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DUBOB 11- more tales from the Dark UnderBelly Of the Beast...
various links and websites | 01-31-03 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

Posted on 01/31/2003 5:07:21 PM PST by backhoe

click here to read article

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VIDEO: BP Buses In 400 Workers For Obama's Visit

Read more at ...

Frustrated (Unemployed) Workers Wait For Dwindling (Temp) Clean Up Jobs (Love this recovery!)

Golfing in Obamaville

8th State To Feds: Step Away From Our Guns

Enemy of the States (Washington, D.C.)

Video Report of Mexican Pirates Chasing American Pro Bass Fisherman In American Waters

We have all read the reports about the Somali pirates taking merchant ships and oil tankers in the Gulf of Aden and now even Thai fishermen in the Indian Ocean to hold for ransom.  Well it would seem that such pirate activity is something that could only happen in lawless places like Somalia.  However, right here in America many citizens of this country are now under assault from pirates who are operating with virtual impunity as they steal cash and electronics from Americans just wanting to fish on Falcon Lake between the American and Mexican border.
All along America's Southern border, we are having to deal with the results of our inability to stem the flow of illegal immigration.  From the ecological disaster created by illegals in the Sonoran desert, to the murder of an American rancher in Arizona, our Southern border is under assault from Mexico. Now there are even reports of how American fishermen are being stalked by pirates on an international Lake created by damming the the waters of the Rio Grande River.
In 1965 when the Falcon State Park opened up the reservoir for fishing there was never a second thought as to whether or not pirating would become an issue on the Lake. Fact is, for the last 45 years, anglers have been coming from all corners of the world to fish for record sized bass in what several Elite Pro Bass fishermen consider "the best bass fishing lake in the world,"  All these years anglers have fishing the waters of Falcon Lake with out trouble.  Unfortunately, America does not have the kind of leadership it did in 1965 when they opened the Park to the public. Lately, the bass are not the only ones dodging danger and fearing for their lives. 
The danger that I speak of is the one caused by the Mexican Governments inability to control the...Video Report of Mexican Pirates Chasing American Pro Bass Fisherman In American Waters

The Russian Nuclear Button

Who owns your Personal info? Facebook Google or You...?

How Children Outgrow Socialism

Comin' soon to the rest of  Ø-Merica:

Detroit to bulldoze thousands of homes in fight for survival

Deepwater Oil Spill - Why Top Kill Starts and Stops, Watching the Flows, and a Live Comment Thread


I don’t know that government itself can really do anything about the spill. That is fine with me. Most of us have no background in engineering or science, and Obama is no exception. However, had he been a real leader, he would have bypassed BP and called in all the great minds in the field to come up with a solution. Instead he chose to play politics and point fingers at BP and President Bush.

I heard it said that Obama should have called in Halilburton. I don’t know if the company has the expertise, but if he failed to consider Haliburton solely as a result of its association with Dick Cheney, then Obama was and is a fool. I’m a Republican, but if my house is burning down, I’m not going to stop the firefighters at the door to determine their party affiliation. In a disaster politics is irrelevant.

7 posted on Saturday, May 29, 2010 6:19:17 AM by fatnotlazy

Poll Shows Haley, Sheheen, Richter in the lead ["Scandal" didn't work?]

That's called the "Palin effect." Get used to it.

Clinton 'whiff of scandal' returns

“Did you plug the hole in your story yet, Daddy?”

Sestak was ineligible for job Clinton offered

It’s all BS but it is truly amazing that months after the fact they can’t come up with anything logical or sensible for a cover story.

Toomey needs to hammer this one hard. I don’t care about impeachment, etc. because we all know the Dems will never convict their own and the RINOs lack the balls to convict anyone.


Post your "wag the dog" scenarios, Bam may use

N. Korea: The nightmare scenario (time to prepare for the hair-raising end game)

The Hammer Nails It

by snork ( 63 Comments › )
Filed under Barack Obama, Environmentalism, Politics, Technology at May 28th, 2010 - 7:00 pm

Charles Krauthammer sums up the whole Gulf spill situation brilliantly.

Here’s my question: Why are we drilling in 5,000 feet of water in the first place?

Many reasons, but this one goes unmentioned: Environmental chic has driven us out there. As production from the shallower Gulf of Mexico wells declines, we go deep (1,000 feet and more) and ultra deep (5,000 feet and more), in part because environmentalists have succeeded in rendering the Pacific and nearly all the Atlantic coast off-limits to oil production. (President Obama’s tentative, selective opening of some Atlantic and offshore Alaska sites is now dead.) And of course, in the safest of all places, on land, we’ve had a 30-year ban on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Ouch. There’s a spin you haven’t heard in the media.

So we go deep, ultra deep – to such a technological frontier that no precedent exists for the April 20 blowout in the Gulf of Mexico.

Exactly. The procedures that were in place for decades, and served us well for all that time never adapted to the new depths. Then when all hell broke loose, they all start looking at each other as if “I thought you brought the beer”.

Not that the environmentalists are the only ones to blame. Not by far. But it is odd that they’ve escaped any mention at all.

The other culprits are pretty obvious. It starts with BP, which seems not only to have had an amazing string of perfect-storm engineering lapses but no contingencies to deal with a catastrophic system failure.

Yup. And Hayward has this “deer in the headlights” look all through this whole thing. What the press mentioned a lot less was all the government deer with the same look.

However, the railing against BP for its performance since the accident is harder to understand. I attribute no virtue to BP, just self-interest. What possible interest can it have to do anything but cap the well as quickly as possible? Every day that oil is spilled means millions more in losses, cleanup and restitution.

Ya think? To listen to the left, you’d think that oil spills are profitable. I fail to see the income stream.

Read the whole thing. It’s pure, unadulterated Krauthammer brilliance.

In the end, speeches will make no difference. If BP can cap the well in time to prevent an absolute calamity in the Gulf, the president will escape politically. If it doesn’t – if the gusher isn’t stopped before the relief wells are completed in August – it will become Obama’s Katrina.

That will be unfair, because Obama is no more responsible for the damage caused by this than Bush was for the damage caused by Katrina. But that’s the nature of American politics and its presidential cult of personality: We expect our presidents to play Superman. Helplessness, however undeniable, is no defense.

Moreover, Obama has never been overly modest about his own powers. Two years ago next week, he declared that history will mark his ascent to the presidency as the moment when “our planet began to heal” and “the rise of the oceans began to slow.”

Well, when you anoint yourself King Canute, you mustn’t be surprised when your subjects expect you to command the tides.

A bazillion updings.


One thing that’s missing from the whole discussion is an understanding of how emergency response is supposed to work. If your house is on fire, and the fire dept comes, they don’t ask you where your extinguishers and hose bibs are, they ask you to stand aside and put it out with their equipment and personnel.

However, if you have an explosives plant, you have a different situation. The way it should work, the fire chief should visit the plant, become familiar with the facility and the procedures, and a protocol is hammered out so that when the unthinkable happens, everyone knows what to do.

That’s what should have happened in this instance. The company filed a drilling plan, the dept of interior, who runs the drilling concession, approves it, and on paper everybody knows what to do. Other government agencies that have an interest in this are the Coast Guard, the EPA, Homeland Security (apparently because FEMA is under their auspicious), and probably some others and the State of Louisiana. I see little evidence that anybody was prepared, and yet Obama was thumping his chest about how the government was going to “take control”. I can imagine a circumstance when this might be appropriate; such as when they agreed in writing to have certain equipment available, and turned out not to.

But as I said, BP wasn’t the only deer in the headlights. This was just plain piss poor emergency planning all around, and while apportioning an appropriate part of the blame to BP, it wasn’t their responsibility to manage the government.

And now we hear from all the usual quarters that the problem was deregulation under Reagan. Complete 100% bull. The regulations were there. The agencies weren’t following them, and they probably weren’t properly updated for deep water drilling.  The people who complain that there aren’t enough regulations, whether it’s in oil drilling of the financial markets never enforce the regulations that are on the books, but always want more.

Why? You decide.


Some data on past oil rig disasters:

12,401 posted on 05/29/2010 4:11:05 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Magazine--Polish Elite Assassinated in Russian Air Disaster

Deepwater Oil Spill - Varying the Junk Mix and Cutting the Flow UPdate 3:10pm

The Oil Drum ^  

We are reading that progress with top kill is incremental at best. The Washington Post is reporting:

As the nation remained transfixed by a busted oil well spewing millions of gallons of crude into the Gulf of Mexico, BP said Saturday that its latest bid to plug the worst oil spill in U.S. history still hadn't worked and scientists suggested any progress was incremental at best.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

BP Denies Staging Beach Clean-Up Effort for Obama Visit (He could make a little cross out of stones)

What oil spill? Obama hits the hardcourt for some hoops!


“Did you plug the hole yet, Daddy”.....answer “NO, I DUG it DEEPER”

Rush is right, says … Chris Matthews ?

ARe we seeing the beginning of a paradigm shift in the MSM media these past few days?

The MSM media is a herd animal. They stick together like a flock of sheep or a ‘herd’ of lemmings.

They follow the bellwether sheep - or the lead lemmings over the cliff.

If the MSM wakes up and realizes they've been promoting, protecting and coddling someone who is going to go over the cliff, regardless, then just maybe some are waking up and and thinking: “Hey, I'm not gonna go over the cliff with him!.”

If they desert him, stick a fork in him. He couldn't even get away with a trumped up excuse for Martial Law...

Not to mention, we gotta know that SOMEone out there knows and has the truth of his background. When he is not longer useful, they may just drop the dime.

Let it be so.

6 posted on Saturday, May 29, 2010 2:53:33 PM by maine-iac7

OBAMA'S HIDDEN DOCUMENTS (and list of scandals to date)

May 28, 2010 at 3:10 pm

Andrew Breitbart prophesized this would happen. He said in today’s world with video phones and those little flip video cameras (which are pretty darn cheap) that citizens will become empowered to expose such corruption. He’s right.

May 28, 2010 at 2:43 pm

Good Morning. Well, it is my morning since I worked the overnite. It is odd to be coming around the opposite side of the clock from everyone else.

For some very good info on public sector unions and unions in general a good site to dig through is Mike Shedlock at

May 28, 2010 at 3:38 pm

informative article on public sector unions

Children Of The Corn

California has an immigration law too

The media, local California governments and liberal groups are absolutely a hoot. Their ignorance is breath taking.

Arizona's new immigration law is said to be racist according to reports in the media from a variety of liberal groups; it's not if you actually read it. Local California cities want to boycott Arizona which is questionable under the Commerce Clause of the US Constitution, but it is also incredible hypocrisy.

For my non-lawyer friends, you probably didn't know that California also has a law pertaining to illegal aliens. Yep. It's been on the books since 1994! Good ole Prop 187. The law provides that law enforcement shall [note -- not "may"] cooperate with US Immigration and Naturalization Service, [now known as ICE], regarding any person suspected of being in the US illegally to include verifying that person's status, advise the person that they must seek legal status to reside in the US, notify the federal government of that person's illegal status and prohibits local governments from not enforcing this law. Most notable is the absence of any reference in the statute to the ability of law enforcement to use race as a basis for inquiry of the person's status! Only an arrest is required to trigger the inquiry into that person's status.

In other words, California's law is racist while Arizona's is not, to use liberal logic, because race may not be used to trigger the inquiry into status in Arizona after an arrest. In California, no problem! Racial profile all you want!

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Mitt Romney’s main strategy in the GOP primaries of 2012 is to hammer Sarah Palin as “a quitter”.

WSJ: There Was 'Nobody in Charge' (Deepwater Horizon Explosion and Fire )


Sestak cover story starts to unravel

As somebody up-thread pointed out, BC is the pro, and Obama is the amateur. Bill got where he got via experience, savvy and political cunning. O got where he is largely on the basis of his skin color, a teleprompter, and a bio mostly authored by Bill Ayers.

Obama to Arizona Governor: Don't Call Me, I'll Call You

Arrogant POS...

Is the Impeachment of Barack Obama Moving Forward?

It is a pipe dream unless and until there is a SOLID Republic Majority in both the US Senate and US House of Represenatives, as of the afternoon of 3 January 2011.

And, that the Republicans sitting in office new or returned, are overwhelmingly NOT RINOS, but have b*lls of brass, and listen to the people.

Only THEN...

Common Sense BATFE Reform Gathers Steam

Mayor Daley: 'Guns is not the answer'

So why does Daley  have bodyguards with guns if guns are not the answer to violent crime?

Frustration, Fury Greet Obama in Gulf

"Barack Lied; The Gulf Died"

"Three hour tour? What is he, Gilligan?"

AP: BP Plug/Top Kill Has Failed

WHAT? This can’t be. Obama said he was on top of the situation and has been since the very first second this whole CATASTROPHIC event began.

This is his Chernobyl.

We are in good hands!!!! What could go wrong?

12,402 posted on 05/29/2010 1:33:20 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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To: All
 Bystander-In-Chief.   The vocabulary of oil drilling is so colorful—junk shot, top kill, poor boy degasser—that there must be a name for the trick President Obama was trying to pull off at his press conference Thursday. He was trying to take responsibility and show that his administration is in control of efforts to stop and contain the massive oil spill in the Gulf. At the same time, he had to admit...

