dhimmi" Drover deserve a wild weekend with her girlfriends in Las Vegas?


As they acknowledged in their own annual report, complaints to Alberta’s HRC are down 15% over last year. Any real business that lost 15% of its customers in a single year would either lay off staff or risk going out of business. Neither of those are possibilities here, of course -- so increasingly insane "human rights" complaints are entertained, merely to keep the office looking busy.


I've written a lot about the corrupt Canadian Human Rights Commission. But Alberta's HRC is just as nutty. It answers not to the provincial justice minister, but to the province's "Culture and Community Spirit" ministry. That's funny and sad at the same time.


Why not show your community spirit and send a note to Lindsay Blackett, the freshman MLA elected just two months ago, who is now minister of this portfolio. His biography looks surprisingly normal for a politician -- he coaches sports, and before becoming a politician, he sold electronics. In other words, he doesn't come from the grievance industry. He's also Black, living in a very white neighbourhood of Calgary. Which means he knows Albertans aren't bigoted and in need of a human rights commission to tell them how to behave. Otherwise, how could he have won his riding so handily? And Blackett isn't beholden to any ethno-politics for his victory.


Blackett is only two months on the job, so I doubt he's had a chance to become well-briefed on this file. I think it's time we sent him some correspondence to help bring him up to speed, don't you?


You can e-mail him here.


For 15 Government of Alberta employees, the human rights complaint I'm fighting isn't about me, and it certainly isn't about the law. It's about those 15 unionized grievance hustlers riding an 800-day gravy train, and not wanting the party -- at taxpayers' expense -- to end anytime soon.


" Ezra,

You forgot your usual epilogue, so I will add it for you:

Fire. Them. All."


' Hmm, turn the lights on, and watch the roaches scatter, I always say.

I suspect this posting of yours meets the Alberta HRC's definition of a "hate crime", so they'll be knee-jerking another two or three charges your direction.

Keep after them!

We're watching in the States.



The complainants have responsibilities, too!

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There's a lot of little nuggets in the FOIP disclosure that I got from the Alberta HRC. Like a letter sent to the two complainants against me, Calgary imam Syed Soharwardy and Yasmeen Nizam of the Edmonton Council of Muslim Communities. Did you know that complainants have responsibilities, too? Well, one responsibility:

maintain a current mailing address where you can be contacted.

So let's see. I have to retain my own legal counsel at my own expense, whether I win or lose; I have the stigma of a prosecution for 800 days and counting; I am to be "judged" by a panellist who is not a judge, and likely not even a lawyer, and who has no training in constitutional matters like freedom of speech of freedom of religion; I do not have the benefits that a criminal accused has, such as the "beyond a reasonable doubt" burden of proof against me; I have fifteen government workers beavering away against me.

And the real bigots complaining against me, who have hijacked our secular state to prosecute their medieval fatwa? Why, they must keep a mailing address. Fair's fair!

UPDATE: I discovered another letter telling Yasmeen Nizam, of the Edmonton Council of Muslim Communities to keep her address up to date. I'm not sure if that responsibilitiy was posing a challenge to Nizam, or if the HRC staff were just really bored. This letter has that instruction WRITTEN IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS so perhaps there was some problem. I'd call that use of capital letters culturally insensitive on the part of the HRC -- it's like shouting at someone. I think that's discriminatory. Perhaps they can open another file and log another couple of hundred of hours on the taxpayers' dime.

But there is another line in this letter that made me chuckle:

you are expected to make every reasonable effort to minimize any losses you may be having as a result of what you are complaining about. Please keep a written record of everything you do to minimize your losses, or in other words, to improve your situation.

I can hardly wait for the hearing. I'd love to see Nizam's little grievance journal about the "losses" she continues to suffer because of some cartoons published two years ago. I can just imagine them now:

February 25th: I was driving down Whyte Avenue today and someone cut me off in traffic, and honked at me. Clearly an Islamophobe. Damn those Danish cartoons!

" I find it shocking that it takes so many government employees to trample on one persons right to free speech and expression."

'Well, it would be really interesting to see what Richard Warman did to "minimize his losses" and still end up with five figure judgments, especially as his complaints were on behalf of groups to which he does not belong like gays and non-whites.'

One of the items disclosed to me by the Alberta HRC is the list of questions that Shirlene McGovern, the human rights "officer" assigned to my case, asked Syed Soharwardy. Soharwardy is the bigoted Calgary imam who filed this hand-scrawled complaint against me (and then abandoned that complaint after a wall of public backlash. The identical Edmonton complaint against me continues to slouch forward.)

Here are McGovern's questions for Soharwardy. There's a lot of crap in there, and I'll try to comment on it all later. But focus on question 10:

HRC question 10.JPGShe talks about the "most offensive" Danish cartoon -- the one with "mohammed as animal/pig; sex with animal".

But no such cartoons were ever published by a Danish newspaper, nor by our magazine. Here are the original 12 cartoons exactly as published in Denmark: we chose eight of those.

What McGovern is referring to are three cartoons fabricated by Danish imams, designed to be as offensive as possible, in order to whip up ignorant Muslim mobs that might not get sufficiently excited about the actual Danish cartoons.

In other words, McGovern was duped by jihadist propaganda. Soharwardy must have smiled like a cat when he heard her regurgitate those lies as if they were truths.

Now there are two possible explanations for why McGovern asked that false question.

The first possible explanation is that she is ignorant. That's probably the case. One would have to show a degree of intellectual curiosity to see what the real cartoons looked like, rather than accepting jihadist propaganda at face value. That might include such advanced investigative tactics as a quick Google search.

But, really, why should a second-rate bureaucrat at a third-rate government agency be an expert in jihadi tactics? Human rights commissions have expertise in precisely nothing; Alberta's Workers Compensation Board is expert in rehabilitation; Alberta's Energy Resources Conservation Board is expert in oil and gas development; etc. Human rights commissions are filled with people whose uniting characteristic is their mediocrity. My favourite example at the Alberta HRC is one of their in-house lawyers, Arman Chak. Besides being a Muslim supremacist bigot, he's most famous for placing dead last in the Alberta Law Society elections, where every lawyer in the province gets a vote. That's the kind of talent pool the Alberta HRC recruits from.

Human rights commissions are home to such anti-experts as the Vancouver clown, Judy Parrack of the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal, who ruled that McDonald's couldn't force its employees to wash their hands, since "there was no evidence about the relationship between food contamination and hand-washing frequency," to quote her exactly.

These are the bureaucrats who propose to tell me what I can or can't write about Danish cartoons -- bureaucrats who don't even know what cartoons were published in Denmark, and lack even a child's curiosity to find out.

Not that any purported "expertise" gives any government agency the right to censor a free press. But the outright buffoonery of the HRC is just insult on top of injury.

I think it's likely that Shirlene McGovern was just lazy and ignorant.

But there's another possibility: that she actually knew her file, that she actually did a moment's research, that she actually tried to give value for dollar to Alberta taxpayers, and that she spent, oh, say, one percent of the amount of time studying the Danish cartoons as I did and our magazine did.

And that she knew about the fake cartoons.

And that she knew they were a radical Islamist hoax.

But that she still went along with the hoax, in her role as the HRC's house dhimmi.

It's the less likely of the two theories, but it's possible. The secular Government of Alberta has put 15 bureaucrats to work prosecuting an Islamic fatwa against me for 800 days. If the Alberta HRC is now part of the soft jihad against radical Islam's critics, why not take another step down that road?

For now, I'll go with the ignornace excuse. But if, at my trial, I see Shirlene McGovern in a burka, I'll know I've got my explanation wrong. 

" Just when you thought it was at it's most Orwellian ....'s revealled that comrade Shirl has either been duped by her own client base or is an official apologist for Islamofascists."

' Hey Ezra, you seen this yet? I'd love to hear what you make of it:
Medical marijuana user files human rights complaint over smoking laws'


Hi Ezra, I thought I would share the letter I just sent to the PMO (and also cc'd several relevant MP's and the Department of Justice).

To the Right Honourable Stephen Harper,

By now I would hope that the issue of the CHRC (and its provincial counterparts) has come to your attention. Therefore I will not waste time reciting history that has already been more than ably covered by certain politicians, journalists, and newspaper editorial boards.

Mr. Harper, I have been a supporter of you and your party - in its current and past incarnations - since I have been of voting age. For 15 years I have faithfully supported and advocated ‘conservative’ principles. By ‘conservative’ principles I am of course referring to classical liberalism. Or to be more precise, the sovereign rights of the individual such as the freedom of speech, religion and association; rights that have been, for the most part, staunchly defended by your party. Sadly, after reading the Justice Minister’s release on this issue, this no longer seems to be the case.

This is why I reluctantly but necessarily write today’s missive as I feel I no longer have any other honourable recourse. As you can see, I have sent copies of this letter to the Department of Justice, several members of parliament who have spoken out on this issue (both Liberal and Conservative), as well as my own Liberal MP Sue Barnes (whom I did not vote for).

My vote is not free Mr. Harper. And my fundamental beliefs are not swayed by political loyalty. As long as the official position of the Conservative Party of Canada is at odds with free speech, I will not, in any way, shape or form support the CPC with my votes, money, or advocacy. Whenever the next election occurs, my support will go to the member of any party in my riding who chooses to defend my fundamental right to free speech (regardless of how much I may disagree with the rest of their platform).

Mr. Harper, I believe you to be an honourable man. Because of that belief I have done much on your behalf and have defended many of your decisions, often at odds with my own self interest. But no more. If the Conservative Party of Canada - honourable exceptions aside - has chosen to abandon the principles that underpin liberal democracy, if it has chosen to sacrifice our fundamental human rights on the altar of political correctness, if it no longer believes in defending and honouring the blood, sweat and tears of our soldiers and their families, both past and present; then I have no other choice. I am not abandoning you Mr. Harper, you and your party have abandoned me. And more importantly, you have abandoned your country.

As you should well know, freedom is not free. I truly hope you come to realize this once again, as it will be to your eternal discredit if you do not.


Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less.

Looming Disaster

Next week, the Senate will vote on the Lieberman-Warner cap-and-trade climate control bill. The proposed statute is a nightmare that would devastate our economy. The Wall Street Journal calls it "the most extensive government reorganization of the American economy since the 1930s."

The EPA estimates that by 2030 it will reduce GDP by 0.9% to 3.8%, and that is based on assumptions that appear hopelessly optimistic. Even the EPA's assumptions contemplate an additional increase of 44% in the cost of electricity over what would occur without Lieberman-Warner.

