This reviewer gave it five stars...
First Review Of The Two Towers!
"THE TWO TOWERS supasses all levels of expectation, and in the process it makes everything that THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING achieved look tame by comparison."
To describe Gollum - "It's the most impressive use of CGI characterisation ever seen."
To describe Helm's Deep - "Forty-five minutes of monumental action, staggering in every way, from the stunt work to the sheer scale and audacity of what's been attempted."
"Get ready to witness the War of the Ring, because nothing you've ever seen before compares to it. It might be worth ensuring that there are no unpleasant sticky substances on the cinema carpet by your feet, because that's where your jaw is going to be ending up when you get to the siege of Helm's Deep..."
"It's an all-out frontal assault on audiences, leaving them reeling with disbelief at what they're witnessing."
"...just rockets forward, firing on all cylinders with no shred of material you could accuse of being superflouous, let alone boring, on screen."
"Tolkien purists will moan in some quarters - vital bits are missing, sections have been left out for inclusion in the third film. Still, none of this really matters when it comes down to the fact that THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS is a certifiable epic."
Of the people that have seen the movie (industry insiders, movie spies, etc.) everyone seems to agree that The Two Towers is even better than The Fellowship.
Even with the changes that were made in The Fellowship, I was very happy with the movie. It was far better than I anticipated a movie based upon the book could ever be given the limitations of the medium. If you enjoyed the first movie, I wouldn't worry too much over the changes Jackson might have made. He has shown that he is able to make great decisions when changes to the story are called for. I anticipate no less as the second and third movies are released.