“He Was Supposed To Be Competent”

Peggy Noonan at WSJ on Obama’s inept handling of the Gulf oil spill and other issues.

It’s a good read. She thinks Dems will start to peel off. I don’t...

TAR BALLS IN THE TRUNKS: Today in “Imagine If Bush Said It.”

What Obama has been doing while the Gulf Coast dies.

THE HOT NEW TREND: “Personal secession.”

VIDEO: Don’t Touch Me.  The TV station has more than 1 video and a blog and explanation.

The fund they ripped off was for treats and little favors for long term patients that have no money.

THE WAR AGAINST PHOTOGRAPHY: Radley Balko has more on Maryland. “Graber is due in court next week. He faces up to five years in prison. State’s Attorney Joseph Cassilly has also charged Graber with ‘Possession of an Interception Device.’ That ‘device’ would be Graber’s otherwise-perfectly-legal video camera. . . . Perhaps that officer was merely misinformed. But Maryland police spokesmen and prosecutors are giving the impression that the state’s wiretapping law is ambiguous about recording on-duty police officers. It really isn’t. They’ve just chosen to interpret it that way, logic and common sense be damned. . . . A cynic might conclude that law enforcement officials in Maryland are reacting to the McKenna embarrassment by threatening and cracking down on anyone who videotapes on-duty cops, and they’ll interpret the law in whatever way allows them to do so. At least until a court tells them otherwise.”

This is a disgrace. State’s Attorney Joseph Cassilly should hear from Marylanders who care about freedom — and this seems to be me to be another argument for federal civil rights legislation guaranteeing the right to photograph police. With hefty damages, and a waiver of official immunity, for cases like Graber’s. . .

We view Islam through filters that are killing us

That, in essence, from Raymond Ibrahim, whose bio suggests that he knows of what he speaks:

"The greatest hurdle Americans need to get over in order to properly respond to the growing threat of radical Islam is purely intellectual in nature; specifically, it is epistemological, and revolves around the abstract realm of 'knowledge.' Before attempting to formulate a long-term strategy to counter radical Islam, Americans must first and foremost understand Islam, particularly its laws and doctrines, the same way Muslims understand it -- without giving it undue Western (liberal) interpretations. This is apparently not as simple as expected: all peoples of whatever civilizations and religions tend to assume that other peoples more or less share in their worldview, which they assume is objective, including notions of right and wrong, good and bad. .... [T]he secular, Western experience has been such that people respond with violence primarily when they feel they are politically, economically, or socially oppressed. While true that many non-Western peoples may fit into this paradigm, the fact is, the ideologies of radical Islam have the intrinsic capacity to prompt Muslims to violence and intolerance vis-à-vis the 'other,' irrespective of grievances. ... Being able to understand all this, being able to appreciate it without any conceptual or intellectual constraints is paramount for Americans to truly understand the nature of the enemy and his ultimate goals."

Such were the words that opened my testimony to Congress [1]. One year later, none other than President Obama's top counterterror adviser, John Brennan, has come to personify the approach I warned against -- namely, the misguided phenomenon of westernizing Islamic concepts [2].

A Fox News report, titled "Counterterror Adviser Defends Jihad as 'Legitimate Tenet of Islam [3],'" has the details:

During a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, John Brennan described violent extremists as victims of "political, economic and social forces," but said that those plotting attacks on the United States should not be described in "religious terms."

In other words, despite the fact that Islamists describe all their goals in "religious terms," Brennan sees them -- you know, people like Osama bin Laden who murdered 3,000 Americans -- as naught more than victims of the system. And why is that? Because Brennan believes that "political, economic and social forces" -- the three I specifically stressed in my excerpt above -- are the only precipitators of violence. So jihadists can openly articulate their violent bloodlust through religious terms all they want, it matters not: Brennan and his ilk have their intellectual blinders shut tight and refuse to venture outside the box.

It's past time for intellectuals and those who think they are to begin looking at Islam absent the filtration systems we've acquired in the Western world.

Islam is not what progressives think Islam is.  The evidence is there for all to see once they remove their rose colored glasses.

Crossposted at Brutally Honest.

12,403 posted on 05/29/2010 3:58:32 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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 Poll finds anger over country’s leaders.
Those who can, do. Those who can’t … [Darleen Click]

… sometimes become President

Chris Matthews says at 1:57:

“. . . this idiotic cerebral meritocracy has got to step aside and let the people who do things take over…”

Whether this marks a divorce or a mere separation between Matthews and his tingle about Obama remains to be seen, but he strikingly highlights one of the main objections the 47% of people who did not vote for The One had about him.

For all of Obama’s celebrated intelligence, there is no evidence he has actually done, or been in charge of doing, anything in his life. As the Anchoress says

And that is the problem in a nutshell. Our government is top-heavy with people who have never “done” anything.

The Obama administration is loaded down with academics and lawyers who have spent their lives theorizing about things like economics, markets, social order and crisis management–and criticizing methods with which they disagree–but who have little practical experience in doing.

For all the weird posturing of Obama’s minions sneering in the press that the administration has “its boot on the neck of BP” what stands out most is the complete detachment from the accident and the refusal to do even the most rudimentary coordination efforts in the days immediately after the explosion. For instance, the accident happened on April 25 so why was it May 8th when Sweden publicly offered to send three oil-skimming ships to the Gulf? Why weren’t they moving towards the Gulf on April 26th?

This isn’t about nationalizing the oil industry nor about “taking over” from BP. It’s about actually doing one’s job as a leader – being, in essense, a kind of General Contractor coordinating with BP over the response and bringing other resources to bear in a timely manner.

There is a reason why former governors of states – people who actually run things – tend to be more effective Presidents.

There is a reason emergency personnel of all kinds run drills instead of leaving plans merely on paper.

Disasters tend to separate out the competent leaders from those who need to be lead.

The difference, say, between a Barack Obama and a Rick Rescorla.

Something to remember in November.

"The president... is chronically detached from the central and immediate concerns of his countrymen"

Peggy Noonan has lost her Obama mojo:

I don't see how the president's position and popularity can survive the oil spill. This is his third political disaster in his first 18 months in office. And they were all, as they say, unforced errors, meaning they were shaped by the president's political judgment and instincts.

There was the tearing and unnecessary war over his health-care proposal and its cost. There was his day-to-day indifference to the views and hopes of the majority of voters regarding illegal immigration. And now the past almost 40 days of dodging and dithering in the face of an environmental calamity. I don't see how you politically survive this.

The president, in my view, continues to govern in a way that suggests he is chronically detached from the central and immediate concerns of his countrymen. This is a terrible thing to see in a political figure, and a startling thing in one who won so handily and shrewdly in 2008. But he has not, almost from the day he was inaugurated, been in sync with the center. The heart of the country is thinking each day about A, B and C, and he is thinking about X, Y and Z. They're in one reality, he's in another.

Why in hell only now Ms. Noonan is waking up to this reality is a question for another time I guess but for now, we'll relish the notion that yet another of his supporters are finally seeing what the rest of us knew shortly after we checked the man out.

Welcome to our "one reality" Peggy.

With props to colleague Michael Laprarie.

Crossposted at Brutally Honest.

Well 914, we shouldn't be expecting anything this weekend, His Won-ness is on a much deserved and needed vacation.'

Has Obama Lost the Mandate of Heaven? Or is the media just beginning to do their job?

Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, May 29, 2010, 5:13 PM

A Louisiana official pleaded with far left President Obama to lift his moratorium on new oil drilling and exploration. With the unemployment rate at 9.9% President Obama set up the moratorium after the BP oil spill in the Gulf.
CNN reported, via Free Republic:

A Gulf Coast official is pleading with President Barack Obama to scrap the moratorium on new oil drilling and exploration as the investigation of the massive oil spill continues, saying the economic impact to her Louisiana parish would be too much to bear.

Charlotte Randolph, president of LaFourche Parish, said she spoke to Obama in person during his visit to the oil-stricken region Friday.

“I expressed to the president that we are dying because of the oil spill, but if he allows this suspension to happen it will kill us,” she told reporters Saturday, noting that her parish has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country.

“First I’m hearing from fisherman who are dying because of the oil spill,” she said. “Now I’m hearing from the oil and gas industry and all of those associated services that they will be put out of business.”

Obama’s tour of the oil damage along the Gulf Coast came a day after he announced steps to limit new oil drilling and exploration during the oil spill. The president said he is “fully engaged” and ultimately responsible for what he called a catastrophe.

The president is vacationing in Chicago this weekend.

12,404 posted on 05/30/2010 12:45:05 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Family feud behind Jamaica bloodbath (in depth report)

I just thank God they have Gun Control over there, so nobody got hurt...

Jamaica's violence part of American plot to kill black people, says Jamaican columnist(What's O?)

Damn. The Jamaicans are on to us.

Thousands(?) march to protest Arizona immigration law (A whole 200 in San Francisco!)

ALERT: NASA satellite shows oil 20 miles from Florida Keys

Obama: Ongoing Leak of Oil Is 'Enraging' [King Canute Getting Mad, Very Mad!]

Image and video 
hosting by TinyPic

BP's top kill effort fails to plug Gulf oil leak (OBAMA OIL SPILL GETS WORSE!)

U.S. exempted BP's Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study (Obama let it happen)

Internal Documents Show Early Worries About Safety of Rig

Two comments.

1. This is the NYT covering for their chosen messiah.

2. All progress involves risk. To avoid risk is to avoid progress and the betterment of mankind.

Obama; BP; oil spill; politics; satire 

The Gulf Spill: Seizing a Crisis to Grab Your Power (Or how about creating a crisis)


Peggy Noonan: Where is the competence? (She's lost her former admiration for Obama)


Deepwater Oil Spill - The LMRP Attempt and a Live Open Thread


BP is now saying that its Top Kill approach has failed, and it is moving on to LMRP. A few comments from the press:

Top Kill Fails To Plug Oil Spill, BP Now To Try LMRP Cap

BP said preparations have been made for the possible deployment of the lower marine riser package (LMRP) cap containment system, which would be complex because of the depth of the oil leak.

Deployment would first involve removing the damaged riser from the top of the failed BOP to leave a cleanly-cut pipe at the top of the BOP's LMRP.

The cap, a containment device with a sealing grommet, will be connected to a riser from the Discoverer Enterprise drillship, 5,000 feet above on the surface, and placed over the LMRP with the intention of capturing most of the oil and gas flowing from the well.

Mr Suttles said it should capture "most of the oil" and was expected to last at least four days but "we cannot guarantee success at this time."

This is a diagram that Heading Out posted a few days ago, of the LMRP.

The Lower Marine Riser Package (LMRP) option

According to Upstream Online:

If the top kill does not work, the UK supermajor plans to cut off the riser from the lower marine riser package (LMRP) and attach another to collect the flow.

‘Top Kill’ Fails to Plug Leak; BP Readies Next Approach

President Obama, at a rare press conference , took full credit for stopping the Deepwater Horizon oil spill

“The American people should know that from the moment this disaster began, the federal government has been in charge of the response effort,” Obama said.

So now we know why the spill lasted over a month.


Breaking: Taliban Using Chemical Weapons Against US Troops? 4-5 Troops Reportedly Fall Ill

Israel stations nuclear missile subs off Iran

Juan Williams: We Don't Want To Antagonize Moderate Islam By Using Terms Like 'Jihad' (Video)

For Islam, a Religion of Peace®? The Most Damning links-- click the picture:

Watch the videos, read the links, ponder the quotes.
Wake up, and smell the Jihad...

Where It's 9-11 All the Time...Click the picture...

"Where it's nine-eleven all the time
and no Sun sets, and no clocks chime
where no voice speaks and no bird trills
the Moon hangs frozen o'er the hills
The winds are still, they seem to say,
Reflect, remember, stop to pray..."

( Note, and note well...
...that "plume of steam" you see to the right of the Twin Towers is the mushroom cloud thrown up from the crash of Flight 93...

Never Forgive,
Never Forget... )

34 posted on Sunday, May 30, 2010 5:33:53 AM by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)

How Long Does It Take The White House To Get A Story Right

May's Big Selloff Could Be Just the Beginning ["The Debt Levels Are Without Precedent"]

Video: Wealthiest Town In America - Greenwich, CT - Vacant Commercial Real Estate!

Want to know what kind of spooked me ( Yes, I’ll pre-denounce mysef’ as RAAACIST! to avoid the rush... ) last week?

Driving down what used to be the main commercial drag in my city- between 1/4th and 1/3rd of the buildings empty, but that was expected in this Recoverless Recovery...

What spooked me?

The real estate office with “Bus tours of repossessed Properties!” sign...

Maher: Obama Not Acting Like A "Real Black" President

Funny how they squealed like pigs about Bush’s cowboy diplomacy and now they want a gang banger.
“I thought they elected him because they hated “cowboy diplomacy”. Now they want a “lawless gangsta”?”
I've said it before, and I'll say it again-- Oblamer's "_residency" is a laughable mixture of:

And "Movin' On Up!"