The Chamber of Commerce has charted the various regulations, mandates and timelines that Liberman-Warner would dictate; click to enlarge:

The idea that American voters can change the Earth's climate is folly. The danger that voters could choose to cripple our economy is, however, very real.

To comment on this post go here.

Posted by John at 9:52 AM | Permalink 

Radical Conservationists Use Junk Science to Block Oil Drilling & Save Non-Threatened Species

Forget cheaper gas prices--

As gas prices sky rocket the Democratic Congress believes suing OPEC and nationalizing the oil industry is the answer to energy independence.
The Democratic Party refuses to expand development or production of energy sources.

Which party blocked the development of new sources of petroleum?-- Democrat
Which party blocked drilling in ANWR?-- Democrat
Which party blocked drilling off the coast of Florida?-- Democrat
Which party blocked drilling off of the east coast?-- Democrat
Which party blocked drilling off of the west coast?-- Democrat
Which party blocked drilling off the Alaskan coast?-- Democrat
Which party blocked building oil refineries?-- Democrat
Which party blocked clean nuclear energy production?-- Democrat
Which party blocked clean coal production?-- Democrat

And, now as gas prices sky rocket, radical liberal groups are demanding that the US ban offshore oil drilling and development to protect species not threatened by imaginary global warming.

After successfully blocking the Bush Administration from opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas development due to a "predicted" decline in polar bear numbers due to global warming, the radical conservationists are now going to sue to get the walrus placed on the threatened species list.
The Anchorage Daily News reported:

A conservation group gave notice Tuesday that it will sue to force federal action on a petition to list the Pacific walrus as a threatened species because of threats from global warming and offshore petroleum development.

The deadline was May 8 for an initial 90-day review of the petition by the U.S. Department of the Interior, according to Center for Biological Diversity attorney Brendan Cummings.

The group filed the petition in February.

Shaye Wolf, a biologist and lead author of the petition, said Arctic sea ice is disappearing faster than the best predictions of climate models.

"As the sea ice recedes, so does the future of the Pacific walrus," she said.

The conservation group was one of three that successfully petitioned to have polar bears listed as threatened because of sea ice loss caused by global warming, a decision announced May 14 by Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne. That listing also followed court action to force deadline decisions.
But, it doesn't stop there...
The radical conservationists are also petitioning to have government protect the ringed, bearded and spotted seals, which occur in the icy waters off Alaska in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas.

Forget lower gas prices and energy independence.
Democratic politicians will make sure that the US remains enslaved to radical regimes for oil supplies.

Michelle Malkin has more on the crazy enviro-litigation.

Thanks to Democratic "No Zones", the US Is in Grave Danger
It's Official, Cuba Hires China to Drill Oil Off Florida Coast
Despite Oil Crisis, Democrats AGAIN Block US Firms from Drilling!
Democrats Crack Gas Jokes Then Vote Against US Oil Development
Union Protesters Get Lost, End Up at White House
Democrats Fail to Prevent Senate Oil Drilling Bill from Passing
Despite Global Oil Crisis, Dems Will Block Drilling & Exploration!
In First 100 Hours, Democrats Propose Ban on Oil Drilling
Democrats Force American Energy Companies to Flee
Americans Can No Longer Afford the Pelosi-Reid Gas Prices
Pelosi-Reid Congress Sets Another Record... In Gas Prices
House Dems Pass Massive Tax Hike on Oil Companies to Bring Down Price of Fuel
So Much For That Pelosi Plan to Cut Gas Prices
Dems Mock Bush-- Vow No New Drilling or Nuclear Plants!!
This Will Be The #1 Issue in the 2008 Elections-- And, It Goes to Republicans
Halleluiah! House Dems Solve Oil Crisis-- Will Sue OPEC

UPDATE: David White noticed this bit of irony.
The staff attorney's requirement for the Center for Biological Diversity, the organization that is saving the walrus, demands FREQUENT TRAVEL:

That's great-- They're fighting global warming with global warming!

U.S. gas: So cheap it hurts

U.K. Cuts Taxes on Oil Fields, Opens Areas to Development

Oil Exporters Are Unable To Keep Up With Demand

Posted at 10:50am on May 29, 2008 REDSTATE ROUNDTABLE #11: High Oil Prices

In Which Blackhedd Takes On The American Motorist

By Dan McLaughlin

What follows started as a regular email thread but spiralled into something we felt should be posted as a roundtable on the site - a discussion of the future of gasoline-powered automobiles in America.

Hunter Baker: This interview is profoundly disturbing with regard to the oil situation. Can anyone help me feel better about it?

The rest of the roundtable follows...

Posted in | | Comments (84)

Wal-Mart puts the squeeze on food costs

Africa: Continent Now Facing Black Apartheid

The Future's Not Ours To See 

If those clowns were gone, we'd be freer and have more of our own money...

Incredible pictures of one of Earth's last uncontacted tribes firing bows and arrows

Microsoft Is Officially Out of Ideas

   So Windows 7 will be like a bad imitation of the iPhone.

Goldwater Unfiltered

This has gone on my list of reading…

Barry in his own words, 1964 Interview on Elections eve

... and *sswipe 1964 Gunga Dan doing is typical job .... “who’s finger do you trust on that nuclear trigger ? “

Nuclear Scare “daisy girl” TV commercial for Lyndon Baines Johnson— and Redux turnabout

The Anchoress On Dignity And Suffering

The Anchoress, who I've long felt is one of the best pure writers in the blogosphere has a must-read, very moving article about her the suffering and death of her brother, and most importantly her faith. You have to read this. It's brilliant, moving, and thought-provoking.

Reader Tips

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to SDA Late Nite Radio. Kate has asked me to look after the daily Reader Tips entries while she is away, by combining them with the SDA LNR shows. So without further ado, here for your delectation is Zubin Mehta conducting the massed Israel Philharmonic and Berlin Philharmonic Orchestras, in Tel Aviv in 1990, performing the allegro finale from Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, op. 67 by Ludwig van Beethoven:

Your reader tips are of course, as always, welcome in the comments.

SDA LNR Update: Harvey Korman has passed away. Cal2, in the comments, has already noted this three part Archive of American Television interview with Harvey Korman and Tim Conway. On a lighter note, you might also enjoy this Friendly Business Lunch sketch, starring Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, and Steve Lawrence, from, of course, the inimitable Carol Burnett show.

Posted by Vitruvius at 12:01 AM | Comments (19)

8,562 posted on 05/30/2008 1:07:09 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: All

It takes 15 union bureaucrats to fight one Ezra Levant!

"Friends, until I received this information, I thought the complaint was about me. How selfish I was! Me, me, me -- that was all I could talk about! I couldn't go a day without bitching about my nearly $100,000 legal fees; or complaining about the 800 days I've been under the stigma of this prosecution; or whining about 'freedom this' or 'due process that.'

"I see now that this is much bigger than me. It's about putting bread on the table for fifteen hungry families. In the Alberta economy (unemployment rate: 3.3%) if these government bureaucrats couldn't prosecute me for a living, they might actually have to venture out from their 30 hour a week public sector union jobs and do some respectable work..."

"I've written a lot about the corrupt Canadian Human Rights Commission. But Alberta's HRC is just as nutty. It answers not to the provincial justice minister, but to the province's Culture and Community Spirit ministry. That's funny and sad at the same time.

"Why not show your community spirit and send a note to Lindsay Blackett, the freshman MLA elected just two months ago, who is now minister of this portfolio. His biography looks surprisingly normal for a politician -- he coaches sports, and before becoming a politician, he sold electronics. In other words, he doesn't come from the grievance industry. He's also Black, living in a very white neighbourhood of Calgary. Which means he knows Albertans aren't bigoted and in need of a human rights commission to tell them how to behave. Otherwise, how could he have won his riding so handily? And Blackett isn't beholden to any ethno-politics for his victory.

"Blackett is only two months on the job, so I doubt he's had a chance to become well-briefed on this file. I think it's time we sent him some correspondence to help bring him up to speed, don't you?

"You can e-mail him here."


UPDATE 1-Petrobras makes new, "important" light oil find (More oil in Brazil)

UK knife campaign launched after spate of fatal stabbings-(guess pipes and rocks are next)

Get a hold of this - download! [reaction to Islamification in Eurabia]


Moving Toward Energy Rationing

The end of the fake consensus on global warming

Scratch a "Green"

... and what do you find?

A limousine Liberal:

LONDON -- After hundreds of angry drivers shut down highways in England yesterday in protest against green automobile taxes, and drivers and fishermen in France and Spain paralyzed their ports and roads in a fuel-tax protest, politicians began to signal Europe's ambitious emission-control policies may soon have to be abandoned.

While Europe has led the way in using tax incentives to encourage people to buy low-emission cars and to build carbon-neutral houses in order to meet Kyoto targets, it has become increasingly apparent that inflation-battered voters are no longer willing to go along.

When I composed the ecophobe checklist, it was meant to be a joke ... I may need to rethink that. There's got to be a way of telling a genuine "green" from a fake.

For you earth haters ... you can rate yourself here ... click.

Posted by Cjunk at 8:35 PM | Comments (21)

The bloody consequences of illegal alien sanctuary at the White House doorstep

May 29, 2008 10:29 AM by Michelle Malkin

Despite sporadic immigration enforcement efforts elsewhere around the country, the D.C. area remains a sanctuary for thugs like this:

But don’t you dare think about criticizing lax immigration enforcement if you happen to be a person of color.

The Spitter will call you an “Uncle Tom.”82 Comments

Southpaw said:

The big irony is coming down the tracks. When this type of alien invader violence starts occuring on K Street, The Hamptons, Westchester County, Marin County, etc., it will be too late. The political, cultural and media elites will find themselves under assault like the rest of us.

Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That’’s 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.

I really can’t say it any better than this liberal blog: “[T]here is clearly something wrong at Trinity Church in Chicago.”
...this just shows how racist liberals are. Seriously - I had always thought it was possible but this really makes it so obvious. And are these the kinds of people I want running the country?

He’s baaaack: Obama supporter Rev. Michael Pfleger flogs Hillary’s “white entitlement” on the pulpit

By Michelle Malkin  •  May 29, 2008 11:48 AM

The company he keeps

I’ve reported before on Obama supporter/spiritual advisor/Jeremiah Wright chum/Farrakhan cheerleader Rev. Michael Pfleger and his racial demagoguery (see March 29 and April 30).

