Even more, what I miss is his history with Gandalf. In the book, he and Gandalf have travelled many miles together. In fact, they went through Moria together, and it was Strider who was reluctant to repeat the experience, not so much Gandalf.
In the movie, it's as if Strider hardly knows Gandalf at all. "Wait no longer for the wizard [can't quite place his name...], Frodo."
I know, I know, I really do Jackson had to keep up the pace, and if he'd shot the movie I'd most have preferred, it'd've been eight hours long and made about $4937.00 mostly from my family!
Yes Dan, missing (or "off-screen" as Jackson explains it) in the film was the great histories of a lot of the characters, including Aragorn... The fact that the Rangers had long protected the lands of the heedless who had long forgotten them, and the history of Aragorn's friendship with Gandalf, and the role he played tracking Gollum down and getting the real story out of him.
I really missed that too, and wish they had kept the part about it being Aragorn who was reluctant to go through Moria and especially WHY--because Aragorn was worried about Gandalf's safety. There are a couple of moments in the movie, though, where you get a sense that Gandalf and Aragorn know each other well-when Gandalf insists Aragorn "lead them on" and when Gandalf falls. Perhaps we will get more of their "history" in the next installment? I hope.