Earth Abides

Sandstone arch at southern Nevada park collapses

'Hurt Locker' downloaders, you've been sued

Sure, traffic can be traced to a non-static ip that changes regularly, but is often tracked by Radius software for billing purposes, or, more likely, because the admin is lazy and wants the Radius box to do NAT, instead of buying a real router. Get the address from billing and kick down the door.

But that just gets you to a CPE (Customer Premises Equipment). Which may or may not be a wireless router, and if it is, may or may not be secured.

Do a war drive and look for 'linksys' as wireless router names. There are LOTS of unsecured wireless routers out there.

Stand everything on it's head and be a bad guy. You want to get X off of the internet, and you don't want it tracked back to you.

Get a laptop without a Broadcom wifi card. Tinker with the MAC on the card to make it not yours. Software only, so if checked after turning it off, it shows up as your normal MAC.

Then, go trolling for 5 or 10 unsecured wireless networks nearby. When you find them, write a script to share them in the time domain.

You have to make sure you don't drop state for the protocol and application, but it's very doable.

The only people that get cold busted are the idiots, or the truly malevolent that require megabucks to track. Everybody in between, not so much.


36 posted on Saturday, May 29, 2010 11:10:29 PM by JRandomFreeper (Gone Galt)

12,405 posted on 05/30/2010 3:18:20 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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KING CANUTE is in over his head.
 What Our Media Taught Me.
Obama, the Thin-Skinned President. “Obama is among the most thin-skinned presidents we have had, and we see evidence of it in every possible venue imaginable, from one-on-one interviews to press conferences, from extemporaneous remarks to set speeches. . . . With Obama there is also the compulsive need to admonish others, to point fingers, to say that the problems he faces are not of his doing. . . . The ingredients are in place for some serious problems down the road. Those who care for the president need to recognize the warning signs now, sooner rather later, before it becomes too late, for him and for the nation.”
The collapsing Obama Presidency

List: Top 10 Largest Oil Spills (Exxon Valdez or Deep Water Horizon Not on List)

BP's corporate, personal ties to White House emerge

The Russians successfully nuke and shutdown a runaway natural gas well (video)

At least 21wounded in separate shootings, 1 dead (CHICAGO! Not Iraq!)

Just need a few more "sensible" gun restrictions...

Possible Obama FR Screen Names [HUMOR - Add your ideas here!]


Obama’s Plentiful Golf Rounds Make Him Perfect Candidate to Plug the Hole in the Gulf

"plug the damn hole!"

President 'Enraged' Over Latest Failure to Stop Oil Gusher



Top PR firm for BP tied to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Candidate Obama at fund-raiser April 9, 2007.
George Soros is seated to the right of the stairs. (Photo: Michael Edwards)

Liz Cheney on Obama’s Response to BP Oil Spill: “A Gift for Reading the TelePrompter........

Gilligan Pictures, Images and Photos

A three hour tour. A three hour tour.

Bombshell expose'. The real reason the oil still flows into the Gulf of Mexico.


“NALCO is associated with UChicago Argonne program. UChicago Argonne received $164 million dollars in stimulus funds this past year. UChicago Argonne just added two new executives to their roster. One from NALCO. The other from the Ill. Dept of Educaution.

If you dig a little deeper you will find NALCO is also associated with Warren Buffett, Maurice Strong, Al Gore, Soros, Apollo, Blackstone, Goldman Sachs, Hathaway Berkshire.

A simpler answer: letting the spill get bigger so that they can kill the “drill baby drill” and thus push green energy despite the price.
Another answer: wait for videos of summer vacations ruined by oil spills, use it to push green energy, carbon trading, and shutting down drilling.

Reporters with Obama surrounded by Nation of Islam security agents

Amity Shlaes: Genital mutilation not a tradition to preserve

Blumenthal, Reagan, and the Big Lie

Israel recoils as US backs nuclear move

Video! Crazed Jew Baiter & CUPE Union Thug Ali Mallah Assaults Blazingcatfur at Netanyahu Protest! See it here -

"Organ Donation Euthanasia": A Dangerous Proposal

Small Businesses Threatened With 1099 Tax Form Tyranny...

ACORN insider lays out the 'stealth socialism' strategy

What the Blame-Bush Media Taught Me: Blame Obama

Attention please: Foreclosure Class is about to begin.

The Political Manipulation of Selective Memory

The toughest since the 30’s... I guess WWII was simple compared to Zero’s problems. But he has time for basketball, golf,date night, fundraisers, bowing to our enemies, destroying our economy.

First family enjoys sleepover in own Chicago home

...and meanwhile, a few hundred thousand former servicepeople enjoy their sleepover:

VIDEO: Alleged Racist Murders In California

Maybe Pre-abortion Ultrasounds Are Emotionally Torturous For A Reason

But a number of women at the Birmingham clinic... said they simply did not want to subject themselves to images that might haunt them. “You almost have to think of it as an alien,” said Carmen, 28, who was there for her second abortion in three years.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Deepwater Oil Spill - The LMRP Attempt Continued and Sunday's Open Thread


12,406 posted on 05/30/2010 4:13:29 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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To: All
“We have now seen the president handle 4 crises. He failed each time.”

Related item here.

May 30, 2010 at 7:19 pm

...There’s a tipping point. He’s reached it. GW Bush never recovered from Katrina. Carter never recovered from the hostage crisis that he couldn’t fix. Politicians have a finite time line to fix a problem. He has past his.

May 30, 2010 at 6:37 pm

Obama has sooo many other important duties to attend to. Get a load of this -

Obama during oil spill — golf, parties, photo-ops… and more golf! (photos)

DAY 41 – MAY 30
After a night of barbecue and beers, let’s hit the gym!

Coming soon… Paul McCartney concert, golf…

41 Days Later, Obama Still Hasn’t Solved the Gulf Oil Spill Problem (but finds time to go on vacation…again)

Posted by hillbuzz under Uncategorized | Tags: , |
[89] Comments 

Can someone please explain to us — because we really and truly do want to know — why Obama has not solved the Gulf Oil Spill Problem yet?

In 2008, the Media and DNC told America to push Hillary Clinton to the side, because her experience and proven competence didn’t matter, because Obama was “unique” and “special” and “could do anything”.  He was “The Lightbringer”, “The One”, and he was sold as a bill of goods that could magically solve all of our problems.

In the general election, the Media and the DNC told America to push John McCain to the side, because his experience and years of service to this country didn’t matter, because Obama was “unique” and “special” and would usher in a Golden Age of Hope and Change.

Well, when does that start, exactly?

Is the photo above Hope, or is it Change?

Sure looks like a bird covered in oil that should be chirping a happy song somewhere, perched on the horn of a unicorn, according to what the Media and DNC promised of the Obama presidency.



May 30, 2010 at 3:51 pm

Lame Cherry’s take:

May 30, 2010 at 7:16 pm

So true. And as long as we are speaking metaphors, all those birds, turtles, and fish being soiled and poisoned – that’s the citizens of the gool ‘ol USA. And the only thing that will possibly save us is “Dawn”. So let’s all wake up and make sure we’re doing SOMETHING every day to make sure we don’t have 8 years of this cruel joke and that we get rid of his enablers in November 2010.

1. Write a letter to the editor decrying how he his incompetance has fowled the waters, and poisoned the Gulf.
2. Send articles to your friends that explain how poorly he’s doing and why it matters to them.
3. Make sure everyone with a home amongst your family and friends know that if they are fortunate enough to sell it in this market, they will be paying a 3.8 percent tax on the sale. Yep. And that is in the….WAIT FOR IT…Health Care bill. So, they will lose any profit or perhaps even more money on a sale of their home to pay for other people’s health care.

May 30, 2010 at 5:20 pm

Obama and Moosechelle hate America. Anyone who skips Arlington for a Chicago BBQ are the lowest pieces of dirt on earth.

There’s more at Atlas Shrugs.

May 30, 2010 at 7:46 pm

Give Obama a break… Haven’t you noticed the earth is healing … the sea is lower…

We are the ones we have waited for.
Hope! Change!

READ THIS: "One of the top media consultants for British Petroleum gave free rent to a politician who became White House Chief of Staff. The recipient of the favor was Rahm Emanuel and the benefactor was Stanley Greenberg."

Cheap, shameless plug but shocking: I chronicled the Oil Spill time line interspersed with Utopia’s daily schedule in a post on my blog. You need to go over there and see how the PantLoad has wasted time flitting hither-and-yon doing everything *but* solving this problem for the last six weeks.

 Nigeria's agony dwarfs the Gulf oil spill
Oil spill tars Dems’ reputation for competence.  Well, duh!
Or is that DUH!1 ?
  Will the UN try to intervene over Arizona’s new law?


A Michigan lawmaker wants to license reporters to ensure they’re credible and vet them for “good moral character.”

Senator Bruce Patterson is introducing legislation that will regulate reporters much like the state does with hairdressers, auto mechanics and plumbers. Patterson, who also practices constitutional law, says that the general public is being overwhelmed by an increasing number of media outlets–traditional, online and citizen generated–and an even greater amount misinformation.

“Legitimate media sources are critically important to our government,” he said.

He told that some reporters covering state politics don’t know what they’re talking about and they’re working for publications he’s never heard of, so he wants to install a process that’ll help him and the general public figure out which reporters to trust.

How about requiring that all sitting legislators pass a test on the constitution? And maybe an IQ test, too . . .

CANDIDATE MIKE STOPA compares the Deepwater Horizon oil spill with the 1979 Ixtoc 1 spill.

Covering Obama, press encounters Nation of Islam.

The Sound Of Settled Science

Did you know that big glowing ball in the sky has been strangely quiet?

Solar physicists here at the semiannual meeting of the American Astronomical Society this week offered a number of mechanisms to shed light on what has been happening on the sun of late, but conceded that the final answer—or more likely answers—remains opaque.

Scientific American - the go-to place for two year old science news. The least these science journalists could do is remind us of how such phenomenen still pale in comparison to the impact of the incandescent bulb.

Posted by Kate at 1:42 AM| Comments (3)
I found this at American Digest.  David Warren is a Canadian newspaper columnist.


A crunch is coming to a country near you; has already come to several countries in Europe; is likely to transform the entire Western world within the space of our lifetimes. It will obviate all the trends to which we have become accustomed.

But while I have no doubt of this, I have no idea what will emerge from it. Human beings cannot see the future, except perhaps prophetically under divine inspiration.

We can see such rational things as "three into two won't go," and easily predict the catastrophe itself. We have not only an impending fiscal collapse, but escalating "culture wars" that will be resolved one way or another.

I have praised Lee Harris several times previously as a remarkably discerning pundit. His account of the "fantasy ideology of Al Qaeda" exploded from the pages of Policy Review, the summer after 9/11, and since he has written three books on "global" political issues, under titles that unfortunately cast him as a futurologist. His latest, just published, is The Next American Civil War: The Populist Revolt Against the Liberal Elite.

It is in fact a smiling book by the best sort of generous, old-fashioned liberal who gives an entertaining tour-de-horizon of the whole history of creative tension between ornery know-nothing libertarians, and pointy-headed intellectual control-freaks -- from the Magna Carta forward -- including Wat Tyler, Cromwell, Andrew Jackson, everything. He is on the side of both liberty and order, as any sane person will be, and celebrates chiefly the English-speaking societies that have "evolved" through open contests between them. Harris's writing is itself an overlay of high-brow and populist: in the best sense he is a "global village explainer."

My own thesis would be that the tradition symbolized by Magna Carta is being rendered extinct, by the metastatic growth of the Nanny State, the retreat of Christianity, and the uncritical assimilation of inhuman technology.

Harris would perhaps half-agree that we "aren't in Kansas any more," and I would half-agree that our current conflicts were prefigured in many past ones.

Familiar with the attitudes of Middle Americans from living among them (unlike the urban intelligentsia of East and West Coasts), Harris provides an apologia for them that is only slightly condescending. They are people whose whole ethos is "live and let live," yet are accused of intolerance for failing to embrace progressive agendas. They are also people who powerfully resent being told how to live. And they have been pushed too far.

The Tea Party movement has arisen in the U.S. (and could easily arise in English Canada) to redress an imbalance. The election of Barack Obama put a crown on the exponential growth of the state, and his extremely ambitious statist agenda is taking Middle America, very fast, to places it has never wanted to go.

Whether you like or dislike Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh (I adore them both), they have articulated the spirit of rebellion against taxes and debt, against sprawling, parasitical bureaucracies, and against "the culture of death."

To the mainstream media -- to that liberal elite generally -- the question has not been whether we should have vast intrusive bureaucracies, but rather, what their policies should be, and how to pay for them. That is their playing field, on which they locate some "middle ground" or scrimmage line -- itself shifting constantly to the left, toward some vague, Utopian endzone. It comes as an inconceivable shock to them to discover millions of people who are not merely pushing back against this "progress" -- which they could understand -- but want no part of the game.

Their lives are centred on family and church and productive labour, not on politics. They are often poorly informed about things they care little about; poorly researched on current rights and entitlements; real boobs when they stray into debates about such things; and thus, hicks to the politically sophisticated. The latter, in turn, know little enough about family and church and productive labour.