Pfleger, who until recently was featured on the Obama campaign website as a spiritual endorser, was back at Obama’s Trinity United Church this weekend mocking Hillary Clinton’s “white entitlement.” It’s one thing to ridicule Hillary’s sense of political and ideological entitlement as part of the Clinton dynasty. But the demagogic emphasis on her race from this hate preacher on the pulpit is quite another thing. You really have to see his performance to believe it.

Here’s the video that’s getting around. I’ve transcribed it below as well if you can’t stomach the antics:

Pastor Otis Moss: He needs no introduction. He’s a friend of Trinity, he’s a brother beloved. He’s a preacher par excellence. He’s a prophetic, powerful pulpiteer. He is our friend. He is our brother. He is none other than Father Michael Pfleger. (Crowd on its feet, standing ovation, loud applause). We welcome him once again…

…Pfleger: [Unintelligible] to address the one who says, “Well, don’t hold me responsible (gesticulating) for what my ancestors did. But you have enjoyed the benefits of what your ancestors did and unless you are ready to give up the benefits (voice rising), throw away your 401 fund, throw away your trust fund, throw away all the money you put into the company you WALKED INTO BECAUSE YO’ DADDY AND YO’ GRANDDADDY AND YO’ GREATGRANDDADDY–(screaming at the top of his lungs)–UNLESS YOU’RE WILLING TO GIVE UP THE BENEFITS, THEN YOU MUST BE REPSONSIBLE FOR WHAT WAS DONE IN YOUR GENERATION ‘CUZ YOU ARE THE BENEFICIARY OF THIS INSURANCE POLICY! (Wild gestures, wild applause).

…We must be honest enough to expose white entitlement and supremacy wherever it raises its head.

I said before I don’t want this to be politica because, you know, I’m very unpolitical (mocking tone, huge laughter).

…When Hillary was crying (gesturing tears, uproarious laughter from audience)–and people said that was put on–I really don’t believe it was put on.

I really believe that she just always thought ‘This is mine’ (laughter, hoots). ‘I’m Bill’s wife. I’m WHITE. And this is mine. And I jus’ gotta get up. And step into the plate. And then out of nowhere came, ‘Hey, I’m Barack Obama.’ And she said: ‘Oh, damn!’ WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?!?! (Crowd going nuts, Pfleger screaming). I’M WHITE! I’M ENTITLED! THERE’S A BLACK MAN STEALING MY SHOW. (SOBS!) SHE WASN’T THE ONLY ONE CRYING! THERE WAS A WHOLE LOTTA WHITE PEOPLE CRYING!

I’m sorry. I don’t wanna get you in any mo’ trouble. The livestreaming just went out again…

Here’s the Pfleger endorsement of Obama that has been scrubbed from the campaign site:


I really can’t say it any better than this liberal blog: “[T]here is clearly something wrong at Trinity Church in Chicago.”

More from Allahpundit: “Funny how these longtime acquaintances of his keep “surprising” him with incendiary racial rhetoric.”

UPDATE [See-Dubya]: Under the bus with you, Preacher-man!

Posted in: Barack Obama

8,563 posted on 05/30/2008 1:55:22 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: All
If I had a Royal Commission - EXCELLENT Song - Go Listen!
You have to go listen to this song! They put so much effort into it, and they have links all through the lyrics.
Here comes the Rights Commission, second time today
Everybody logs off and hopes they go away
How many folks they've framed now, only God could say
But if I had a royal commission, I'd make somebody pay

I don't believe in Section 13 or investigators leaving bait
Cause if there ain't no haters out there, Lord, they're easy to create
And when I read on FreeDominion of Human Rights folks spreading hate
If I had a royal commission then I would set things straight

In the right wing blogosphere, one hundred thousand wait
To be sued by Richard Warman, or some less humane fate
It's just like Charlie Manson suing Sharon Tate
If I had a royal commission I would not hesitate

You can get them on the stand, but they're just gonna lie
Or say they don't remember who wrote those words or why
Stealing people's wireless -- echoes of the victims' wails --
If I had a royal commission, somebody'd go to jail

Ga. Democracts sue over voter ID law

Guns aren't welcome in Toronto (BARF ALERT - gun grabbing councillor speaks)

Well, duh...

Gas Crunch Takes Toll On RV Sales

Workers shifting to 4-day week to save gasoline

Rising Gas Cost Rocks Boaters

I’ve seen the same argument from liberals about our taxes. Our taxes are not that high compared to other Western countries. Of course, all those Western countries are socialist countries with very high taxes.

Drilling Our Way Out of Rising Oil Prices

"American Solutions" website. The petition is "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less", catchy title. He is also talking about a "stop Warner-Liebermann" drive which is a very good idea that needs doing and fast.

Global Warming: A Natural Cycle

A Third Party Isn't the Way [Rush Limbaugh]

Anita Creamer: America finally has an Oprah overload

Obama, Mysteries and Scandals


8,564 posted on 05/30/2008 10:52:59 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: All
From Communism to environmentalism

Bob Dole goes freakin’ nuclear on Scott McClellan

May 30, 2008 01:26 PM by see-dubya

Whoa, nelly!

“There are miserable creatures like you in every administration who don’t have the guts to speak up or quit if there are disagreements with the boss or colleagues,” Dole wrote in a message sent yesterday morning. “No, your type soaks up the benefits of power, revels in the limelight for years, then quits, and spurred on by greed, cashes in with a scathing critique.”

It gets better. Nicely done, Senator.

UPDATE: Commenter Iamsaved cautions “Don’t be surprised if the money trail [for McClellan’s book] leads to George Soros or one of his ilk”.

Oh, I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

Allah’s got some more questions about the book’s financing.38 Comments


8,565 posted on 05/30/2008 11:32:13 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: All
Since a lot of people liked the first movie trailer for The Last Days of the CHRC... .

The directors have smuggled out of Canada a second movie trailer for The Last Days of the CHRC. In this one the CHRC finds out about the RCMP investigation and the Commissioner takes a trip to TO to see Special K's band SFH....

Enjoy. Smile

Canada's Free Speech Hall of Shame




Exxon Mobil's CEO says his energy company's "corporate social responsibility" is to produce more energy. While Congress wants to tax oil profits, he wants to spend them to find more oil. What a concept.

More oil seems good to me. And somebody needs to pin down the critics on just what sources of energy are acceptable, given that they don't like oil, don't want nuclear, oppose gas drilling, are limiting oil shale, and even get in the way of wind power.

Oh No! What If It Gets Colder?

Capping Growth, Trading Principles

8,566 posted on 05/30/2008 12:59:37 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: All

Maclean's to live blog Mark Steyn's June 2 trial










The Conservative government has introduced a motion to Parliament's Justice Committee proposing an investigation into the abusive, corrupt practises of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. The motion specifically refers to public "concerns" about the CHRC's "investigative techniques" and their "interpretation and application" of the section 13 thought crimes provision.

DykstraRick_CPC.jpgThe resolution, which you can read here in both official languages, was put forward by Rick Dykstra (pictured at left), the Conservative MP from St. Catherines, Ontario, with the knowledge and approval of the Justice Minister, Rob Nicholson. Here is an e-mail from Nicholson, sent to a voter just today, in which you can read his change of approach. An excerpt from Nicholson's letter:

I would like to inform you that my caucus colleague Mr. Rick Dykstra has tabled a motion that the House of Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights examine and make recommendations with respect to the CHRC, including its mandate, operations, and interpretation and application of provisions relating to section 13 of the CHRA, which addresses hate messages. I look forward to that review.

Jason Kenney, the Secretary of State for Multiculturalism, was also instrumental in getting this issue onto the government's agenda.

Here's the text of it:

Whereas concerns have been raised regarding the investigative techniques of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (the "Commission") and the interpretation and application of section 13 of the Canada Human Rights Act (the "Act"); and

Whereas the Commission operates independently and reports to Parliament;

Be it resolved that the Justice and Human Rights Committee examine and make recommendations with respect to the Canadian Human Rights Commission and in particular:

a) review the mandate and operations of the Commission;
b) review the Commission's application and interpretation of section 13 of the Act;
c) Solicit and consider oral submissions from the Chief Commissioner and oral or written submissions from other interested persons or organizations;
d) Submit a report, including any proposed amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act arising out of the results of the Committee's inquiry.

The government's proposed inquiry comes on top of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada's announcement last month that she is investigating the corrupt and abusive conduct of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. And earlier this month, Ottawa police referred a criminal complaint about the CHRC to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who are now conducting a criminal investigation.

I don't think the CHRC is going to be a pleasant place to work for the next year or so -- longer if criminal charges are laid.

These official investigations are on top of the nearly-unanimous public outrage at the CHRC's behaviour, which has drawn criticism from across the ideological spectrum. Groups ranging from PEN Canada, to the Canadian Association of Journalists, to the former executive director of EGALE, to the head of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, to every newspaper in the country from right to left, have united in opposition to the CHRC.

This is not the end of our campaign, of course. As Winston Churchill said after the breakthrough British victory at El Alamein, "this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."

Back in January, I outlined a two-phase plan:

1. Denormalize the commissions; and 2. Press legislators to act.

It's time to emphasize point two, but we should still keep up on point one. Point one is the easy part; frankly, Canada's HRCs undo themselves on nearly a daily basis. Think about the wall of negative press that's coming their way on Monday, when the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal starts their show trial of Maclean's magazine. When the Government of Alberta tried to censor the press 70 years ago, the Edmonton Journal won a Pulitzer Prize for their resistance, and the government of the day got a black eye. Let's keep helping the HRCs to give themselves black eyes.

But let's really dig in on this Parliamentary inquiry now -- phase two.

From what I understand, the motion has not yet gone to a vote at the Justice Committee, because of other procedural wrangling that's been tying up the committee. The first step is for the committee to pass the resolution, and that requires a majority of votes.

The second step is to make sure that whoever is conducting the inquiry into the CHRC's misconduct conducts a wide-ranging investigation, looking into all aspects of the CHRC's corruption. Just off the top of my head, that includes everything from the CHRC's habits of posting bigoted comments online; to their illegal use of police search warrants; to their refusal to disclose records to respondents as required by law; to their corrupt investigative practises and their inherent conflicts of interest; to their clear anti-speech animus; not to mention the obvious issues of Internet hacking.

