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AMERICA - The Right Way!! (Day 653) [Remember the Trade Center!!]
Various News Sources and FReepers
| November 4, 2002
| All of Us
Posted on 11/04/2002 4:16:06 AM PST by Chairman_December_19th_Society
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To: Molly Pitcher
DONE!!!!! Thanks as I fully believe God is going to bless this election.
To: Chairman_December_19th_Society
PLEASE! If someone can contact Jim Robinson tell him FR getting slow again, now is not the time for a breakdown.
To: All
Hi all -- stopped lurking to pose a question: Wouldn't you, if you were an AR voter, hold your nose and vote for Hutchinson, if only to aid in the effort to win back the Senate for the Pubbies?
I am NO fan of the trophy wife phenomenon. Believe me. And, I don't know all the details. But, am I being too like the Dems in their support of Clinton if I say I'd vote for Hutchinson in spite of the mess he made of his personal life?
To: Chairman_December_19th_Society
I watched President Bush in Fl yeaterday making his speeches, I also saw Clinton. Folks, it was Class VS
To: ohioWfan
I wondered what kind of rolling classroom you had there! Hehehe! (((grins)))
To: Molly Pitcher; kayak; Chairman_December_19th_Society; Dog; All
Molly, kay, and all,
Thank you all for staying on top of things the way you do, and kay, I got your mail - will post your announcement on the FR's Finest thread.
You guys are all the best!
posted on
11/04/2002 7:48:28 AM PST
To: pettifogger; kcvl
I found out some things yesterday that were news to me. The "trophy wife" story is more 'rat tactics.
Hutchinson did not dump a wife of many years to run off with a young staffer. His marriage was already in trouble .... his wife never joined him in DC when he was elected to the Senate in '96. He got his divorce in '99 (I believe) and his wife did not contest it. He did not marry his current wife until at least a year later. His "young" staffer is 39 .... which is not exactly the same thing as a 20 year old intern. And apparently his first wife has now taken a job with someone which will necessitate a move to DC .... though she wouldn't join her husband there 6 years ago.
I do not have time to source this info right now but FReeper kcvl posted it on a thread ..... I hope I have the pertinent data correct. This is more 'rat dirty tricks to ruin a good man and win an election at any cost.
posted on
11/04/2002 7:51:17 AM PST
President Bush just called me to urge me to vote.:)
Me and a few million other people, I'm sure.:)
To: MozartLover
LOL, I got a vote from Mama Bush to vote for her son, Jeb :)
I told her YES!!
To: kayak
Looks like Governor Jesse will appoint an independent to complete Wellstone's term.........announcement to be made DURING THE DEBATE as a protest against the independent & Green party candidates not being included in the debate...
To: kayak
Thanks for the info on Hutchison. Also, I found the relevant thread so, don't worry about cluttering up ATRW with responses to my query. I will peruse over there!
Kisses to all!
BTW, the Muffinette and the Biscuit are doing well. Muffinette enjoying 2 day/wk Christian preschool (there now) and the Biscuit an imp if there ever was one. Anyone who thinks God didn't make boys and girls differently should visit my house someday!
To: kayak
At least republicans believe in marriage.
To: MozartLover
Who is Jim Moore? Jesse Ventura apparently has appointed him the interium Senator of MN.
Details, please, MN Freepers!
To: Iowa Granny
See #73
To: Iowa Granny; MozartLover
Most importantly - who will he caucus with?
To: Chairman_December_19th_Society
Well, at the debate the other night, he appeared to be leaning to the left.......
To: kayak; *ATRW
Coleman: "This election isn't about Vice-President Mondale's isn't about my's about the AGE WE LIVE IN......."
Arggh........Fox is breaking in with the Ventura press conference!!!!
Once again bashing the media......this time for not letting the third party candidates debate.
To: Holding Our Breath
Gotta watch those dangling participles.......even if they're stated parenthetically!
I didn't want anyone to be confused and think I taught Driver's Ed or something like that! :o)
posted on
11/04/2002 8:05:16 AM PST
C-Span 2 sticking with the debate.........
Coleman keeps bringing up the lack of prescription drug plan for seniors.......
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