The problem arises between these two amorphous groups when the latter take the former to be their milch cows. At least in America, that is the point at which the hicks suddenly become seriously interested in politics, organize themselves into things like Tea Parties, and go out looking for results.

This is complicated by the fact that Nanny State has come to the end of her fiscal road. Her ambitions have so far outstripped her means, that we are faced with public finance implosions. In the case of the U.S., deficits and debts were unsustainable even before President Obama and a Democrat-controlled Congress put the country on track to double them.

Any way you look at it, the crunch is coming. I do not have the illusion it will be painless, for the Nanny State is utterly unprepared for, and was anyway ill-equipped to handle, popular rebellion.

Nor have we anywhere in view the sort of politicians who could ride the tiger; who have any notion how to radically downsize a government peacefully. Yet we are getting beyond the sort of thing we can vote on.

David Warren

The Fruit of Islam "Don't Have No Comment"

—Gabriel Malor

No, really, Louis Farrakhan's private security force thugz call themselves the Fruit of Islam and they went nutso at the press covering President Obama in Chicago last night.

Byron York shares the pool reporter's email. Apparently, the Fruits thought the reporters, with their Secret Service escort, might be CIA spying on Farrakhan's tax-exempt mansion, which is just around the block from the Obamas' house.

Paranoia? Check.
Paramilitary? Check.
Religious? Check.
Not paying taxes? Check.

It think the press found Napolitano's extremists.

Posted by Gabriel Malor at 12:31 PM New Comments Thingy
The Religion of Thugs strikes again.

Ok.... so... when 8 to 10 Little Ole Ladie and kids, who are Tea Partyers, come to a LARGE Obama rally with signs to protest, they call out SWAT teams to intimidate...But. When 20+ Farakhan Racist Moslems, potentialy armed, are within spitting distance of Obama in a PRIVATE Residence (low secrurity)... they don't do anything? Hmmm... interesting Threat Assesments there... does it show who they think the Enemy really is?

And just as revealing, it shows who they think the enemy really isn't.

Keep these handy...


 Facts v5.1!

Click the pic to go to the Gun Facts v5.1 download page!



FOR MEN WHO ARE ENGAGED, the “Mangagement” ring.

HOT NEW TREND: Divorce Rings?




May 30, 2010 12:16 AM by Michelle Malkin40 Comments | 2 Trackbacks

12,407 posted on 05/31/2010 2:32:14 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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To: All
As I said before the election:
"This guy was a Communtity Organizer ( code for shakedown artist ), wrote ( with a ghost writer ) two books about himself, for God's sake, and ran perpetually for office-- so how does that qualify him to lead anything?"

Obama: incompetent and ideological

Obama's house of cards ["Lies All the Time and is Spectacularly Incompetent"]

BP may not cap Gulf well until end of August

August of which year?

New Orleans faces a 'slime wave'

White House Tries to Regroup as Criticism Mounts Over Leak [Epic Fail]

0bama took ownership of the spill when he thought topkill was going to work and was greedy for the credit.
Now Deepwater Horizon is a good description of his political future.

Matt Simmons Tells Bloomberg Only Way To Contain Oil Leak Is With Small Nuclear Bombs

My solution is to get BP out of the area and announce that the first oil company to cap the well can have the production from it free of taxes for as long as it produces.

Probably have the sucker under control by the evening news...


The BP Oil Spill Disaster: Some Strange Media Reaction

When the BP rig blew up, the news media was initially giddy that the “disaster” might lead to an end to offshore drilling in the U.S.

That euphoria lasted until they found 0bama stuck without an answer to what they thought would always be BP’s problem.

Now the news media is confounded. They don’t want 0bama to look bad, yet they also don’t want to ignore a growing environmental crisis.

Surprise! Joe Klein Says Gulf Oil Spill is “Bush’s Second Katrina” – Video

Obama Claims He's Too Busy To Talk To Jan Brewer,But Runs To Boxer's Aid During The"Obama Oil Spill"

Gaza Flotilla Massacre [Barf Alert - Arab Agitprop] (Cynthia McKinney is aboard!!)

The Reckoning Approaches (Urban "Intelligentsia" Statists vs. Middle America/Tea Partiers)

Upside Down American Flag Upsets Neighbors

Well, turning America upside down has upset me- get a grip.

Clinton Criminality Again

Thugocracy warning:

W. Seattle teen beaten bloody in possible hate crime (White claims black torture for slavery)

Job growth seen a little less robust in May (Already making excuses... must be bad)


A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border

Up to 25 Bodies Found in Mexican Silver Mine

Jest doin' the mass murder Americans...

Yep- here's a sample from

-Thunder on the Border--

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The BP Deepwater Oil Spill - Why Top Kill May Have Failed and Tonight's Open Thread

The Oil Drum ^ is far better. As they put it, “More signal, less noise”.

12  brocko has one chance and one chance only to make this spill go away: do at least a faint apology to George W Bush for criticizing him so stridently, and campaigning against him, on his Katrina response.

All he has to do is say, “Sorry, Mr. President; it isn’t as easy as it looks. My bad. You did your best in a bad situation.”

He does that, I think the leak stops rather soon thereafter. He doesn’t do that (and he won’t) and it will continue to be an albatross to him 10x worse than Katrina.

Never Give Up Your Weapons

When Masculine Virtues Go Out of Fashion

The death of the myth of Obama's competence?

God help America...


( Yes, he actually can fly the damned thing... )

Versus this:


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Is Your Boy Ball Tapping? Has He Been Injured by Ball Tapping?

Wolfram/Alpha - Computational Knowledge Engine

12,408 posted on 05/31/2010 4:36:16 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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To: All


Background Link with ongoing updates:

Video of Israeli Action Against Gaza Flotilla Shows the Truth

"Peace activists" stabbing IDF soldier

Arutz Sheva actually has three separate IDF videos.

Video: Close-up footage of Mavi Marmara passengers attacking IDF soldiers

Cynthia McKinney Mourns the Dead of the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza (Barf Alert)

"This...from the same woman that thinks the US military shot thousands of Katrina victims and dumped them into the Louisiana swamps on President Bush’s orders.

Go figure....(eye roll)"

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, May 31, 2010, 12:16 AM

The Israeli navy attacked at least one of six ships heading to Gaza today. There were reports of injuries and deaths.
Aljazeera posted video:


This will likely be a media disaster for Israel.

FOX News reported:

Israeli warships attacked at least one of six ships carrying pro-Palestinian activists and aid for the blockaded Gaza Strip, killing at least two and wounding an unknown number of people on board, an Arabic satellite news channel and a Turkish TV network reported early Monday.

The Israeli military spokesman’s office denied that its forces attacked the boats but said they would enforce the decision to keep them away from Gaza.

However, other security officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to report on the military operation, confirmed that activists were wounded, but did not give numbers.

They said the troops faced resistance and that soldiers were under orders only to use fire if their lives were in danger.

The al-Jazeera satellite channel reported by telephone from the Turkish ship leading the flotilla that Israeli navy forces fired at the ship and boarded it, wounding the captain. The Turkish NTV network also reported an Israeli takeover with gunfire, and that at least two people were killed.

12,409 posted on 05/31/2010 11:17:46 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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To: All
THE SECRET INGREDIENT in the Obama formula for success.

  I am happy to see that my friend Peggy Noonan has graduated from being the star-struck cheerleader of Obama to joinging the ranks of the disillusioned.  Back in the summer of 2008, when much of the country was swooning over The One We’ve Been Waiting for For (remember that?), Peggy was enthusiastically outlining the case for Barack Hussein Obama in The Wall Street Journal:

He has within him the possibility to change the direction and tone of American foreign policy, which need changing; his rise will serve as a practical rebuke to the past five years, which need rebuking; his victory would provide a fresh start in a nation in which a fresh start would come as a national relief. He climbed steep stairs, born off the continent with no father to guide, a dreamy, abandoning mother, mixed race, no connections. He rose with guts and gifts. He is steady, calm, and, in terms of the execution of his political ascent, still the primary and almost only area in which his executive abilities can be discerned, he shows good judgment in terms of whom to hire and consult, what steps to take and moves to make. We witnessed from him this year something unique in American politics: He took down a political machine without raising his voice.

Embarrassing, what? But 18 months after that “fresh start” things are looking pretty rancid, even to Peggy. “He was,” she complained in her WSJ column a few days ago “supposed to be competent.”

In fact, some of us have been wondering about Obama’s competence since before the election. That was part of the reason your humble correspondent, among others, worried about his total lack of executive experience. Sarah Palin had run the largest state in the union. Barack Obama had run . . . his campaign.

...Incompetence. Arrogance. Left-wingery. Those qualities go some distance in explaining what Obama is. But there is another feature that has been often but obliquely noticed. It hovers in the air when it is announced that Air Force One is ferrying the first couple to New York for a date and a night on the town. You sense it when you read, as you are always reading, that Obama is about to embark on, or about to return from, another vacation. You feel it as an unstated premise when you hear (as you are always hearing) about Obama’s latest round of golf.

Not to put too fine a point on it, Obama is lazy. He loves the perquisites of high office. He just doesn’t have much time for the demands....


Will journalists wake up in time to save journalism from Obama’s FTC? “Release of the Federal Trade Commission’s working paper on ‘reinventing journalism’ makes it clear that there is no more time for diplomacy about this issue: Barack Obama is determined to federalize the news industry just as he has banking, autos, and health care.”

RICHARD FERNANDEZ on the Gaza “Aid” Flotilla.

UPDATE: Related thoughts from Claudia Rosett.

ANOTHER UPDATE: More from Allison Kaplan Sommer.

Figures. Obama’s Terroroist Pal Bill Ayers & Top Bundler Jodie Evans Are Top Activists With Gaza Flotilla Group
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, May 31, 2010, 12:43 PM

Barack Obama’s close family friends, terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, and top campaign bundler Jodie Evans from Code Pink are top activists with the Gaza flotilla group that attacked the IDF today.

Code Pink activist and radical leftist Jodie Evans was one of Barack Obama’s top bundlers during the 2008 campaign.

The Real Barack Obama reported:

Aaron Klein, Jerusalem bureau chief for World Net Daily, reports from New York:

The group behind the Gaza flotilla that engaged in deadly clashes with Israeli commandoes today counts among its top activists Weather Underground terrorist founders William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn as well as Jodie Evans, the leader of the radical activist organization Code Pink.

Ayers and Dohrn were close associates for years with President Obama, while Evans was a fundraiser and financial bundler for Obama’s presidential campaign.

Earlier today, Israeli navy commandos raided the six-ship flotilla, encountering heavy resistance and live fire from the activists. Nine activists were killed and dozens of others were reportedly injured, as were several of the Israeli commandoes.

The flotilla was organized by the Free Gaza Movement, a coalition of leftist human rights activists and pro-Palestinian groups engaged in attempts to break a blockade imposed by Israel on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

Ayers, Dohrn and Evans’ Code Pink have led several recent Free Gaza Movement initiatives, including attempted marches into the Gaza Strip. Dorhn was in the Middle East just last month on behalf of the movement.

Hat Tip BG

12,410 posted on 05/31/2010 12:07:16 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Terror alert as US uncovers Somali human smuggling ring (We've Lost Our Country!)

State of alert throughout Israel. "Brink of war or new Intifada"


IDF Soldier: Passengers on boat shot at us the entire time - Plus, Video of soldier being stabbed

Interesting comment PGiS.

In recent days, the international media, particularly in Europe and the Mideast, has been full of stories about activist boats sailing to Gaza carrying desperately-needed humanitarian aid and building materials.

The BBC World Service even led its world news broadcasts with this story at one point over last weekend. (The BBC yesterday boasted that its global news audience has now risen to 220 million persons a week, making it by far the biggest news broadcaster in the world.)

Yet the BBC and other media fail to report on the fancy new restaurants and swimming pools of Gaza, or about the wind surfing competitions on Gaza beaches, or the Strip's crowded shops and markets.

No, this would spoil their agenda. Playing the manipulative game of the BBC is easy. If I had their vast taxpayer funded resources, I too could produce reports about parts of London, Manchester and Glasgow and make it look as though there is a humanitarian catastrophe throughout the UK. I could produce the same effect by selectively filming seedy parts of Paris and Rome and New York and Los Angeles too.

Of course there is poverty in Gaza. There is poverty in parts of Israel too. (When was the last time a foreign journalist based in Israel left the pampered lounge bars and restaurants of the King David and American Colony hotels in Jerusalem and went to check out the slum-like areas of southern Tel Aviv? Or the hard-hit Negev towns of Netivot or Rahat?)

But the way the BBC and other prominent Western news media are deliberately misleading global audiences and systematically creating the false impression that people are somehow starving in Gaza, and that it is all Israel's fault, can only serve to increase hatred for the Jewish state - which one suspects was the goal of many of the editors and reporters involved in the first place.

If you drop by the Roots Club in Gaza, according to the Lonely Planet guidebook for Gaza and the West Bank, you can dine on steak au poivre and chicken cordon bleu.

The restaurant's website in Arabic gives a window into middle class dining and the lifestyle of Hamas officials in Gaza.

And here it is in English, for all the journalists, UN types and NGO staff who regularly frequent this and other nice Gaza restaurants but don't tell their readers about them.