No doubt, Canada's grievance industry -- the race hustlers, the second-rate lawyers, everyone who makes a buck off the system -- will be at any inquiry in spades, arguing desperately, maybe even in tears, for the retention of their meal ticket. They have to be countered; this can't become another convention of complainers-for-hire like the Canadian Race Relations farce I attended. It's got to represent not only the aforementioned pro-free-speech groups, but plenty of "severely normal" people, too. I think witnesses ought to include Canadian soldiers fighting in Afghanistan, to ask them what they think of the importance of freedom and the price we should pay to defend it.

The inquiry needs to do a lot of homework first, too -- lest it be bamboozled by the PR spin of the CHRC. Had I not read thousands of pages of transcripts and other documents, I wouldn't have known that Ian Fine was lying when I debated him last weekend in Edmonton. Fine might not even have known he was lying, if he was relying on his own staff to tell him the truth about their conduct. When you're going up against serial tricksters, you've got to be prepared.

But that comes later. For now, let's get this resolution through the Justice Committee. We can put together a briefing book for the MPs later, and even put together a raft of witnesses from whom the inquiry should hear. I think that should include everyone from Alan Borovoy to Marc Lemire. And I think Richard Warman himself should be subpoenaed to answer questions about his own online bigotry in the name of "human rights". I'm not sure his "I can't remember" shtick will go over as easily in Parliament as it did before the kangaroo courts. (Question: what is the penalty if a subpoenaed witness is found in contempt of Parliament?)

So let's get to work.

1. Write to Rick Dykstra giving him your support.

2. Write to Rob Nicholson, too. Though he was not the first to join the fray, he has done so. And, though many would have liked him to have moved faster, remember that governments -- especially a minority federal government, in continual jeopardy of an election -- move more slowly than the blogosphere does. All things considered, they're on track.

And though Nicholson's approach -- a Parliamentary inquiry -- may seem too deliberate for those of us who already know that the CHRC is a corrupt, abusive mess, an inquiry is the proper approach for a serious government that is contemplating wholesale changes to the CHRC. The i's must be dotted, and t's crossed. And, though such an inquiry will take months, I don't see it as a delay -- the opposite: I see it as a chance for the CHRC's worst actors to be subpoenaed, pinned down under oath, and grilled. That doesn't happen too often -- but when it does, amazing things happen, as the March 25th hearing proved. Imagine an inquiry conducted by someone who wasn't just a human rights industry patsy like those that stack the Canadian Human Rights Tribunals.

3. Write to the rest of the Justice Committee's members -- of all parties. The list of them can be found here. Encourage them to support the resolution for the inquiry. Remember, this is a non-partisan issue; plenty of Liberals have signed on to reforms, too. And I have just received an encouraging letter from the Bloc Quebecois that I'll post shortly.

4. And take a final moment to write to Jason Kenney and Keith Martin to thank them too. Kenney helped stick-handle this issue through the Conservative side of the aisle; and Martin helped give the issue important early momentum -- and non-partisan credentials -- through his own private member's motion.

We're winning.


Federal Gov't to Launch Investigation into CHRC !
"It's about G-- d---- time!"

Kerry: On Sept. 11 We Were at Peace

We were also at “peace” on December 7th 1941...
Logan's Run: The Death Centres Awaiting Us

Bankruptcy Reform Act Finally Blows Sky High

Sex and the City portrays women as 'sluts' - Lauren Hutton
And you thought the safety Nazis were bad....
by Eric

Yesterday I wrote a post titled "How do I tell Coco they want to kill her?"

I am writing this one lest anyone think I was engaged in hyperbole. While I admitted that I was being emotional, the fact is that people who love their dogs do consider them members of their families, and when the government proposes taking them away and killing them, the effect on the emotions really isn't that different than if the government literally proposed killing human family members.

Losing a dog is a very traumatic event. I grieved as much for Puff as I have for a number of people, and by saying this, I in no way diminish the people I loved or the love I felt for them. Animals are animals, and they are not human, but grief is still grief.

Anyway, I did not exaggerate when I said that they want to kill Coco.

When I wrote yesterday's post, I was unaware of a proposed law in Ohio which would do just that:

"Pit bulls seem to be the dog of choice on the streets," said state Representative Tyrone Yates, D-53rd district, explaining his motive for House Bill 568, a proposal to ban pit bulls in Ohio.

Yates' bill would give pit bull owners 90 days to get the dogs out of Ohio before ordering county dog wardens to seize and destroy the dogs.

"I think eliminating vicious dogs is as important to reclaiming our cities as controlling gun violence and making sure our young people are going to school," says Yates.

And more from the Baltimore Sun Weblog:
While numerous local governments have adopted pit bull bans -- like the two towns in the Dakotas we referred to earlier this week -- this is the first proposed statewide ban with which I'm familiar. It's a highly revolting development, and one that -- though, granted, it pertains to exterminating breeds of dogs instead of races of people -- is reminiscent of some shameful times in world history.

I'm hoping this can't happen in 21st Century America, but then again, on a local level, it already has.

Even the American Kennel Club -- normally focused on purebred breeds, of which the pit bull is not one -- is urging citizens to voice their opposition to it, as you can see here.

We often hear talk about "safety Nazis" and the like, but these people really do want to conduct door to door searches to find and kill dogs.
(C)(1) Beginning ninety days after the effective date of this section, if an officer has probable cause to believe that a dog is a pit bull dog, the officer may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for a search warrant. The court shall issue a search warrant for the purposes requested if there is probable cause to believe that a dog is a pit bull dog.

(2) After obtaining a search warrant, an officer shall seize the pit bull dog and surrender the dog to the dog warden. Not later than ten days after receiving the dog, the dog warden shall euthanize the dog.

It's easy to say that I don't live in Ohio, but they're trying to allow municipalities to do it here in Pennsylvania, and while I can move, do I have to spend my life hiding and running? Must I live in fear of neighborhood informants telling the government that I have a pit bull hidden in my attic, and worry that eventually they will find Coco and drag her away to be killed while I scream and cry helplessly, wailing away like some poor babushka in Stalinist Russia who just lost her husband to the NKVD?

Yes, I know Coco is just a dog.

But I also thought I was living in the land of the free.

posted by Eric at 04:19 PM | Comments (1)

UPDATE: Here's more from the ADBA:

If you believe that it does not affect you because you don't own a "pit bull," it may shock you to know that ALL of the following breeds have been targeted; Akita, Alaskan Malamute, American Bull Dog, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Belgian Malinois, Boerboel, Bull Terrier, Cane Corso, Chow Chow, Doberman Pincher, Dogo Argentino, English Mastiff, Fila Brasileiro, German Shepard, Great Dane, Irish Wolf Hound, Mastiff, Presa Mallorquin, Presa Canario, Rottweiler, Scottish Deerhound, Shar Pei, Siberian Husky, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and the Tosa Inu.

Continue reading "How do I tell Coco they want to kill her?"


Leftist Coverup of Obama’s Radical Roots Underway

8,567 posted on 05/30/2008 3:41:27 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: All
 Federal Gov't to Launch Investigation into CHRC ! [ 1, 2 ]
Ezra's Advice
The top news story of 2008 ?
Excerpt: The Conservative government has introduced a motion to Parliament’s Justice Committee proposing an investigation into the abusive, corrupt practises of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. The motion specifically refers to public “concerns...
Weblog: Bear Diaries ... with Stillman.
Below is a list of those on the Justice and Human Rights Committee. I have written to several already and intend to reach every single member and associate member. I would urge you all to do the same.

Art Hanger


Réal Ménard
Brian Murphy


Larry Bagnell
Blaine Calkins
Joe Comartin
Rick Dykstra
Carole Freeman
Dominic LeBlanc
Derek Lee
Rob Moore
Daniel Petit


Jim Abbott
Harold Albrecht
Mike Allen
Dean Allison
Rob Anders
David Anderson
Sue Barnes
Dave Batters
Leon Benoit
James Bezan
Bill Blaikie
Steven Blaney
Sylvie Boucher
Garry Breitkreuz
Bonnie Brown
Gord Brown
Patrick Brown
Rod Bruinooge
Ron Cannan
Colin Carrie
Rick Casson
Michael D. Chong
Rob Clarke
Joe Comuzzi
Irwin Cotler
John Cummins
Patricia Davidson
Libby Davies
Dean Del Mastro
Barry Devolin
Sukh Dhaliwal
Norman Doyle
Ken Epp Meili Faille
Ed Fast
Brian Fitzpatrick
Steven John Fletcher
Cheryl Gallant
Peter Goldring
Gary Goodyear
Jacques Gourde
Nina Grewal
Richard Harris
Luc Harvey
Laurie Hawn
Russ Hiebert
Betty Hinton
Rahim Jaffer
Brian Jean
Marlene Jennings
Randy Kamp
Gerald Keddy
Wajid Khan
Ed Komarnicki
Daryl Kramp
Mike Lake
Guy Lauzon
Carole Lavallée
Denis Lebel
Pierre Lemieux
Tom Lukiwski
James Lunney
Dave MacKenzie
John Maloney
Fabian Manning
Inky Mark
Wayne Marston
Colin Mayes
John McKay
Serge Ménard
Ted Menzies
Rob Merrifield
Larry Miller
Bob Mills
James Moore
Anita Neville
Rick Norlock
Deepak Obhrai
Brian Pallister
Pierre Poilievre
Joe Preston
Penny Priddy
James Rajotte
Scott Reid
Lee Richardson
Gary Schellenberger
Bev Shipley
Bill Siksay
Carol Skelton
Joy Smith
Kevin Sorenson
Lloyd St. Amand
Bruce Stanton
Brian Storseth
David Sweet
Myron Thompson
David Tilson
Bradley R. Trost
Mervin C. Tweed
Dave Van Kesteren
Maurice Vellacott
Mike Wallace
Mark Warawa
Chris Warkentin
Jeff Watson J
ohn Williams
Lynne Yelich
Breakthrough On Busting the CHRC -- This shows the power of the blogosphere can actually get things moving. It also shows, once again, how irrelevant, the mainstream media is to Canadian life. With the exception of Mike Duffy and the National Post, the coverage of the attack on free speech in Canada has been atrocious. The Washington Times has had more coverage than any other paper in this country, except the National Post
A Letter From Rob Nicholson
Bloc MP: CHRC "must be carefully examined", "...

California Decision Will Radically Change Society

Colorado Opens Women’s Room to Men, Predators

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome No Longer Seen as ‘Yuppie Flu’

Food prices are rocketing all over Europe

Ozone-Depleting Inhalers Being Phased Out (Ozone means nothing when you're dead)

The 1895 heat wave and other forbidden subjects

Opera Lovers Delight

I'd say that some things are beyond parody ... but then, this is SDA:

MILAN, Italy (AP) — First it was the film and the book. Now the next stop for Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" is opera.

