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'Causes That Are Bigger Than Herself': CBS Runs Fawning Jane Fonda Promo
mrc NewsBusters ^ | October 5, 2024 | Alex Christy

Posted on 10/08/2024 10:37:52 AM PDT by Morgana

There are puff pieces and then there is whatever senior climate correspondent David Schechter cooked up on CBS Saturday Morning when he chose to highlight actress Jane Fonda’s campaigning for “climate-friendly politicians.”

Schechter claimed, “For most of her 85 years, Fonda's been more than an actor, she’s been a regular presence on the front lines of causes that are bigger than herself.”

As footage of Fonda palling around with a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft crew played in the background, Schechter delivered what had to be the understatement of the year, “In 1972 she made a controversial visit to Vietnam opposing the war.”

Schechter also promoted Fonda’s abortion activism, “In the 1990s, she marched to support women's reproductive rights.”

After a clip of Fonda at an abortion rally, Schechter got to the main point of his segment, “Now she's supporting climate-friendly politicians across the country.”

Fonda was then shown trying to scare an audience with the claim that, “This is basically the last election that can have a major effect on climate.”

Schechter further hyped, “She runs a political action committee and has handpicked over 100 lower-level candidates who will stand up to the political influence of the oil and gas industry.”

It could be hard to tell the difference between the journalist and the far-left activist as Fonda told him, “The fossil fuel industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars lobbying, and it's very effective, so we need to get people elected to office that don't take fossil fuel money.”

Schechter further promoted, “Many of the candidates she supports are running for under-the-radar offices like Portland city council or a school board seat in Virginia and she's raised more than $3 million to help them get elected.”

Speaking to Fonda, he asked, “I've seen some of the photographs of you, you know, campaigning. And I think people are like, 'What's Jane Fonda doing in Michigan with this low-level candidacy?' People are like, ‘What's happening here?’ What, why are you out there?'”

Fonda hoped that, “low-level candidate could, first of all, could rise up and become the governor of the state. You want to groom them to rise up into leadership positions as climate champions. If we have the right people elected to office, we can do it.”

Schecter then had another gross understatement, “Greta Thunberg is the young Swedish environmental activist who skipped school to protest for stronger action on climate change. She inspired millions around the world including Fonda… So in 2019, Fonda started thinking about how to bring that kind of energy to America and the Capitol steps.”

Thunberg is also a raging Marxist and anti-Semite, but as for Schechter, he added, “As it turned out, making a ruckus didn't require camping out. Fonda was arrested five times that winter, protesting for climate action. At times wearing handcuffs alongside famous friends like actor Ted Danson.”

In the video of Fonda’s arrest, she is seen smiling and motioning to the crowd meaning that she knows full well there are no serious consequences to her actions. She can do North Korea-like interviews where she demands the government implement policies that would make everyday people’s lives more difficult while living off her celebrity money.

Here is a transcript of the October 5 show:

CBS Saturday Morning


8:31 AM ET

DAVID SCHECHTER: For most of her 85 years, Fonda's been more than an actor, she’s been a regular presence on the front lines of causes that are bigger than herself.

NARRATOR: Is Fonda's 1972 trip to North Vietnam, opposing the war.

SCHECHTER: In 1972 she made a controversial visit to Vietnam opposing the war.


SCHECHTER: In the 1990s, she marched to support women's reproductive rights.

JANE FONDA [ARCHIVAL FOOTAGE]: We are here to say to the government, you got enough problems of your own, stay out of my womb!

SCHECHTER: Now she's supporting climate-friendly politicians across the country.

FONDA: This is basically the last election that can have a major effect on climate.

SCHECHTER: She runs a political action committee and has handpicked over 100 lower-level candidates who will stand up to the political influence of the oil and gas industry.

FONDA: The fossil fuel industry spends hundreds of millions of dollars lobbying, and it's very effective, so we need to get people elected to office that don't take fossil fuel money.

SCHECHTER: Many of the candidates she supports are running for under-the-radar offices like Portland city council or a school board seat in Virginia and she's raised more than $3 million to help them get elected.

I've seen some of the photographs of you, you know, campaigning.

FONDA: In the field? Yeah.

SCHECHTER: And I think people are like, “What's Jane Fonda doing in Michigan with this low-level candidacy?” People are like, “What's happening here?” What, why are you out there?

FONDA: Because that low-level candidate could, first of all, could rise up and become the governor of the state. You want to groom them to rise up into leadership positions as climate champions. If we have the right people elected to office, we can do it.

GRETA THUNBERG: The world is drowning in fossil fuels.

SCHECHTER: Greta Thunberg is the young Swedish environmental activist who skipped school to protest for stronger action on climate change. She inspired millions around the world including Fonda.


SCHECHTER: So in 2019, Fonda started thinking about how to bring that kind of energy to America and the Capitol steps.