Please take a look at the pictures on the above website. They are not the kind of things you see in The New York Times or CNN or in Newsweek, whose international edition last week had one of the most disgracefully misleading stories about Gaza I have ever seen, portraying it in terms which were virtually reminiscent of Hiroshima after a nuclear blast.

In case anyone doubts the authenticity of this video (which is up on the club's own website I linked), I just called the club in Gaza City and had a nice chat with the manager who proudly confirmed business is booming and many Palestinians and international guests are dining there.

While Western media, misled by corrupt and biased NGOs, continue to report on a "humanitarian catastrophe" in Gaza, the Palestinian Ma'an news agency reports on the Olympic-size swimming pool that opened in Gaza last week.

How does an area that claims to be starved of water and building materials and depends on humanitarian aid build an Olympic size swimming pool and create a luxury lifestyle for some while others are forced to live in abject poverty as political pawn refugees?

 Netanya does not have a municipal Olympic pool. Neither does Ashkelon, or Sderot. Gaza City is part of the Palestinian territory operated by the Islamic terror regime, Hamas. Netanya has been hit by repeated Palestinian suicide attacks, car bombings, and terrorist gunmen that have left over fifty of its citizens dead and more than three hundred injured. The Palestinians receive record amounts of international funding. The victims of Palestinian terror get nothing.
193  ...all over the lefty blogosphere the moonbats are stilling running with the meme that these folks were unarmed. YouTube is pulling the vids as fast as they get posted and I have no doubt the MFM will refuse to show any of them.

Can't let the truth get out.

Flotillas and the Wars of Public Opinion

Purge of Jews Begins in Europe as Outrage Grows Over Gaza Incident

SHOCKER: The convoy of ships allegedly trying to bring aid to the Gaza Strip was organized by a group belonging to an officially designated terrorist organization.

UPDATE: More news.

ANOTHER UPDATE: The “Full Whoopi”?

“Peace activists.”

All aboard the peace thug flotilla: “The army of Muhammad will return!”; Update: Israel is ready for the next jihadi ships; U.N. condemns Israel, of course

By Michelle Malkin  •  June 1, 2010 02:06 AM

This is what floats their boat.


Scroll down for updates…at least three more Jew-bashing martyrdom ships on the way…U.N. condemns Israeli actions, calls for release of ships…

From the IDF YouTube channel, a video counter-narrative of the weekend “Freedom Flotilla” furor you won’t see in the Israel-bashing press:

Video taken by IDF naval boat shows the passengers of the Mavi Marmara, one of the ships in the ‘Free Gaza’ Flotilla, violently attacking IDF soldiers who were trying to board the ship after having sent repeated requests for the boat to change course.

Large groups of passengers surrounded soldiers and beat them with metal poles and chairs, and threw one soldier over the side of the ship. Some passengers grabbed pistols from the IDF soldiers and opened fire. As a result of the attacks, seven IDF soldiers were injured, and nine of the passengers were killed.

The ‘Free Gaza’ Flotilla had publicly insisted on their non-violent intentions, however their violent attack on the IDF soldiers was clearly premeditated. They had knives, metal rods, firebombs and other items ready to use.

Many of the IDF soldiers were armed with…paintball guns.

Jonathan Schanzer reports on the terror financiers behind the peace thug flotilla:

The Turkish organizers of the Gaza Strip-bound flotilla that was boarded this morning by Israeli commandos knew well in advance that their vessels would never reach Israeli waters. That’s because the organizers belong to a nonprofit that was banned by the Israeli government in July 2008 for its ties to terrorism finance.

The Turkish IHH (Islan Haklary Ve Hurriyetleri Vakfi in Turkish) was founded in 1992, and reportedly popped up on the CIA’s radar in 1996 for its radical Islamist leanings. Like many other Islamist charities, the IHH has a record of providing relief to areas where disaster has struck in the Muslim world.

However, the organization is not a force for good. The Turkish nonprofit belongs to a Saudi-based umbrella organization known to finance terrorism called the Union of Good (Ittilaf al-Kheir in Arabic). Notably, the Union is chaired by Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, who is known best for his religious ruling that encourages suicide attacks against Israeli civilians. According to one report, Qardawi personally transferred millions of dollars to the Union in an effort to provide financial support to Hamas.

In 2008, the Israelis banned IHH, along with 35 other Islamist charities worldwide, for its ties to the Union of Good. This was a follow-on designation; Israelis first blocked the Union of Good from operating in the West Bank and Gaza in 2002.

Interestingly, the Union of Good may not only be tied to Hamas. Included in the Israeli list of 36 designees was the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO). In 2006, both the U.S. government and the United Nations designated the IIRO branch offices in Indonesia and the Philippines for financing al Qaeda.

Melanie Phillips has more on the Islamic terror ambush and the jihadis’ media sympathizers:

The notion – uncritically swallowed by the lazy, ignorant and bigoted BBC and other western media – that the flotilla organisers are ‘peace activists’ is simply ludicrous. This research by the Danish Institute for International Studies details the part played by the IHH in Islamist terror in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Chechnya. According to the French magistrate Jean-Louis Bruguiere testifying at the Seattle trial of would-be al Qaeda Millenium bomber Ahmed Ressamin, the IHH had played ‘[a]n important role’ in the al Qaeda Millenium bomb plot targeting Los Angeles airport. It was also involved in weapons trafficking, and played in addition a key role in galvanizing anti-Western sentiment among Turkish Muslims in the lead-up to the 2003 war in Iraq. ‘Peace activists’ these people most certainly are not.

And this flotilla was but the latest jihadi attack, deploying the Islamists’ signature strategy of violence and media manipulation. Here from MEMRI (via Just Journalism) is a clip showing the hysteria against Israel being whipped up on board before the ships set sail, with the chanting of intifada songs about ‘Khaybar’ – the iconic slaughter of Jews by Muslims in the 7th century which is used as a rallying cry to kill the Jews today — and threats of ‘martyrdom’. This was not merely a propaganda stunt, but a terrorist attack.

Indeed, here’s the Jew-killing warm-up chant alluding to Khaibar and the return of the “army of Mohammed:”

It’s a chant sung by jihadists here in the U.S., too. Know your history, know your enemy:

Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews.
The Army of Muhammad will return
Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews.
The Army of Muhammad will return
Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews.
The Army of Muhammad will return
Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews.
The Army of Muhammad will return
Hey hey hey, hey hey hey.
Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews.
The Army of Muhammad will return
Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews.
The Army of Muhammad will return
Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews.
The Army of Muhammad will return
Khaibar, Khaibar, O Jews.
The Army of Muhammad will return
We will crawl and fight.

With our blood, we will fight.
We will crawl and fight.
With our blood we will fight.
Ah, Ah.
You will not cross over my blood, over my blood.
You will not live in my homeland, in my homeland.
You will not cross over my blood, over my blood.
You will not live in my homeland, in my homeland.
Death to you…under the ground,
and glory to us above the ground.
Death to you under the ground,
and glory to us above the ground.


Right on cue, here comes the U.N. Security Council to condemn Israel.

And right on cue, here come the worldwide protests, via John Hinderaker at Power Line.

Speaking of useful idiots, William Jacobson has a round-up of the left-o-sphere’s usual Israel-hating suspects.

Doug Ross has more on the “humanitarian” cover for this martyrdom operation.


Update: There’s another jihadi ship on the way. Israel says it’s ready:

Israel’s Navy is ready to stop another aid ship headed to Gaza, a commander said on Tuesday, playing down the prospect of his men shying from confrontation after their bloody seizure of a Turkish vessel a day earlier.

Israel’s Army Radio reported that the MV Rachel Corrie, a converted merchant ship, would reach Gazan waters by Wednesday.

A Marine lieutenant who was not named told Army Radio that he expected an easy takeover of the ship.

Yes, it’s named after that Rachel Corrie.

This report says there are a total of at least three more vessels on the way.

The U.N. Security Council wants Israel to release the ships and passengers it has in custody:

The United Nations Security Council on Thursday condemned acts which resulted in the loss of civilian lives on ships carrying pro-Palestinian campaigners and aid to Gaza, and called for an impartial investigation into Israel’s deadly raid.

In a statement, the Security Council also called for the immediate release of 400 international activists and the six ships being held by Israel.

…Netanyahu voiced regret at the deaths but vowed to maintain the three-year-old embargo to stop Iranian-backed Hamas from bringing arms to Gaza.

That pledge could soon be tested. Israel’s Army Radio said the aid ship MV Rachel Corrie, named after an American activist killed by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip in 2003, would approach the port of Gaza imminently. A marines commander told the station his men were “ready” to intercept the ship.


And nope, as Allahpundit at Hot Air notes, no U.N. condemnation of North Korea yet.***

Charles Krauthammer on Monday night’s Special Report on FNC:

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: The fundamental deception here is the use of the word “humanitarian.” As we saw, humanitarians don’t wield iron clubs and would have killed the Israelis had the Israelis not drawn their pistols in self-defense. But there’s a larger issue here. What exactly is the humanitarian crisis that the flotilla was actually addressing? There is none. There’s no one starving in Gaza. The Gazans have been supplied with food and social services, education, by the U.N., by UNRWA, for 60 years in part with American tax money. Second, when there are humanitarian needs, the Israelis allow every day food and medicine overland into Gaza.

The reason that it did not want to allow this flotilla is because, as the spokesman for the flotilla said herself, this was not about humanitarian relief, it was about breaking the blockade. And the reason the Israelis have a blockade is because they only want to allow humanitarian supplies and not weaponry. Look, the proof of that is the fact that if you look at a map of Gaza, you’ll see that Israelis only control three sides of this rectangle. There’s a fourth side on the Egyptian side. So it is an Egyptian-Israeli blockade. The Egyptians have the same problem with Gaza. People accuse Israelis of having a blockade because they’re racist, they’re anti-Muslim, anti-Arab. The Egyptians are Muslim and Arab, and they’ve gone to war three times on behalf of the Palestinians.

So why do they have exactly the same blockade? Because Gaza is run by Hamas, a terror entity that wants to import weaponry and resume the war against Israel. The man who made the announcement that we saw earlier, explaining the commando raid, is the defense minister of Israel. He’s not right winger. He’s Ehud Barak, who’s the leader of Labor, the party of Yitzhak Rabin, Golda Meir, the party of the left, the man who 10 years ago this summer offered the Palestinians a peace agreement that would provide a Palestinian state, division of Jerusalem and an end of the conflict. The Palestinians said no, and Gaza two years ago declared war on Israel. That’s why you’ve got a blockade, and the flotilla was not about humanitarian needs. It was about smashing the blockade.

More at Newsbusters.

VIDEOS AT MM- Watch, and remember.

Deepwater Horizon Will Be Bigger Than Three-Mile Island, And We Felt That For Three Decades

May 31, 2010 at 10:28 am

From this, BP and MMS had plenty of advance warning that this well was a problem and potentially a catastrophe waiting to happen. Not only did this well experience several “kicks” (sudden gas releases in the well) but they KNEW they had a problem with the blowout preventer!!!
Can someone say criminal negligence?

(There have been unstoppable leaks on dry land.)

There were reports about this when the crisis first started which I wrote about a few weeks ago.

Apparently, the Russians used low-yield nuclear weapons to stop oil spills and for other non military purposes several times in the 1960s.

BP is cutting the riser right now!

False Dreams and Broken Promises: The Wasteful Federal Investment in Urban Mass Transit

MEMORIAL DAY TOP 5: Great WWII Films You Might Have Missed

Bulletproof The French and Indian War: Account of a British Officer

More California homeowners walk out on mortgages

Poll shocker! Majority wants Obama records

Peruvian child becomes symbol of US undocumented (Aww, let's just let 'em all stay here)

Anti-AZ Immigration Law Protest – Photos

May 31st, 2010

From The Dustin Inman Society:

Protest pictures at Phoenix Capital

Photos from the May 29, 2010 Phoenix protest against the Arizona immigration enforcement law…


The racism and sheer ignorance on display is simply staggering. (Hint: the Western Hemisphere is not a continent.)

And someone should tell Mrs. Pelosi that there is a lot of Nazi talk and swastikaas [sic] being bandied about.

But, as usually happens, their real agenda slips out.


Back in the day, when PC hadn’t polluted rational thinking, and when I was in Marine Corps, (pronounced ‘core’, not corpse, Obama) boot camp,, the Mexicans among us were routinely called ‘wetbacks’ by the drill instructors, and they laughed about it.

Once during mail call, as we neared graduation, one member of our platoon was boasting of his Mexican heritage, and the #2 ‘Hat’, who happened to be from Boston and sarcastic as hell said; “What do you Mexicans have for a history? All a Mexican is, is a descendent of an indian that got knocked up by a Spanish invader!”

This was in 1967, and I’ve thought of it a lot in recent months, for he distilled into two sentences the entire claim these jerk-wads have to being indigenous to this country. In other words….NONE...

Indeed. The only “indigenous” people (for lack of a better term) were the Pima and Papago Indians, who, as explained in this excerpt from, were not entirely without wars and “land grabs”.