La Scala officials say the Italian composer Giorgio Battistelli has been commissioned to produce an opera on the international multiformat hit for the 2011 season at the Milan opera house. The composer is currently artistic director of the Arena in Verona.

Posted by Cjunk at 6:17 PM | Comments (4)

Chances dim for climate change legislation - Business coalition splinters on cap(tax) and trade

Big-Government Environmentalism Wears Out Its Welcome

The carbon tax is the BTU tax. And it and/or a cap-and-trade scheme are coming.

I never thought I'd see a congress so dopey that it passed a law to ban the incandescent light bulb, but it happened. Beyond my wildest dreams, I wouldn't have imagined Bush would sign the bill into law, but it happened.

Environmentalists Pick Up Where Communists Left Off (by Charles Krauthammer)

Truly humane mop up after well-meaners

--Rather than put an old horse out to pasture, some folks are taken them across to border where they still have slaughter houses. THANK YOU PETA and the rest of the lefty loons.

Absolutely chuffed! What happened when 30 grown men gave up 18 years to build a steam train

--In 1938, driving an engine like the world record-breaking Mallard (a streamlined LNER design) was roughly akin to being an astronaut.


Hotlinkable Free Smiley Face from Free Smileys
Hotlinkable Free Smiley Face from Free Smileys
Hotlinkable Free Smiley Face from Free Smileys


Shark This is gonna be fun....


Image and video hosting by TinyPic 

8,568 posted on 05/31/2008 4:14:18 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: All
Andrew Coyne to live blog Steyn v. the Roo's
War: Cdn Gov't not sure if Catholicism a 'hate' crime

Paging All Pre-Dead Minions!

May 31, 2008 by binky

Canada’s Elected Free Speech Honour Roll:

———- HONOUR ROLL ———-

1. Dr. Keith Martin, LPC, Esquimalt – Juan de Fuca

2. Dan McTeague, LPC, Pickering - Scarborough East,

3. James Rajotte CPC, Edmonton Southwest

4. Lee Richardson, CPC, Calgary Center

5. Andrew Telegdi, LPC, Kitchener-Waterloo,

6. Kevin Sorenson, CPC, Crowfoot

7. Bruce Stanton, CPC, Simcoe North

8. Nina Grewal, CPC, Fleetwood-Port Kells

9. Paul Szabo, LPC, Mississauga South,

10. Jason Kenney, CPC, Calgary Southeast

11. John Cummins, CPC, Delta-Richmond East

12. Rick Dykstra, CPC, St. Catherines

13. Rob Nicholson, CPC, Niagara Falls

14. Rob Anders, CPC, Calgary West

15. Russ Hiebert,CPC, South Surrey - White Rock

————- Also Eligible List —————

1 A.E.- France Bonsant, BLOC, Compton - Stanstead

Saith Binks

Therefore: please write letters of thanks & encouragement & further info to these stalwarts, for they will be under pressure to pipe down.

Also: Write letter to the other MPs & the Prime Minister, encouraging a stronger stance from other members on this most fundamental issue. Polite, firm, positive, reasonable, one page. Round-file your well-crafted harangues– they are often worse than useless.

And: re-read Ezra’s latest. It’s pure Gold. We’re lucky to have this guy in Canada, reminding us what true manhood, Canadianness, and courage are all about.

Don’t forget to donate to all our blog-friends under threat of witless lawsuits.

Further: All you religious types please pray about all this, for our leaders, for Mark and Ezra and all our blog-corps, and those under legal threat– and that this good land of Canada be preserved with the blessings of freedom and peace.

No gloating or slacking– It ain’t over till it’s over; give thanks for this good news, then redouble the fight.



The Economics of America’s Climate Security Act of 2007...not only will consumers be hurt, but the poorest of those will be hurt the worst.

When You Fill Up the Tank Thank Congress for High Gas Prices ( David Strom )

The #1 Winning Economic Issue for the GOP (if they're smart)

The Price of Gas Since November 2006, when the Dem's won both houses of Congress, and January 2007, when the Dems actually started governing.

It was at a 3 year low just before election day, moved little until inauguration day for the new Congress, and then all hell broke loose.

Every candidate should bring this chart with him or her to every campaign event. The Democrat leadership as been the most ineffectual and incompetent in my lifetime (and I'm 54!)

Please, GOP, get your act together...

'Toronto 18' terror trial starts

Taxpayers May Face Hurricane Tab [Democrats want to nationalize insurance business]

So, those of us living in the other 49 states got to pay for somebody else's stupidity.   It’s all over, folks. We might as well declare the idea of the land of the free and the home of the brave officially over.
Who Pays How Much in Taxes
Love the fruits of gun bans...

Living in Britain is Now More Dangerous Than the Balkans, Report Reveals

Michael Crichton, VindicatedHis 1993 prediction of mass-media extinction now looks on target.

Michael Crichton. Click to expand image.Michael Crichton

In 1993, novelist Michael Crichton riled the news business with a Wired magazine essay titled "Mediasaurus," in which he prophesied the death of the mass media—specifically the New York Times and the commercial networks. "Vanished, without a trace," he wrote.

Sweden turning sewage into a gasoline substitute (Virtually odorless)
It will take me a few minutes to find the picture... stand by...

Located that picture- view it, and wince...

And just for the record?

It's not "circumcision"--

it's mutilation...

Loving My Heart-The Recovery From Open Heart Surgery is Worse Than the Operation


8,569 posted on 05/31/2008 1:22:26 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: All

In an earlier post, I pointed out how Shirlene McGovern, my Alberta Human Rights Commission interrogator, thought that the 12 Danish cartoons of Mohammed included three additional hoaxes, circulated by radical imams to whip up riots in the Muslim world. McGovern's written notes indicate that she had no clue that those three additional cartoons -- which depicted Mohammed as a pig, and having sex with a dog -- were fabrications made by Muslim agents provocateurs. The very first result in a Google search for "Danish cartoons" would have shown that was the case. Maybe one of the fifteen government bureaucrats working on my file might have tried that, but would have shown rather too much initiative.

But a keen-eyed correspondent reminded me of something even more startling: the very Western Standard article that the HRC is investigating reports that fact.

You can see a .pdf of the article, exactly as it ran, right here.

Here is a snapshot of the paragraph in which we point out the hoax cartoons:

hoax.JPGIt's one thing for Shirlene McGovern and her fourteen lazy confreres not to show enough curiosity to do some research into the Danish cartoons themselves.

But you'd think that, in the 800-plus days they've been investigating me for publishing a news article about cartoons, that they'd have taken a moment to actually read the news article they're investigating

Fire. Them. All.


DIGITAL NOMADS: High gas prices promote telecommuting. "One thing leads to another. High gas prices prompt employers (including the federal government) to allow employees to work from home once a week. Once that's accepted culturally, an elephant appears in the boardroom: If it's OK once a week, why isn't it OK five times a week? (This is what happened with 'casual Friday' -- its once-a-week acceptance lead to the current trend of casual wear every day.) Once telecommuting is accepted, 'extreme telecommuting' -- working from the Bahamas or Paris or an internet-connected shack on the Australian Outback -- becomes acceptable, too. After all, once you're out of the office and connecting to the company over the Internet, it doesn't really matter where you are, does it?"

All is proceeding exactly as I have foreseen. Related thoughts here.

8,570 posted on 05/31/2008 1:40:18 PM PDT by backhoe
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Screwtape toasts [Canada's human rights] Commissions

Steyn & Suchlike

~ MARK STEYN’S show trial starts this Monday.” Or, rather, as citizens of the True North Strong & Free, our exposing and uprooting of this flawed and vicious process starts in earnest on Monday. So, dear peasant rabble, grab your metaphorical pitchforks and torches, and Man-up! Gut-check time. Canada or bust– but never Canuckistan …. (rightwingnews)

~ COUNTDOWN TO CONVICTION: THE DAM BREAKS– The Canadian government makes a move on the eve of next week’s show trial. A tyro court reporter gets the career break he’s been waiting for, but not everyone’s on board - and Beyond Robson is not impressed by plans for public protest. Meanwhile, Mark’s US bestseller and Canadian hate crime is just released and back in the Top Ten, but don’t wait for the thought police to seize it from the bookshelves: order your personally autographed copy exclusively from the Steyn Store. …. (Steyn, et al.)



Climate Bill Underlines Obstacles to Capping Greenhouse Gases ("Only the mafia" skims $ like this)

WORKING AGAIN ON ocean thermal power systems.

Scientist Creates Cold Fusion For The First Time in Decades

Doing as the Leader Did

Little by little, one person at a time, more Westerners are beginning to get it. Unfortunately, most Western elites aren't getting it, despite the fact that the truth is right there under their noses … in black and white text:

My essay on the topic:

There may be any number of reasons why Islam is so uncompromisingly supremacist, but one reason stands out among all others. That is the fact that the foundational texts of Islam are supremacist in the extreme ... to the point of advocating violence as the main form of enforcement. To read about Muhammad, whose example all Muslims are required to follow, is to read about a brutal chauvinist who used murder, deceit, theft and all kind of barbaric means to pursue his agenda. Furthermore, he took the chauvinism common in his time and expanded on it, making Christian chauvinism of the era pale in comparison.

Compare this to Christianity. Anyone at all familiar with Christian foundational texts understands immediately that Christianity is by and large a pacifist religion. Christian foundational texts focus on spirituality and are almost completely devoid of political guidance. Christian foundations can best be described as "turn the other cheek". Muslim foundations can best be described as "smite the unbelievers."

Jihad watch weighs in, taking a stab at Western politicians who march on, blinkers firmly in place:

Almost seven years have passed since 9/11, and we're hearing the same thing from our leaders that we've heard since 9/12. It is a reminder that, at the highest level of government, policy decisions are driven -- hijacked, if you will -- by willful blindness to the roots of the ideology that motivates not only al-Qaeda, but is also common to Hizballah, Hamas, and other jihadist groups. Does anyone at the State Department, Homeland Security, or elsewhere, ever puzzle at how ingrained and widespread jihadist activity is, even outside of the Wahhabi sphere of influence, if it's supposedly all just a big misunderstanding and "hijacking" of an otherwise peaceful belief system?

Watch Hirsi Ali struggle in vain to get through to a thick-skulled journalist.

