I resent having our foreign policy determined by oil men, the techno-pop musician writes on his Web site, And I resent having a cabinet that is filled with old men who have no understanding of the new economy. And I resent anachronistic, right wing politics that focus on absurd issues like the Pledge of Allegiance while the economy falls apart. And I resent having people who work at energy corporations determining our nations energy and environmental policies. . . .
The more they have, the more they complain (about things of which they know nothing).
How about Michael Jackson? He's a black activist now, HA! HA! HA! HA!
Yes, I'd rather have the checker at my local grocery store, or another nimnut artist creating our energy and environmental policies.
I have seen some of Sir Moby's art via video. To say he's a bit odd is putting it mildly.
He's the same wacko that claimed President Bush was stalking him several months ago.
I would like Martina to state in a clear, concise manner what rights we have lost. She was able to express her opinion and was not suppressed. Honestly, I think she's taken too many tennis balls to the head.