Sarah Palin and the Multitude of Dummies (So say the Elites)

My city is 58% black ( used to be 63 1/2%, but we got some white trash movin’ in on us... that is a Joke, Son... ) and the “OOPS!” ( with Oblamer’s logo as “O’s” ) and “Don’t blame me- I voted for Sarah, you betcha!” bumper stickers get a lot of high-fives, hat-waves, and hoo-rahin’— from black folks.

Guess who angrily buzzes my truck- runs up fast behind me, whips around, and nearly hits my left quarter panel cutting in in front of me?

White folks with Bam-bam’s silly little stickers on their cars.

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Embraces Hate Preaching Imam~ Video

Deval Patrick loves a preacher of hate?

Just like his buddy Barack Obama.


My favorite all-time snarky cracks about The First Clydesdale ( hattip: anti-idiotarian rottweiler, who, if anyone gives a damn is a black fellow ) I've read on the web?

"I ain't hittin' on any chick that wears the rugs and draperies.."


"Accessories? That dress needs end tables..."

79 posted on Tuesday, June 01, 2010 3:59:05 AM by backhoe

Likely Loss of Millions of Jobs Due to WHO Proposal on Tobacco Ingredients

Obama seems unable to cut the mustard as each incident makes it appear

A Tale of Two Americas On Memorial Day 2010

. . .”And does it matter if Obama throws some leaves on a tomb?”
If we actually had a President then I guess it would matter, but this is just a Kenyan imposter who doesn’t belong at Arlington anyway, so it’s all good.

Bill Clinton back in the news

Tired of all the Obama talk around here lately? How about we discuss Bill Clinton a bit? Not penny ante stuff like playing bag man to Joe Sestak, big time stuff like crippling America's military superiority and locking away forever a trillion dollars worth of clean-burning coal for suitcases full of campaign loot. What's got the ol' Baron digging up the sins of the past, you ask? Well, Slick Willy and his bag man Al Gore were the first thing that popped into my head when I saw this story on Chinese supercomputing capability:

Chinese Supercomputer Is Ranked World's Second-Fastest, Challenging U.S. Dominance
Published: May 31, 2010

SAN FRANCISCO -- A Chinese supercomputer has been ranked as the world's second-fastest machine, surpassing European and Japanese systems and underscoring China's aggressive commitment to science and technology.

The Dawning Nebulae, based at the National Supercomputing Center in Shenzhen, China, has achieved a sustained computing speed of 1.27 petaflops -- the equivalent of one thousand trillion mathematical operations a second -- in the latest semiannual ranking of the world's fastest 500 computers.

The newest ranking was made public on Monday at the International Supercomputer Conference in Hamburg, Germany. Supercomputers are used for scientific and engineering problems as diverse as climate simulation and automotive design.

You know what else supercomputers are used for? Building nuclear guidance systems. And fourth generation fighter jets. Now I know what you're thinking, what the hell does that have to do with Clinton? Well, not many people remember that it was Bill Clinton who loosened export controls to allow the People's Republic of China to purchase supercomputing technology.
A 1995 General Accounting Office, or GAO, report ordered by the Pentagon and State Department and critical of exports to China portrays the United States as being a blind trading partner of China. The unclassified report shows that the United States approved 67 export licenses to China for military-industrial products between 1990 and 1993, including $530 million of missile-related technology. "The Department of Justice is concerned the Department of Commerce might not be identifying or seeking interagency concurrence on all potential missile technology export-license applications," the report de-clares.

According to William Triplett II, former chief Republican counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the British and French were furious when Clinton dismantled the Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls, or COCOM -- an international arrangement to prevent export of military high-tech. That decision, he says, secured the export to Russia and China this year of supercomputers capable of building sophisticated nuclear-guidance systems. California-based Silicon Graphics, now under federal investigation for illegal exporting, sold the supercomputers to the China Academy of Sciences and to a Russian nuclear-weapons lab, claiming the sales were based on an understanding that the technology would be used for environmental purposes. The company says it now feels terrible about these sales.

Follow the link and read the whole thing if you're in the mood to vomit with rage. There is no doubt the supercomputing technology PRC is developing today was reverse-engineered from the previously export controlled systems they bought under Bill Clinton. A few more choice nuggets:
The FBI learned of a major Chinese espionage plot to influence the elections last year and launched an investigation. The ex-Russian agent says China's political leaders initiated the operation after meeting to discuss how best to penetrate the U.S. government. "It was a political group decision," the source observes.


The ex-Russian intelligence agent's allegation of Chinese penetration has been confirmed by Randolph Quon, a former Hong Kong investment banker for two decades. Quon is close to several of the Chinese princelings--the sons and nephews of China's ruling leaders who head the major Red Chinese trading companies. He says China had a "guan-xi," or connection to get access, for its U.S. political operation. "Li Peng was told the Lippo Group had a back channel to the White House, to Bill Clinton," Quon says, through "dealmaker" John Huang, the former Commerce official and ex-vice president of the Indonesia-based Lippo Group, which had extensive joint ventures with Chinese power companies. All utility companies in China are operated by the People's Liberation Army, or PLA, say defense-intelligence specialists.


Senior U.S. intelligence officials say the Chinese waited patiently for an opportunity to strike and found vulnerability in a White House that seemed more concerned with filling a depleted Democratic National Committee war chest than with national security. Clinton denies security has suffered under his tenure, and Vice President Al Gore says he did nothing wrong in granting access to big-buck donors, but claims he won't "do it again."


He is not alone. Bipartisan former intelligence officials, who asked not to be identified, trace this national-security breakdown to Clinton's out-of-control fund-raising campaign. They cite the selling of White House access to drug dealers and heads of Chinese gun-smuggling companies as well as presidential one-on-ones with sons and daughters of the highest commanders in the PLA. They note that security clearances were overlooked and access to the president and high administration policy wonks was granted without so much as a FBI background check even for White House coffee-klatsch guests.

Like I said, go read it all. If the name James Huang and the Lippo Group sound familiar they were also central players in Clinton's decision to block access to the world's largest deposit of clean-burning coal by designating 1.7 million acres in Utah as a National Monument:
The documents indicate that Lippo business partner Mission Energy (now named Edison Mission Energy) received strong Clinton administration support for a $2.6 billion power-plant project in Indonesia. One 1994 document sings the praises of the Indonesian government-backed project -- "with its state-of-the-art emissions-control technology and by using low-sulfur Indonesian coal, the project will be on the cleanest, most efficient coal-fired facilities in the world." As the Lippo conglomerate is a key supplier of low-sulfur Indonesian coal, Clinton's Lippo Group donors -- the Riady family, Huang and Arief and Soraya Wiriadinata -- had much to gain from official government support of this Lippo homeland project.

The official mention of "low-sulfur Indonesian coal" also is interesting in light of Clinton's creation of the 1.7 million-acre Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah, placing off-limits the world's largest deposit of low-sulfur coal and thereby increasing the value of Lippo's investments in clean-burning coal deposits in Indonesia. The documents prove the administration was very much aware of the Lippo coal interests that later benefited from Clinton's decision.

Frankly, playing a little Chicago-style election hokey-pokey is the best we could possibly hope for out of Bill Clinton. He deliberately sold out our national security and energy futures for foreign campaign cash. Remember him well when PRC launches its cyber attack against the United States.


12,411 posted on 06/01/2010 2:25:45 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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To: All

The 'peaceful' Jihad in America

Tropical Storm Agatha Kills Over 100, And It's Heading For The Gulf Of Mexico

BP ROV LMRP Update - Looks like they are finally cutting the riser pipe

Karl Rove Says Obama Really has No Plan of Action on Gulf Oil Spill – Video

Time: Conservatives Hate Obama So Much They'd Root for Invading Martians Over Obama

Red Planet v. Red Barry. A hard choice.

Tough call...this:

Versus this:

Why did ATF suddenly redefine firearm transfers?

What can I say? Some of these people worship death and hate life and love:
 Scummy Abortionists Stoop to New Lows (Graphic)
As I see it:
Abortion is a great evil... once, long ago, most women seemed to know this...

The Smallest President

WHY was he elected?

1. Many in this nation have turned their backs on God.
2. Pop culture and relativism rule.
3. Superficial education which does not ADEQUATELY teach
history, economics (and many other subjects).
4. Poor work done by several Republicans.
5. The breakdown of family
6. A governmental system that has grown far too big and
fosters dependence, rather than independence.

16 posted on Tuesday, June 01, 2010 7:34:14 AM by SumProVita

For whatever it's worth around here, I remain convinced until this day that -Komrade ZerØ--

Was never intended to be elected in 2008-- it was supposed to be a dry run to introduce him, and give their side time to sanitize his background and prepare the public for his "descent from Heaven"--

Unfortunately for all of us, a lethal confluence of Media Hive enablers, white guilt, and black racism propelled this fool


far beyond his "level of incompetence..."

I also still believe Duh!1®, was "selected" by an unhappy confluence of "Mo Money" than the unfortunate Cap'n Queeg, the shadily-orchestrated meltdown of "The Economy" ( which still seems to be staggering along despite it all ) and the Ophra-ization of the masses. Aided and abetted by the dumbing down caused by Public Miseducation and too much Popular Culture, which is a cesspool of reaction shots, bumper-sticker slogans, and tits, and teeth, and asses. Literally, and figuratively...

American Idol and Survivor, writ large and smarmy...

Basically, Obama was "Marketed Better"- like soft drinks are...

...but still, he's just an empty suit:

for all those

Drinkers out there in TV land... "you gotta fall down, an' worship De Idol"--
( Old Negro Spiritual, "Shadrack, Neshack, Abendnego" )



If we aren't all rounded up and re-educated at

Camp Obama

Learn more about Camp Obama

it should provide endless opportunities to hector, and catcall, and kibitz from the sidelines.

I hope all the MoonBats really, really, really enjoy having The New Little Big Fraud© at the helm. It's going to be quite a ride...

This guy really is Bad News.

And Then! There are his gullible, self-deluded camp followers:

Preview of Anti-Obama Documentary Outrages Left

John Ziegler didn’t know the kind of fury the left would unleash on him when he unveiled his web video “How Obama Got Elected.”

See his website and video here.

“The Zogby results were incredible and they were credible and the vast majority of enws media ignored it because it was their own malfeasance that created a massive amount of ignorance,”

See poll results here.

As I have mentioned here:

OBAMAO ... is America ready for a Marxist president?[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

Nope, but we are about to get one, good and hard... chroniclers like Yours Truly will be documenting every move he makes, every breath he takes... unless, or until, we are silenced by all that "tolerance & inclusiveness" he & his followers are already practicing.... ( "we in charge now" )

America Held Hostage- the Obama Files...
Click the picture:

Teen Critical, Shot 5 Times Biking By Party (Gun Free Zone of Chicago.....again!)

12,412 posted on 06/01/2010 6:47:51 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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To: All
Meet Obama’s “Rationing Man.” Yeah, the same goofballs that brought you Deepwater Horizon have your life & health "care" in their paws, now. Happy?

Obama, Then, When He Thought Top Kill Worked: I Own This
Obama, Now, When Top Kill Has Failed: BP Owns This


What a hero.

Posted by Ace at 02:40 PM New Comments Thingy
39 He's a community organizer.  Why doesn't he just organize a protest or some kind of sit-in or swim-in. 

Scream and wave signs at the leak...
SO HOW’S THAT CHICAGO GUN CONTROL LAW WORKING? At least 25 shot, 1 killed in Chicago weekend violence.

24 Hours After The Gaza Incident, Where’s The President?

UPDATE: A reader emails: “Seventh hole.”

President Obama doesn’t own the oil spill; it owns him.

COMING SOON: A “Global Cold Wave?”

Volcanoes, Sunspots, and La Nina -- Oh My!

There's an interesting article by Art Horn over at Pajamas Media (hat tip Instapundit) concerning a confluence of factors that may lead to a short-term global cooling of the planet.

Read the linked article for the details, but the quick summary is as follows.

  1. Eruptions of other volcanoes in Iceland have been historically linked to the (currently erupting) Eyjafjallajokull. Large volcanic eruptions have been known to cause significant worldwide cooling.
  2. The longest and deepest solar minimum of the last 100 years has ended recently. Long solar cycles have been linked to global cooling trends in the following cycle.
  3. The now famous (?) El Nino and La Nina ocean warming patterns point to a rise of La Nina which would serve to lower temperatures further.
The net result of this could be bitterly cold winters and unnaturally cold summers for a few years.

While I didn't care for the tone the author Horn takes in his article--he has too many overreaching statements attacking global warming science--the sources he links are quite interesting and worth a read.

More on The Left's Beloved Narrative con:

No R(egrets)

Regular protein wisdom readers have been long prepped for what we are now seeing with respect to both Israel and South Korea, fantasy narratives of immediate “history” being written right before our eyes by a motivated and insulated Left that no longer accepts the unhelpful “constraints” of factual “tyranny,” or Western “colonialist” logic, or classical liberal appeals to individual rights — and is no longer even asked to, either by a press overrun with progressive activists , or by an ideological opposition that has accepted the terms of “debate.” Richard Fernandez sums it up thus:

[...] nothing is more paramount either to the establishment nor to the politically correct sections of the media than the maintenance of a lie. For the lie is in the service of the greater good. High reasons of policy will be invoked to explain why the truth should not be so. But the extreme reliance on fantasy by parts of the Western establishment goes well beyond surrounding a kernel of the truth with a “bodyguard of lies.” Instead it is the lie itself which is guarded by even more falsehoods. Gradually and inexorably, an entire political class has staked its existence on continuation of falsehood. The greater good is the fiction. Deception has become a necessity in itself...