Posted by Cjunk at 5:56 PM | Comments (14)

More Pavilions in South Africa's Folkfest

Xenophopic violence continues in South Africa- the toll so far being 62 dead and 670 wounded:

Attacks broke out in a poor neighbourhood of Johannesburg on May 11 and spread across the country, targeting immigrants including Zimbabweans and Mozambicans, whom locals blamed for taking their jobs.

The Ugandans aren't impressed with South Africans:

We have always known South African black people to be even more discriminatory than the whites who rode roughshod over them during apartheid. We just didn't think they'd go this far- beating and killing fellow blacks from other countries, blaming them for their economic woes.

The Nigerians are protesting at the South African embassy.

Mozambique claims there has been no retaliation against South Africans but they have absorbed 32,000 people fleeing the violence.

Of course none of this is really new to South Africa, it has just become more intense and is now making the news. Just check out the dismal photo gallery that has been documenting the death of Johannesburg since 2006.

Posted by Jaeger at 12:39 AM | Comments (1)

Polar Bears Endangered--By Greenie Bureaucrats

Don't Talk to the Police

Big Bangs: 'Stirring' Secrets Of Deadly Supervolcanoes Uncovered

Footprints In The Ash (Human-Mexico-40,000-YA)

Contra John Quiggin and Tim Lambert, DDT is usually the most cost-effective...
...a Gulfstream II jet, packed with nearly four tons of cocaine, crashed in Mexico’s Yucatan on Sept. 24 of last year, the owners of that jet were Clyde O’Connor and Greg Smith — both pilots who hail from Florida.
Both men have since vanished like vapor in the wake of that ill-fated Gulfstream II’s misadventure, but the paper trail has now caught up to them. The Gulfsteam II jet (with the tail number N987SA) has been linked to past use in the CIA’s terrorist rendition program, according to media reports and an investigation by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
And now, via FAA and other documents obtained by Narco News, both Smith and O’Connor have been connected to yet another jet that has been used by U.S. government agencies (including the DEA, FBI and CIA) to advance covert operations targeting Latin America. Posted by: Guess What at May 31, 2008 6:22 PM

Mexico: the danger of 'drug ballads' (Popular musicians being murdered; Descriptions warning)


Greatest hits: All of Barack Obama’s men of bad faith; Update: Chicago archdiocese spanks Pfleger

By Michelle Malkin  •  May 30, 2008 07:50 AM

Scroll down for updates…

Here’s a handy little video guide to Barack Obama’s various men of bad faith–a quick blog cheat sheet with all the poison preachers in one place, each accompanied by a trademark demagogic YouTube clip, for easy reference and ranked in order of unhingedness. It’s getting crowded in the crazy uncle attic, sweetie.

4. Current Trinity pastor and N-word-spouting Ice Cube fan Otis “At war with the enemy” Moss, whom Obama refers to as a “wonderful young pastor:”

Embarrassment to the Catholic Church Michael “There’s a black man stealing my show!” Pfleger.
And the one and only Jeremiah “God damn America!” Wright, with thanks to the North Carolina GOP for defying the McCain camp and spreading the word:

See also Stanley Kurtz’s probe of Wright’s Trumpet.

How many more?


Update: Catholics rise up against Rev. Pfleger.

Update: The Chicago Archdiocese issues a statement condemning Pfleger from Cardinal Francis George:

comments (193)

If you watch the video of this “priest” making the statements he apologized for later and for which Obama said he disagreed….


So how is it that Obama is the only member of that church who disagrees with what its pastors say?

Lots Of Anger Among Clinton's Female Supporters


Much more here.

UPDATE: Uh oh: "Koryne Horbal says she and other feminists are promising action that could hurt Obama's candidacy if the disputed Florida and Michigan delegations are not fully seated at the Democratic National Convention. If Obama becomes the nominee under those circumstances, Horbal says she and others will write-in Hillary Rodham Clinton's name on the ballot in November instead of voting for Obama."

ANOTHER UPDATE: Much more here, including video.

MORE: Just noticed that TalkLeft has been all over this. Plus, it's pledge week there.

Video: Hillary supporters freaking out

From her sub rosa “war room,” Hillary Is 44:

12 Comments »  "...if the American people were true to the Constitution, “none of the above” would be on the ballot."

8,571 posted on 06/01/2008 3:32:56 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: All

  Mark Steyn at the BCHRT -- FD report


Carbon's Power Brokers (The environmental/marxist plan to destroy America)

Soak The Rich, We All Get Wet - A $1 Million 'Surtax’ Would Mean Less Money For NYC

Let’s Just Call It ‘Cap and Tax’

Cold-fusion demonstration "a success"

The Climate Security Act?: Reject the ignorami

Some Turning to Vegetable Oil for Fuel as Gas Prices Rise

Waste vegetable oil is free or dirt-cheap if you don't mind getting your hands dirty and you're willing to spend the time and money to convert your engine. Cole bought a conversion kit for about $2,500, and he improvised a filtration system for about $250.

Just say it: Kyoto's a crock

Taxes Have Increased %1700 since 1961

The Most Lethal Job In America

While most states regulate professions as prosaic as barber, U.S. states require no license to climb a cell phone tower.

Finally, the hidden agenda. One more thing that needs to be "regulated" to protect the poor and helpless. Can't have any activity going on without the gummint looking over our shoulder now, can we?

Gallup Poll: Just 28 Percent of Americans Take Pro-Abortion Position

It's Okay to Keep Those Feelings Inside, New Study Suggests

Identifying Jihadis in America


The cost of hiring 126 illegal aliens: $6.8 million

Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. promises amnesty to illegal aliens

Slick Willie’s Transcendence From Teflon To Velcro

Bill Clinton Fights Back Against Brutal Vanity Fair Article

What a difference a Dem makes

Biggest Losers Under Obama's Plan to Remove the Current $102k Wage Ceiling for Social Security Taxes

Obama’s tax doesn’t really tax the wealthy, it is more of a tax to prevent those who want to become wealthy.
8,572 posted on 06/01/2008 3:37:20 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: All
The Final CountDown of Freedom of the Press in Canuckistan

Mark Steyn, Perp

~ MARK STEYN at the BCHRT — FD report …. (

~ COUNTDOWN TO CONVICTION: READ AMERICA ALONE …WHILE YOU STILL CAN says Mark Lardas in The Galveston County Daily News. Mark’s US bestseller and Canadian hate crime is just released and back in the Top Ten. But what do Canadian book customers know? The show trial begins tomorrow at the Robson Square courthouse in Vancouver, and, if you want a friend at the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal, get a fake seeing-eye dog. Meanwhile, a tyro court reporter gets the career break he’s been waiting for, but Beyond Robson is not impressed by plans for public protest. And don’t wait for the thought police to seize America Alone from the bookshelves: order your personally autographed copy exclusively from the Steyn Store…. (Various)


Iran FM Calls on Muslims to 'Erase' Israel

Pinning the blame for 9/11
POLYGAMY: “SHARIA BY STEALTH” AND DENYING ITS EXISTENCE– “If the laws of the country conflict with Islamic law, if one goes against the other, then I am going to follow Islamic law, simple as that,” Imam
THE SEX-LIFE, SEX-ABUSE Muhammad in Islam’s own writings: His sex-life, sexual abuse and paedophilia. By Larry Houle …. (
CAIR: 'Why is everybody always picking on us?'
MORE ON SEGREGATION AMONG THE NETROOTS: "Perhaps the lesson is that the proggosphere is so enmeshed in identity politics that black bloggers get taken for granted — much the way the Democratic party takes black voters for granted. Given the Democrats’ support for racial preferences, it is odd that the DNC blew the call in credentialing black bloggers to the convention planning to nominate Barack Obama as its standard bearer." BLACK BLOGGERS FIGHT TO MAKE VOICES HEARD:

The Battle of the [Nutroots] Blogs (Daily Kos vs MyDD)


The presidency is now an office with virtually open-ended powers (Good read)

Mountain Lions Stop By For A Drink

Hunter shoots wolf in self defense


Power down the internet connection.

Power down the router

Bring the internet connection up fully

Bring up the router.

If this doesn't bring everything up then press the reset button on your router for a solid 30  and repeat the power down / power up cycle above.

State GOP: No automatic citizenship for kids born in U.S. to illegal immigrants

Up in the Sky, An Unblinking Eye

Image and video hosting by TinyPic 
Horses are being abandoned because the stupid enviro-nazis have made it illegal to put down your own horse, and illegal to bury a horse on your property. You must pay someone to shoot the animal and then to cremate it. It is also illegal to sell the horse carcass for horse meat. So, when the horses go to auction and there are no takers, the horses are abandoned.


Chelsea Clinton: 'We need to do more with gun control'

8,573 posted on 06/02/2008 2:21:25 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: All
Andrew Coyne to live blog Steyn v. the Roo's --The persecution begins at about 12:30 pm Eastern Bastards Freezing in the Dark Time.--Andrew Coyne of Macleans will be live blogging.
Trupeers of Covenant Zone & Dag of No Dhimmitude will be mounting a protest outside the hanging place.Check out Coyne's site as well as Shaidles for insta-updates.
Steyn vs Stalin June 2nd: CAJ Applies to Intervene -- Your copy of the soon to be banned Mark Steyn article in Macleans, called

The Future belongs to Islam.;source

1. make a copy and next Remembrance Day, lay a copy at the feet of the Memorial Statues to all those Canadian soldiers who died for our freedoms and our right to speak.

2. Bury a copy in a time capsule for your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren - so some day, they may understand what our government has done to us.
Winston Churchill's Hate Speech Trial
Give me freedom or give me death

Climate security and economic ruin

Just Say It--Kyoto's a Crock

For Liberals, Soldiers are Victims

Exclusive: A Gripping Read - Flames in the Field: The Story of Four SOE Agents in Occupied France

8,574 posted on 06/02/2008 5:02:44 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: All

I have these tabs open on my browser, to keep an eye on things:

8,575 posted on 06/02/2008 6:16:51 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: All
Liveblogging the BC Human Rights Tribunal—Part I
Michelle Malkin's readers weigh in. 
NEW! Press Release : Dr. Keith Martin on s.13

Canada becoming haven for would be terrorists

Lord Lawson claims climate change hysteria heralds a 'new age of unreason'


SoCal Housing Market: buy one, get one free.

Brush with death (MADD/School Hoax)

Rock pioneer Bo Diddley dies at age 79

Yves Saint Laurent: The end of an era

Liberal's blind hatred of Bush

The Michelle Tape (Update by a liberal blogger covering for Michelle twisting words?)

No Liberation (Obama smackdown)

  What really bothers me about this empty suited, shallow, anti-American, black racist is that he and his nasty wife took their KIDS to church with them to hear that mad-man scream and holler about how bad this country is. I am surprised that no one in the drive-by media has asked him why he took his kids to hear this lunatic.


8,576 posted on 06/02/2008 12:03:09 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: All
Mark Steyn at the BCHRT -- FD report [ 1, 2 ]
Liveblogging the BC HRT—Day I, Part II
Read ALL of Ezra's blog-- a sample?
Today's hearing is about a vicious bigot named Mohammed Elmasry using the government to attack his political critics.

A counterfeit court

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I've spent the morning in a fetid room at Vancouver's court house, at the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal hearing. It's a counterfeit hearing in so many ways -- starting with the fact that the building we are in was built for a real court of law, but this kangaroo tribunal is anything but a real court.

Let's start with the three-member panel, chaired by Heather MacNaughton. As Jay Currie points out, MacNaughton is a not a judge -- far from it. Like the other two panellists, she is a radical activist, a social engineer of the first order, which is precisely why she was appointed to the Tribunal. She sits under a Herald with the motto, "Dieu et mon droit". It's the motto of British monarchs; it means God and My Right. It's fitting for a court house in a province called British Columbia, with a capital called Victoria. How disgusting that it presides over a rogue panel, prosecuting an Islamic fatwa in the Queen's name. Disgusting.

'Bah...just another anti-Christian, anti-West, feminist Marxist. It's all very typical of those ideological kangaroo "tribunals."'


Anti-gun Campaigner Pat Regan Killed at Home

The “Big Oil” Witch Hunt

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

 Montana Governor is sitting on an oil mine
The Tories/Liberals Have Drank The Kool-Aid
Canada's missing medical students

A glimpse inside the heart of scary-motorcycle-rider guy

Yeti 'photo-fit' shows 'potentially explosive' evidence of elusive mountain beast

Periodontal Disease Associated With Increased Cancer Risk

Cosby to blacks: Come on people, it's time for change

Michelle Obama “Whitey” Tape - Update & Bumped: No Tape - Just Hearsay On Whats On The Supposed Tape

8,577 posted on 06/02/2008 4:11:58 PM PDT by backhoe
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To: All

The Trial of Mark Steyn (Hugh Hewitt)

Liveblogging the BC HRT—Day I, Part II [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] --The CP and Vancouver Sun articles on today's proceedings are now up:

'Anti-Muslim' article fostered hatred: Cdn Islamic leaders (CP/Sean Patrick Sullivan via CNews)

Human Rights Tribunal hears Islam case (Vancouver Sun/Gerry Bellett)
The Soup Naziis

The BC Human Rights Tribunal VS Macleans And The Free World

My apologies for not having this up sooner - except for a quick stop at the farm to crash a few hours, I've been on the road the last 19 hours or thereabouts. (And offline most of the past 5 days).

Andrew Coyne is liveblogging the Mark Steyn hearing today, as best he can;

9:45 AM PST
The Chair is reviewing the legal history of the complaint. Apparently they have no jurisdiction over the Maclean’s website. So that’s a relief…

9:48 AM
We have friends: the BC Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Association of Journalists are here as intervenors.

9:54 AM
Lawyers for the two sides are wrangling now over what witnesses the complainants are going to call, and whether “my friend” had properly informed “my friend” as to what “my friend” (the first one) had planned...

I'll update as I get caught up myself. Your related links and commentary are welcome in the comments. Most of you probably know more than I do at the moment. This is good, though -

10:59 AM
Just coming back from a break. Lots of media interest, it seems: CBC, CTV (I’m told), the National Post, local media, and a guy from the New York Times, who’s doing a piece comparing how the two countries’ legal systems deal with speech cases. Needless to say, he can’t believe what he’s witnessing…

Great discussion in the comments there;
2 June 2008:

Wow ! Heather MacNaughton, who chaired the three-panel BC Human Rights Tribunal in the mixed judgement of the Port Coquitlam Knights of Columbus v. two lesbians, is the same Justice who fined Christian printer Scott Brockie and denied an appeal by Christian teacher Chris Kempling.

This is bound to be interesting ! We couldn’t have asked for a more leftist judge.

Hey, its a "human rights" tribunal. They have no other kind.

Kathy Shaidle has lots and lots as does RJJago on the support rally. (The blank signs were my suggestion. Heh.)

Keith Martin has issued a press release:

"I just returned from the Canadian Association of Journalists AGM in where I attended a debate with a member of the CHRA. After the debate it became even more obvious that the Act needs to be modernized. The CHRA member had little understanding of the deep flaws and misuses of the Act by the Commission and the trampling of free speech that the Commission sometimes engages in," said Dr. Martin.

Another big round-up at Free Mark Steyn

Update - What we pay them the big bucks for;

CBC journos asked me who I was with? Just an interested observer I replied.

Who is this Steyn guy they asked. Is he a journalist? Who does he write for? He's right wing isn't he?

I was astonished by their absolute lack of any background on the story they were sent to cover. 

More astonished that  a journalist would not know who Mark Steyn was, or that, depending on its outcome, the case they were covering could have very real ramifications on their ability to practice their trade in the future, and impact the right to free speech for all Canadians.

They knew nothing about the AHRC case against Ezra.

Posted by Kate at 3:10 PM | Comments (14)

Mark Steyn on trial

June 2, 2008 09:53 AM by Michelle Malkin

Andrew Coyne’s blogging it.

Free Mark Steyn invokes William Wallace.

Get all your Steyn Online here.

Previous Steyn/Canadian blogger posts here.39 Comments


Levant, Martin vs Fine

The May 24th debate from the 30th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Journalists is up at CPAC.

Update: Reaction in the comments - "HOLYSHIT!"

Posted by Kate at 7:24 PM | Comments (16)

Glad I struck a nerve, you little bastard!

From Ezra Levant, who's live blogging the Mark Steyn trial:

"Today I laid eyes on three Muslim terrorists."

That's the line from Kathy's blog that Khurrum Awan is trying to hang around the neck of Maclean's.

As Julian Porter is pointing out, that's got nothing to do with the Maclean's magazine excerpt.

That's the legal thing to say.

What I would say is: that was Kathy's response to seeing three young thugs trying to censor a magazine. It wasn't a response to the magazine itself.

Awan should get used to it: if he's going to act like a fascist, he's going to be called one.

Porter objected. Of course, he was overruled.

Heh. Complain to my face next time, big boy! And bring your two little girlfriends with you.

Here's my original post.

Damn good, if I do say so myself.

I stand by every word, and would simply add, at this point: kiss my infidel butt.

Damn, we need to get a transcript of this hearing, so we can stick his comments on the cover of our upcoming book on the Human Rights Commissions!!

Anybody got his exact quotes?

PS: since this probably means I can expect to be served with my very own Human Rights Complaint any day now -- at last! I've been trying to get one for years! -- that means I'll have two legal adventures on the go instead of just one.

So, uh, please send money. Or better yet: a couple of Green Cards.


Underground coal fires (wasted coal) in China put out more CO2 in a year than ALL of the cars and light trucks in the U.S. Just to put things in perspective.

The following site has some info and some links.

Oil Lobby Reaches Out to Citizens Peeved at the Pump

Senate votes to begin global warming debate

  It's getting to the point where I just want to put a gun to my head and blow my brains out...

Is the American public this gullible? Punishing the public and the economy like this.... with un-proven technologies and un-realistic goals... All in a election year no less.

God help us...

We Don't Need a Climate Tax on the Poor

European watchdog attacks cloak of secrecy in Brussels


Where Illegal Guns Can Do No More Harm

  Do  guns have bad JuJu or something? Evil spirits? There are times when our government resembles a cargo cult more than anything else.

Ashes of Pringles can designer buried in his work

What few people realize, and the reason for the design of the container, was that it is filled with inert gas. When you open the cannister, if you do not tilt the tube from direct verticle, the heavier-than-air inert gas will remain in the tube and the chips will stay fresh a long time. However, the marketing people thought the public would freak at the mention of gas, though it be inert, and they never publicized this feature.
If you want to read a serious book about the origins and consequences of the intervention in Iraq in 2003, you owe it to yourself to get hold of a copy of Douglas Feith's War and Decision: Inside the Pentagon at the Dawn of the War on Terrorism. As undersecretary of defense for policy, Feith was one of those most intimately involved in the argument about whether to and, if so, how to put an end to the regime of Saddam Hussein. His book contains notes made in real time at the National Security Council, a trove of declassified documentation, and a thoroughly well-organized catalog of sources and papers and memos. Feith has also done us the service of establishing a Web site where you can go and follow up all his sources and check them for yourself against his analysis and explanation. There is more of value in any chapter of this archive than in any of the ramblings of McClellan.

When Lithium-ion Batteries Explode-(Tesla has 6340 per car)

Interstate Larceny

  "No taxation without representation" was the battle cry of the 13 Colonies. More than 230 years later, the state that infamously dragged its feet in approving the Declaration of Independence has become a 21st century King George.

June 1 marked the start of New York's Amazon Tax, which unconstitutionally demands that companies with no physical presence in the Empire State, such as computer retailer, collect sales taxes on New Yorkers' purchases. This is a national concern, as money-hungry politicians in other states keep their eyes peeled, ready to copy the law if it survives a legal challenge.

Movin' To Mexico

Commentary: Gas Prices Soar and 'Population Controllers' Blame People?


"We Were Lied To"

For my money, the "we were lied to" chorus only represents the obdurately self-righteous cluelessness in every band of the American political spectrum. We lied to ourselves. We continue to lie to ourselves every day. The US public barely understands the first thing about the energy predicament we're in, and what it means for how we live in this country -- or how we get along with the rest of the world -- and the news media tragically reflects that ignorance. We fantasize about being "energy independent" and still being able to drive to the mall three times a day to eat caesar salads grown on the other side of North America. Get this: we deserve exactly what is happening to us. We might as well keep on lying to ourselves to pretend that we are not descending into a dark phase of our own history. After all, the true basis of American life these days is to feel good about yourself no matter what you do.

McCain's cap-and-trade hoax

Phony-Ops build the Obama Myth By

White Women Take the Gloves Off

Our country clubbed: Obama’s supporters see no virtue in USA [MUST READ]

The rubes and the elites's hillarious because these two groups are among the shrillest, whiniest, mote hateful, and fanatical political entities around. Both the feminists and the Afro centrists are vicious bigots, insisting on their way all the time and using their favorite canards to attack anyone who disagrees with them.