The main reason to worry is that it illustrates the Western addiction to fiction,  an addiction which sooner or later will have practical consequences. That addiction was also being pandered to on the other side of the world.


(63) Comments   "We choose leaders with no executive ability because they are ‘cool’.

I’m thinking the simultaneous rise of Lady Gaga and Barack Obama is no coincidence."

The ability to create certain narratives — that is, the cover given to those who spin certain yarns from the texts before them — is tied to a worldview wherein all it takes to create the “truthful” interpretation of events is the manufactured consensus of a motivated interpretive community that is free to describe events in a way “reasonable” people might come to see them.

I won’t bore you by going in to how this happens yet again; nor will I further excoriate those who allow this maneuver by accepting the premises that underwrite it. They are either complicit, or the worse kinds of useful idiots, and as such are the problem personified — emblems of the success of the institutionalization of those (semiotic) premises necessary to the deconstruction of the Englightenment paradigm, which, when it no longer deceives, rewards those who learn its manipulations with the promise of power.

No. Instead, I’ll simply sit back and watch it play out. Because what more can I do, really? What more can any of us do?

– Besides arm ourselves and hope for the best, I mean.

(h/t Geoff and Terry H)

I WROTE ABOUT SOME COOL STUFF that amateur astronomers are doing in An Army of Davids, but it just gets cooler: Amazing shot of ISS and Jupiter… during daytime!

12,413 posted on 06/01/2010 12:29:51 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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To: All

Its over, the BP Spill continues


Will Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster Exceed Desert Storm Spill in Persian Gulf?[Help-Don't Bother Me]

The BP Deepwater Oil Spill - Cutting Metal Under Water and Tuesday Open Thread 1

BP Cites Broken Disk in 'Top Kill' Failure

It's the Frustration, Stupid

Obama's Mideast Strategy Implodes (MSM blames Bibi for Obama's Mideast failure)

What "strategy" besides screw Israel and screw up America as badly as he can?


( Yes, he actually can fly the damned thing... )

Versus this:

God help us all...

Inconvenient Truth Department: Another Green Dream Turns Brown (Electric Cars)

VIDEO: Flotilla Participants Chanted Islamic Battle Cry Invoking Killing Of Jews

Sarah Palin On Israeli Flotilla: Don't Take Mainstream Media Coverage At Face Value

The Style Book: How The Establishment Media Uses Politically Correct Language To Impact Thought

Illegal Immigrants Crime Spree in WA. (Over half on Most Wanted List Illegal Aliens)

3 lb. Body Armor Plate Stops 60 Rounds (Cool AZ Company!)

Obama’s Three Fatal Flaws

12,414 posted on 06/01/2010 1:25:23 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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To: All

Obama's Bay Of Rigs: The President's Chickens Come Home To Roost

As the Deepwater Horizon blow out continues unabated for a month and one half, the disaster has become what Rush Limbaugh is calling Obama's Bay of Rigs. This may be one of those times when a spoof better describes what the public is coming to view as this president's Waterloo. Oversold and under delivered from the moment he came on the national scene, Barack Obama is now being rolled over by an extraordinary confluence of events.

At the center of these events now is the oil spill in the Gulf, a situation over which he has minimal tactical control but 100% political control. But there's nothing he can do to fix the problem that BP and a world of petroleum engineers haven't already thought of. So what does he do next? Send in the prosecutors. Although this may be seen as effective by some (those focused solely on payback), it is no comfort to most who will see it as a cynical political response to a problem that begs for some "roll up your sleeves" leadership.

The problem waiting just one step back from the oil spill was manifested yesterday in thinly disguised political theatre produced by Hamas and Turkey when a barricade storming flotilla of Hamas thugs and their requisite coterie of human shields upstaged a planned "reconciliation" meeting between Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and President Obama. The attempt by the Obama administration to reset the Israeli dialogue with the US came after President Obama botched the last meeting and humiliated the Israeli Prime Minister in a way that shocked even Congress. Our enemies obviously saw this imminent rapprochement as the time to stage an incident (their timing was perfect and the poorly executed response by the IDF only helped their cause). But the genesis of this entire fiasco can be found in the Apology Tour conducted across the globe by our president last year, where the a message of self doubt, weakness and appeasement was delivered to a worldwide audience by our very own president. It was, as predicted, viewed by our enemies as a sign of weakness and yesterday's provocation was the inevitable result.

Election results of the past year show clearly that there is a growing sense of unease percolating in the electorate. Personal income rose over $50 billion in April yet consumer spending was nonexistent. That is the calculus of fear. As has been remarked on this blog before, there is the growing realization that not only is there no one at helm, there isn't the least perception that anyone is in charge. The oil spill in the Gulf only enlarges this perception of an impotent President; the barricade run by our enemies yesterday against Israel, however, just shows that our enemies are not going to let a good opportunity pass when they see one.

 Wow, talk about a sinkhole

Betcha if you looked hard enough, you could see Oblamer's ratings at the bottom of it...


An axe with a built in distress signal.

After being stranded for days in an area just south of Wollaston Lake, he cut down four power poles in hopes of attracting attention. According to SaskPower's James Parker, he was spotted by a helicopter last Friday. "We fly the line to see what the issue is. So naturally our folks went down to rescue him. He was in a very distressed state when we got to him."

Posted by Kate at 9:11 AM| Comments (23)
Silly man- everyone knows we are a part of The Dreaming...
CLINTON REDUX: The Joe Sestak Affair.

"There's any number of reasons for this"

Amongst them I'd count Barack Hussein Obama... mmm, mmm, mmm...  And then Pelosi and Reid...  followed by Holden, Geithner, Gibbs, Emmanuel, Ayers, Wright, Jones and what the hell... Biden too:

Gallup's generic polling shows the number of voters saying that they would vote for Republicans rising three points from last week, while the number saying they will vote for Democrats dropped four points.  The 49%-43% lead for the Republicans is the largest that the pollster has ever recorded for the party.  Moreover, Democratic enthusiasm for voting this fall fell a point, while enthusiasm among Republicans stayed about fifteen points higher.  This indicates an even wider lead for Republicans once Gallup imposes a likely voter screen this fall.

There's any number of reasons for this:  the public's perception of Obama's response to the oil spill, the shaky stock market performance last week, continued concern about the economy and spending.

-Real Clear Politics

America is waking up.  Slowly but surely.

It's change to believe in.

Crossposted at Brutally Honest.


12,415 posted on 06/02/2010 1:14:22 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Are You Looking For A Job? (Summer Edition)

Colorado 'Preppers' Get Ready For Worst

Unplugged Christians living off the grid ['Christian Exodus' and others]

Obamacare: Get ready to pay for young slackers’ sex-lives

Young Adults Believe in the Age of Entitlements, claim researchers

Mexico feeling the impact of Exodus of Illegal Aliens from US (Because of Arizona's SB 1070!)

Illegal immigrants: SB-1070 will not stop us

IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla

Owners Stop Paying Mortgages, and Stop Fretting

NASA Charged in New Climate Fakery: Greenhouse Gas Data Bogus

Caught in the heat are NASA’s Dr. Judith Curry and a junk science equation by the space agency’s Dr. Gavin Schmidt creating disarray over a contentious Earth energy graph. The internal row was ignited by the release of a sensational new research paper discrediting calculations crucial to the greenhouse gas theory.

NASA in Internal Spat over Data -- Hot on the heels of my recent scoop that the U.S. space agency may have suppressed evidence from the Apollo Moon landings that invalidated the greenhouse gas (GHG) theory, an internecine fury among NASA employees over fudged equations is set to further embarrass the current U.S. Administration’s stand on global warming.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Glitch shows how much US military relies on GPS

Groups want FCC to police hate speech on talk radio, cable news networks

The organizations, which include Free Press, the Center for Media Justice, the Benton Foundation and Media Alliance, also argue that the anonymity of the Web gives ammunition to those that would spread hate.

I guarantee you every one of these modern day BOOK BURNERS has a liberal arts degree in some victim group studies program, voted for Obama, is pro-abortion, thinks more government is the answer to every question, and absolutely cannot tolerant anyone who doesn't think exactly like they do. They are the walking cliches of liberal fascism.

President Obama Asks *You* To Celebrate Homosexual Pride Month

Goat, eh? Be prepared...

There is no valid analogy between the Gulf spill and Apollo 13 (Apollo Astronaut Schmitt Speaks Out)

Watts Up With That (Guest Editorial) ^   "The rescue of Astronauts Jim Lovell, Fred Haise and Jack Swigert, after an oxygen tank explosion on their spacecraft, illustrates how complex technical accidents should be handled, in contrast to the Gulf fiasco. Nothing in the government’s response to the blowout and explosion on the Deepwater Horizon and its aftermath bears any resemblance to the response to the Apollo 13 situation by the National Aeronautic and Space Administration and its Mission Control team at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston. "

Here is part of the article follow the link to read the rest that goes with the chart.

BP's Deepwater Oil Spill - Working on the Riser - and Open Thread 10:08pm

Jindal says sand barrier will save coast [Jindal "on fire"]

Barone: Oil Spill Tars Dems' Reputation for Competence


Nobody's in charge

12,416 posted on 06/02/2010 2:50:48 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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Obama's Crises: From Hope to Cope

The Big Story: Obama's woes (Major League MSM Buyer's Remorse Alert)

Fiscal Fraud of Obamacare Snowballing Already

Canada’s Stinky Healthcare System Collapsing As America Gets Ready To Emulate It

Obama's 'Chicago Way' plunders the private sector

The US vs. Israel--This time on nuclear proliferation.

Israel’s Actions: Entirely Lawful Alan M. Dershowitz

IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla--Fifty 'Mavi Marmara' passengers tied to global jihad

Hypocrisy: North Korea Given Free Ride, Israel Blasted

Morris:Obama Doesn't Have A Clue

Undercover Census Fraud Investigation: Louisiana.

Obama’s FTC plan to reinvent America’s news media.

JOHN HINDERAKER: “There are, indeed, two Americas: the increasingly straitened world of the private sector, where jobs are competitive, money is scarce, and job security is, for many, nonexistent; and the lush world of the government employee, where competition is more or less unknown, salaries and benefits often double those available to private workers, retirement is ten or more years earlier than in the private sector, and it may take a felony to get fired. This is the central economic conflict of our time..."

DISASTER IN THE GULF, BP prepares more backup spill plans

Open Season on Democrats: No Thrill For Hill

 In Memory: A Memorial Day Tribute
Here's the one that always makes the hair on my neck stand up...

The Wall

Another aid ship heads to Gaza (MV Rachel Corrie) (100 mi south of Crete)

A Storyteller Loses the Story Line, By MAUREEN DOWD

In “Dreams From My Father,” Obama showed passion, lyricism, empathy and an exquisite understanding of character and psychological context — all the qualities that he has stubbornly resisted showing as president.

Whatever the faults of his politics,  Ayers is a heckuva writer...

The Resurrection of Rod Blagojevich

The Coming Resignation of Barack Obama

12,417 posted on 06/02/2010 6:48:50 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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OBAMA’S very bad year so far. Lots of problems, and he seems unequal to all of ‘em. What’s really news, though, is that the legacy media is starting to point it out.
Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 6:11 AM

As the crude oil from the record BP Gulf oil spill nears the beautiful white sands of Pensacola Beach,  Comments (17)

Barack Obama will be hosting the McCartney concert tonight at the White House.
He’s on it.

Meanwhile, here’s a video compilation of Barack Obama excoriating the Bush Administration for the government’s ‘unconsionable ineptitude’ following the Katrina disaster in New Orleans.
Via BreitbartTV:


This will be a good video to keep in mind in the weeks ahead.


We have always known exactly what Obama the Lightbringer really is — a colossal fraud and hapless affirmative action hire foisted upon us by the Media.

But, in 2008, many fools believed the promises of the Media and its marketing machine so desperate to achieve the goal of producing “the historic and unprecedented first black president”.  To seize the opportunity to “make history”, the Media duped the American people into giving Dr. Utopia a pass on all competence and leadership tests, instead helping him sell snake oil and unicorn rides while chanting HOPE!, CHANGE!, and O-BA-MA!

Well, folks, this country needs a leader right now, not someone who goes on vacation every other week. ( Seems Obama’s staff ALL think vacays are more important than their jobs! )

Not someone who blames everything bad on his predecessor, while trying desperately to position himself to take

READ IT ALL- at the link:

June 2, 2010 at 8:48 am

...Those of us that never liked O from the jump and saw our friends, fellow citizens and our media fall under his spell have been proven correct since the day O took office. He is doing exactly what we expected him to do.