Guess What? Your Taxpayer Dollars Have Been Funding Rev. Wright and Trinity UCC

Obama: “How did they get up there…?"

OBAMA Rev MEEKS Endorsement AD, Never heard outside of Illinois Until Now! Radio Ad UNCOVERED!

OUTRAGE: Summer "Reading"--Oprah Author's Novel From 9/11 Terrorists' Point of View; "No Villains"

8,578 posted on 06/03/2008 2:38:22 AM PDT by backhoe
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Just who are these three kangaroo court "judges"?

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There are three of them -- which is highly unusual. I'll get to that in another post. But let's look at those three: Heather MacNaughton, Tonie Beharrell and Kurt Neuenfeldt.

I've written about the plumb stupidity of Tonie Beharrell before. I didn't mention her name -- I just discussed her insane ruling. She was the human rights tribunal member who punished a bus company for trying to reform bus drivers who had absentee rates of up to 118 days a year. You read that right: bus drivers who skipped work 118 days a year, and still got paid, had a "human right" not to be corrected by the bus company. Not just that, but the bus company was ordered to pay them four-figure sums for their "pain and suffering" of being told to get back to work.

You can read that abomination of a ruling here. And here was my blog on the subject.

The good news is that Beharrell, the woman who knew nothing about running a bus company, is now one of the three panellists who know nothing about publishing -- or constitutional freedoms, more importantly -- who is now presiding over Maclean's.

That's the first panellist. Then there's Kurt Neuenfeldt. Here's a ruling Neuenfeldt made a few years ago. It's a case of a tenant complaining about a landlord. The landlord, conveniently, was never served with papers advising him of the hearing. If you think that the mere technicality of not letting the defendant know he was going to be on trial would stop a human rights tribunal chieftain like Neuenfeldt, you don't know human rights commissions.

Here are the "facts" that Neuenfeldt heard from the complainant, Ellen Raweater -- otherwise known as half the story. Raweater, a single mom with three kids, rented a basement suite from the respondent, Steve MacDonald. One day MacDonald complained to Raweater that her 16-year-old son had been causing a disturbance, and he was getting complaints from the neighbours about him.

That's it.

Raweater, naturally, charged MacDonald with anti-Aboriginal bigotry. Her proof: when Raweater caused a fuss, MacDonald asked her if she was going to complain to "Indian Affairs" about it. He didn't kick her out. But he "discriminated".

Years passed. The teenager continued to cause problems. MacDonald had the impertinence to ask about the missing dad, and dared suggest the kid would be "more controllable" if he saw his dad.


There are more petty complaints -- and we never hear the other side of the story. Some of them go to the hygiene of the apartment. Whether or not those allegations are true, they're not human rights complaints based on racism.

Raweater demanded $30,000 for her pains. Neuenfeldt gave her $1,774 and an "order" to MacDonald to stop being a racist.

Gee. If Neuenfeldt called MacDonald a racist, what words will be left to describe the dreaded Mark Steyn?

But neither Neuenfeldt nor Beharrell come close to the queen bee of human rights nannies, Heather MacNaughton. MacNaughton is a social engineer of the first order. Look at this staggering monster of a ruling, in which MacNaughton single-handedly arrogates unto herself the power of the Minister of Education and Finance Minister of British Columbia.

The case was about learning disabled students, and funding for special programs for them. There are a dozen different points of view on the subject; and that is just one of the many subjects that must be dealt with by the Minister of Education; and his needs and priorities are just one of the many demands on the treasury of B.C. that must be juggled by the Treasurer, and ultimately, by the Premier. It's called politics; and if the government doesn't get the balance right, it can be pressured by the opposition (and the media; and other activists); and ultimately be replaced in an election.

But that's too slow and messy. Why not take it to the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal, and get Heather MacNaughton -- not elected to anything, of course; not an expert in education; or budgeting; not having run any business of any size, let alone Canada's third-largest province -- and have her seize control of every damn school in the province.

MacNaughton's stunning ruling issued orders to the entire ministry of education; she took a single complaint, and used it as a pretext for commandeering the whole province. See page 300 of her monstrosity (my bolding; SLD stands for severe learning disabled):

[1024] In addition, pursuant to s. 37(2)(c), I order the Ministry, within one year of this decision, to:


i) make available funding for SLD students at actual incidence levels;


ii) establish mechanisms for determining that the support and accommodation services provided to SLD students in the Province are appropriate and meet the stated goals of the School Act and the Special Needs Student Order;


iii) ensure that all districts have in place early intervention programs so that SLD students can be identified early and appropriate intensive remediation services provided; and


iv) ensure that all school districts have in place a range of services to meet the needs of SLD students.


[1025] Finally, pursuant to s. 37(2)(c), I order the District, within one year of this decision, to:


i) establish mechanisms for determining that its delivery of services to SLD students are appropriate and meet the stated goals of the School Act, the Special Needs Student Order, and the 1995 Manual;

ii) ensure that it has in place an early intervention program so that SLD students can be identified early and appropriate intensive remediation services provided; and

iii) ensure that it has in place a range of services to meet the needs of its SLD students.


[1026] The Tribunal will remain seized of this matter to ensure that its remedial orders are appropriately implemented.


I have no expertise on how to handle severe learning disabled students; and how to weigh their needs against every other competing need in education. Neither does MacNaughton. I have no democratic legitimacy; neither does MacNaughton. I have no accountability to the voters, I have no responsibility to make a budget work; neither does MacNaughton. I would have the humility to say "I have no clue"; and then to say "it's not my job". MacNaughton, instead, said, "I am the boss of this until I tell you otherwise."


Would a woman who commandeers a province's school system and budget, and imposes her own particular priorities, really hesitate to do something as modest as commandeer a magazine's pages and tell them what to print?


Each of these three panellists is an expert in precisely nothing -- nothing except grievances and how little grifters use the now-meaningless phrase "human rights" to liberate a few thousand here, a few thousand there from unsuspecting marks -- or in MacNaughton's school decision, a few million here, a few million there. Their naivete, lack of expertise and lack of legitimate authority is inversely proportional to their zealous arrogance that only they and their supreme moral righteousness can save B.C.


Those are the three moral eunuchs who now stand in judgment of Mark Steyn and Maclean's.


B.C.'s quirk

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I've been asked why the Canadian Islamic Congress has Faisal Joseph, a private CIC lawyer, representing them, rather than government lawyers and bureaucrats, such as the 15 Alberta government hacks prosecuting me over there.

The answer is that, in most (I think all) of the other 13 human rights commissions in Canada, the government has two halves to human rights commissions: the keystone cops side of the HRCs, and then the kangaroo courts on the other. In B.C., there is only the kangaroo courts side of the deal.

The keystone cops are the investigators (like Shirlene McGovern, my interrogatrix in Calgary) and prosecutors (like Giacomo "Serenity Now!" Vigna of the Canadian HRC); the kangaroo kourts are the tribunals, which hear the cases brought by the keystone cops.

Usually, the cops/prosecutors side is called the "commission", and the court side is called the "tribunal". The nomenclature is slightly different in every province; in Alberta, for example, both halves are called the "commission".

In B.C., there is no commission that drums up business, or that investigates complaints -- everything goes straight to the tribunal. To compensate, the tribunal does dismiss more cases, and occasionally even orders costs against complainants. And, there are no government lawyers prosecuting the cases.

Is that better than the other 13 HRCs? I'm not sure. On the one hand, there isn't a full-time team of hustlers, like the fifteen chasing after me, who are trying to stir up grievances and pick fights amongst the citizenry -- no Barbara Halls.

On the other hand, anyone can get straight to a hearing.

That's precisely why the Canadian Islamic Congress, with no roots in B.C., with a complainant from Ontario (Mohammed Elmasry) a lawyer from Ontario (Faisal Joseph) a chief witness from Ontario (Khurrum Awan) and a magazine based in Toronto (Maclean's) is being put on trial in Vancouver.

The CIC was forum shopping.

They went to the easiest HRC in Canada to get to a hearing. And the three panellists were just stupid enough to let them do it. 

Julian Porter continues to make objections to Faisal Joseph's ambush submissions of blogs and Internet comments, such as Five Feet of Fury and TVO online comments.

Porter did not receive any copies of same in advance. Again, in a real court, that would be laughed out of the court house. But this isn't a real court.

Porter made objections. He said those blogs and comments, made in mid-2008, in specific response to the CIC's own embarrassing antics, had nothing to do with a specific article published in Maclean's in late 2006. He objected to the lack of jurisdiction of the BCHRT, which doesn't cover the Internet.

But that's all legal mumbo-jumbo. The tribunal panellists didn't understand a word of it. Or, if they did, they didn't give a damn.

Because that would mean they couldn't hear more grievances, more bitching, more whining, more "my feelings were hurt!" testimony.

So all political conduct, a political discourse, is now within the tribunal's reach.

It's not just Maclean's magazine now. It's Five Feet of Fury. It's TVO.

And why the hell not?

"I laid my eyes on three Muslim terrorists"

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That's the line from Kathy's blog that Khurrum Awan is trying to hang around the neck of Maclean's.

As Julian Porter is pointing out, that's got nothing to do with the Maclean's magazine excerpt.

That's the legal thing to say.

What I would say is: that was Kathy's response to seeing three young thugs trying to censor a magazine. It wasn't a response to the magazine itself.

Awan should get used to it: if he's going to act like a fascist, he's going to be called one.

Porter objected. Of course, he was overruled.

8,579 posted on 06/03/2008 5:00:17 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: All

Iowahawk: Canadian Radio Classics: Warman of the Mounted

Don’t forget the Steyn news & trial aggregator–


RECAPPING BCHRC V. STEYN– “The absolute, bar none, highlight of DAY 1: Try to imagine a world… populated entirely by self-involved, over-agitated toddlers”

Liveblogging the BC HRT, Day Two: A Day That Will Live in Entropy (Mark Steyn, and Macleans)

Liveblogging the BC HRT, Day Two: A Day That Will Live in Entropy

My Letter to The Minister of Justice
Human rights panel hears claim Maclean's article denigrated

Faisal Joseph, Sockpuppet to the Sockpuppets. *

Faisal Joseph


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Conservatives, fear not

8,580 posted on 06/03/2008 12:24:19 PM PDT by backhoe
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