June 2, 2010 at 10:30 am

No it’s not incompetence. There is a great deal of ego present — to a pathological degree but it could also be deliberate. See this post at American Thinker that looks at Cloward / Piven at the intentional strategy.

Yet another reconquista photo album the MSM won’t print

June 1, 2010 05:40 AM by Michelle Malkin36 Comments | 0 Trackbacks


It’s Like Creepshow, Only Scarier

June 2, 2010 09:29 AM by Val Prieto

Try this on for size:

“Potential Policy Recommendations to Support the Reinvention of Journalism.”

It’s not enough that we can arguably state that the guy sitting in that oval office at 1600 Pennsylvania today was basically put in there by the Mainstream Media.

More on the FTC here and here.33 Comments  "If we allow them to take away freedom the press, that is the same as taking freedom of speech. Then, the Constitution is toast. Next…Right to Bear Arms. "


By any chance, did anyone click on the link?

Proposal 2: Statutory Limits to Fair Use

Proposal 3: Licensing the News

More talk in there about subsidies. Unbelievable.

Robert Reich deflates enthusiasm for the "startup boom"

—Purple Avenger

About 95% of what Reich has written here is dead on accurate analysis of the workforce transformation phenomenon happening out in the street today. He only drifts off into mush brained liberalism in the last few paragraphs of the piece.

...Another surprise is the age of these new entrepreneurs. According to the report, most of the growth in startups was propelled by 35- to 44-year-olds, followed by people 55 to 64. Forget Internet whiz kids in their 20’s. It’s the gray-heads who are taking the reins of the new startup economy. And if you thought minorities had been hit particularly hard by this awful recession, think again. According to the report, entrepreneurship increased more among African-Americans than among whites.

At first glance, all this seems a bit odd. Usually new businesses take off in good times when consumers are flush and banks are eager to lend. So why all this entrepreneurship last year?

In a word, unemployment. Booted off company payrolls, millions of Americans had no choice but to try selling themselves. Another term for “entrepreneur” is “self-employed.” ...

The whole thing is worth reading. His dissection of the phenomenon is correct, even if some of his prescriptions in the last few paragraphs are not.

Reich is a sharp guy for a liberal. I've always had a modest measure of respect for him precisely because he wasn't PelosiGrade™ stupid.


Posted by Purple Avenger at 08:51 AM New Comments Thingy


Watched some network news over the weekend, one story about the older unemployed caught my eye.  It basically came to the same conclusion, that there aren't any jobs for those too old to be young but too young to die.


Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 5:32 AM

The peaceful activists on the Gaza Flotilla beat Israeli soldiers with chains and threw stun grenades.

It’s not yet clear if these were the al-Qaeda peace activists or the just ordinary stun grenade throwing peace activists.
The Jerusalem Post and IDF website reported:


From the video: In footage captured on the Mavi Marmara, activists are seen attacking the soldiers with a stun grenade, a box of plates, and water hoses as the soldiers attempt to board the ship. the activists are also waiving around metal rods and chains later used to attack the soldiers with. The IDF soldiers were armed with paint ball guns (used for riot dispersal) and pistols which they were ordered to use only as a last resort.

In the early hours of the 31st of May 2010, IDF soldiers boarded the ships of the “Free Gaza” Flotilla, after the ships refused to redirect their course. Aboard the Mavi Marmara the soldiers encountered serious violence when, in a preplanned attack, the activists on board lynched the soldiers with knives, metal rods and stole two of their guns. As a result 7 soldiers were injured and 9 activists were killed.

12,418 posted on 06/02/2010 11:22:56 AM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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A Failing Presidency. A very interesting perspective...

Can't say he's failing on getting his domestic agenda through. He got through the stimulus, bailouts, health care, and is about to get his financial reform. And he still has another five months and historic congressional majorities to get through immigration, cap'n'tax or whatever else he wants by November.

Obama to pledge sweeping climate change legislation

Keep "plucking" that chicken, Barry...

Netanyahu: "Israel Regrets The Loss Of Life, But We Will Never Apologize For Defending Ourselves"

"Hey Zero, you little p@ssy, this is what a real man and a real leader look like."

Obama: End dependence on fossil fuels (jeopardizes U.S. security and "smothers our planet.")

Seizing on a disastrous oil spill to advance his agenda...
"This fool really doesn’t have a clue, does he? A complete dumb ass who easily displaces Jimmy Carter as the very worst “president” ever foisted on the United States. Of course, should it turn out, as many suspect, that he lacks legal eligibility to be president, then Carter’s legacy will be restored when our faux “president” is outed."

BP Oil Leak May Last Until Christmas in Worst Case Scenario - BusinessWeek

The New Deal

Investigation Reveals Possible Criminal Activity Connecting Obama to BP Oil Spill

Illum Map 

Who's Ready for a President Biden?

Search the archives on FR. I predicted this in November of 2008 and I stand by it. He is toast and will be gone shortly. Legally and “voluntarily.” I might add. This game is almost over. Just remember who really runs the country. Just as all the idiots who voted for the Bamster were deceived, so were the power elite. And now the wheels are coming off the bus...Sit back, relax and enjoy the show. It will make Nixon’s Watergate Opera look tame.

13 posted on Wednesday, June 02, 2010 2:09:43 PM by appeal2

Our “royal” Congress spending our tax money on their personal comforts

12 dead in U.K. shooting rampage

Thank God the gun control works so well over there...

Global Cold Wave May Be Looming — This Time, the Science Is Good

12,419 posted on 06/02/2010 12:18:54 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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"Death is so permanent"

U.S. Lies, Minimizes, Obfuscates About Nuclear Terror Risk

Defense Notes....Of Nukes, Future Fighters And Budgets


One of the things that bothers me about the whole DADT debate is that it takes up what little attention most people pay to real defense related issues.

The public's imagination may never be captured by discussions about nuclear warhead procurement but perhaps it should. You see, while Obama is running around cutting our nuclear inventory, it turns out a lot of the weapons we already have are getting old and are in need of replacement. Unfortunately, there is no appetite for that from this President or Congress.

Still, John Noonan writing at the Weekly Standard makes the case for "New Nukes".

The need for modernization is pressing. Though most of the details about America’s warhead stockpiles are highly classified, there are a few key points well known to close observers. Most of our nuclear warheads are 20-30 years old. The last weapon was constructed in 1991 and the last test detonation of a bomb occurred in 1992. The average age of an operational bomb is slightly over 30 years old, meaning many of our deployed warheads were built before President Reagan took office. Scientists who specialize in warhead construction and sustainment are aging and retiring at an alarming rate. By 2008, over half the nuclear specialists at our national laboratories were over the age of 50, and very few of those under 50 have the technical know-how to produce and sustain functional weapons. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates estimated that within a few years, roughly three-fourths of our nuclear technicians will be at retirement age. The National Nuclear Security Administration, a Department of Energy subagency responsible for the security and health of our stockpile, has lost over a quarter of its workforce since the end of the Cold War. Components in our warheads are aging just as fast. We no longer possess the capacity or ability to construct certain parts required in our bomb designs.

Nuclear weapons are different from conventional munitions, which can sometimes detonate decades after they roll off the assembly lines. Nukes have a limited shelf life, and are constructed using parts that decay and corrode. Warheads must be constantly maintained and serviced to be considered credible. But along with the exodus of critical lab technicians, so went the industry that supported our national laboratories with key bomb-making components. Older weapons are now cannibalized to service the active force.

As you cut down the numbers of nuclear weapons (as this administration is dedicated to), their reliability, more importantly how reliable your potential adversaries think they are, takes on a greater importance.

As we lose critical nuclear weapon infrastructure, including people, things actually can become more dangerous not less.

Too many liberals engage in wishful thinking, that if only these horrible weapons (and they are that) would go away everything would be better. Well, the world isn't that simple. Never has been, never will be.

Any serious debate about our strategic security simply has to include an upgrade of our nuclear stockpile.

A second story not getting much attention is the over budget and behind schedule F-35 JSF program.

This plane is supposed to be work horse of the future (at least until UCAVs are ready). The Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps are each getting their own version and many of our allies have signed up for it as well.

Turns out things aren't going so well.

Continue reading

The projected cost of Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the most expensive U.S. weapons program, is now $382 billion, 65 percent higher than the $232 billion estimated when the program started in 2002, according to a government official.

This projection from independent Pentagon analysts is being sent to Congress today.

The Pentagon’s cost-analysis office reports that the price per plane -- including research, development and construction costs -- is now $112.4 million, the official said. That’s about 81 percent over the original estimate of $62 million.

The production cost alone of each plane is estimated at $92.4 million, almost 85 percent higher than the $50 million projected when the program began in 2002, the Pentagon will tell Congress.

...The program is already four years behind schedule on key milestones, including completing the development phase and combat testing, beginning full-scale production and then declaring the first Air Force and Navy units ready for combat.


The delays have forced the Navy to enter into a multi-year program buy of F/A-18 Hornets.

Good thing we canceled the really expensive F-22. We didn't need that because the Chinese aren't going to have a 5th generation fighter anytime soon.

Oops again!

We are faced with shrinking defense spending at a time when a lot of bills are coming due after close to a decade of 2 wars, ships built during the 80' and early 90's coming up for retirement and an Air Force with some really old airframes.

The need for the US military to be ready and engaged around the world isn't going to decrease anytime soon but the resources available to meet those missions may not be there in the future. These challenges and choices are the kind of priority setting people need to talk about because political support is going to have to be marshaled to avoid some real disasters.

Building a military on future projections is a losing game, the unexpected will always win. That's why you can't ever build 'just enough' because no one knows what that means. It's expensive being a superpower but it beats the alternative.

Now that I think about it, I can see why many people would rather talk about DADT. Compared the real challenges we are facing, that's pretty simple stuff.

(FTR- My annoyance at the disproportional coverage DADT gets over real defense issues has nothing to do with my stand on it. I don't think I have one actually beyond a firm belief the men and women of the military will deal with whatever hand the politicians deal them.

To my mind, it's simply an issue that gets way to much coverage compared to its actual importance.)

Close it up

Posted by DrewM. at 02:42 PM New Comments Thingy
45 The left in this country and around the world speak of overpopulation, so the West has fewer babies. They push abortion on demand, so we have more abortions. They push multiculturalism, so we ignore cultural norms abhorrent to any civilized society. The left, especially the media, hide evidence of crime and intolerance in order to not offend., meanwhile they vilify  the right for pointing out problems with their narrative.If you haven't read Nicholas Kristof's review of Ayann Hirsi Ali's book Nomad, take a look It's entitled Gadfly. The left is ensuring a world for our grandchildren that will extremely dangerous if not unlivable.
Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, June 2, 2010, 12:00 PM

Another day… Another campaign speech…
President Obama lashed out at Republicans today for his failed economic policies and pushed to increase taxes during his campaign speech in Pennsylvania.

Here’s something Barack forgot to mention…
During the Bush years, despite the 2000 Recession, the attacks on 9-11, the stock market scandals, Hurricane Katrina, and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush Administration was able to reduce the budget deficit from 412 billion dollars in 2004 to 162 billion dollars in 2007, a sixty percent drop. In 2004 the federal budget deficit was 412 billion dollars. In 2005 it dropped to 318 billion dollars. In 2006 the deficit dipped to 248 billion dollars. And, in 2007 it fell below 200 billion to 162 billion dollars. During the Bush years the average unemployment rate was 5.2 percent, the economy saw the strongest productivity growth in four decades and there was robust GDP growth.

Obama has tripled the national deficit and nearly doubled the unemployment rate of the previous administration during his first year in office.
The AP reported:

President Barack Obama seized on the nation’s worst oil spill Wednesday to argue for rolling back billions of dollars in oil company tax breaks and using the money to speed the way to a clean-energy future. “The next generation will not be held hostage to energy sources from the last century,” he said.

The White House released excerpts of Obama’s speech while he was en route to a speech at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Mellon University. In his remarks, the president aggressively sought to cast Republicans as a party that fought him on tax cuts for small businesses, tax credits for college tuition, new spending on clean energy and more.

The timing comes as Obama, juggling the environmental disaster in the Gulf and mounting foreign crises, tried to assure the country that he is also working on the people’s chief concern — the economy. The president’s political speech also underscores the importance of the upcoming midterm elections, in which the outcome of House and Senate races could shape Obama’s ability to enact his agenda for the rest of his term.

“We already know where their ideas led us,” Obama said of Republicans. “And now we have a choice as a nation. We can return to the failed economic policies of the past, or we can keep building a stronger future.”

Obama also said it is time to roll back “billions of dollars in tax breaks” for oil companies and use the money for clean energy research.

He said the catastrophic Gulf oil spill shows the country must move toward clean energy by embracing energy efficiency, tapping natural gas and nuclear power and eliminating tax breaks for big oil. Obama said that the Gulf spill “may prove to be a result of human error — or corporations taking dangerous shortcuts that compromised safety” — but that deepwater drilling is inherently risky and America cannot rely solely on fossil fuels.

66% of Americans believe cutting taxes is a better way to create new jobs than increasing government spending… But not Barack Obama or democrats.

12,420 posted on 06/02/2010 4:07:27 PM PDT by backhoe (Just an Old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the trakball into America's Twilight...)
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