FONDA: I'm going to leave California, I'm going to move to D.C. and I'm going to raise a ruckus. I'm a little worried, though, because camping out there, where do you poop?

SCHECHTER: It’s an important question.

FONDA: Because I've camped in the wilderness all my life, and I know how to deal with it, but I didn't know in a city.

SCHECHTER: As it turned out, making a ruckus didn't require camping out. Fonda was arrested five times that winter, protesting for climate action. At times wearing handcuffs alongside famous friends like actor Ted Danson.

TOPICS: Chit/Chat
KEYWORDS: abortion; hanoijane; prolife
well Miss Jane Fonda is working out getting everybody thin but I remember her bending over for mr. Ho Chi Minh Hanoi Jane, Hanoi Jane you'll always be a commie in my brain
1 posted on 10/08/2024 10:37:52 AM PDT by Morgana
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To: Morgana

There is a special place in Hell for Jane Fonda. One day, it is my hope to be able to p*** on her grave.

2 posted on 10/08/2024 10:39:51 AM PDT by brownsfan (It's going to take real, serious, hard times to wake the American public.)
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To: brownsfan

She stood up to be counted. We don’t. Trump’s it.

3 posted on 10/08/2024 10:44:36 AM PDT by DIRTYSECRET
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To: brownsfan

Never too late to try Hanoi Jane by military tribunal for treason.

4 posted on 10/08/2024 10:45:17 AM PDT by HombreSecreto (The life of a repo man is always intense)
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To: brownsfan

Too many and not enough watering to go around but I wouldn’t mind trying.

5 posted on 10/08/2024 10:47:32 AM PDT by bgill
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To: Morgana

Useful commie toolie.

6 posted on 10/08/2024 10:55:54 AM PDT by The_Media_never_lie ( @whoisourPresident)
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To: Morgana

Generic Jane

7 posted on 10/08/2024 10:59:16 AM PDT by butlerweave
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To: Morgana
During the 1970s and 1980s Jane Fonda led the charge for shutting down nuclear energy projects. She even starred in the nuclear alarmist film "China Syndrome".

She and her fellow anti nuclear power activists set back the nuclear power industry by decades, a decline from which it has yet to recover.

8 posted on 10/08/2024 11:00:02 AM PDT by Governor Dinwiddie (O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is gracious, and His mercy endureth forever. — Psalm 106)
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To: brownsfan

Say what you want about Jane, but I watched the China Syndrome and despite all the outrage back then, most people in Fukashima would agree with her today.

sometimes even broken clocks are right a few times a day

9 posted on 10/08/2024 11:07:04 AM PDT by algore
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To: bgill

Stocking up on beer here and drawing up plans for a proxy grave.

10 posted on 10/08/2024 11:15:31 AM PDT by DPMD
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To: Morgana

So far all her climate friendly pols have produced is hot air.

11 posted on 10/08/2024 11:16:36 AM PDT by DPMD
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To: Morgana

12 posted on 10/08/2024 11:18:40 AM PDT by \/\/ayne (I regret that I have but one subscription cancellation notice to give to my local newspaper)
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To: Morgana

Why do you post such filth? There’s enough already on FR.

I actually have to close the browser to appreciate my date.

Such filth, smut and assaults on America on FR are disgusting and a huge turnoff for reasoned discussion.

Totally taken over by the Demoralized, influence agents and political lackeys. Not the FR I joined.

13 posted on 10/08/2024 11:28:13 AM PDT by Justa (Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people....)
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To: algore

“Say what you want about Jane, but I watched the China Syndrome ... “

So, you’re giving a treasonous wench a pass because she pretended to be someone else in a movie you agree with?


14 posted on 10/08/2024 11:29:27 AM PDT by brownsfan (It's going to take real, serious, hard times to wake the American public.)
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To: brownsfan

reading comprehension is a rare skill today.

15 posted on 10/08/2024 11:31:45 AM PDT by algore
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To: brownsfan; Morgana

Our ship had its reunion in Fort Worth in June. A local VFW hall invited us to a free dinner. Their urinals had a Jane Fonda decal.

16 posted on 10/08/2024 12:10:54 PM PDT by Retain Mike ( Sat Cong)
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To: Justa; All

“Why do you post such filth? There’s enough already on FR.”


Hanoi Jane is a classic example of those who opposed Vietnam because of the baby killing yet turn right around and are pro abortion. Hanoi Jane even admits to having an abortion herself.

Who is the baby killer Hanoi Jane?

17 posted on 10/08/2024 1:55:45 PM PDT by Morgana ( “Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.” — Alice Paul )
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To: Morgana

Nope. I’m a vet. She will be Hanoi Jane who dishonored my brothers.

18 posted on 10/08/2024 4:45:14 PM PDT by Captain Compassion (I'm just sayin')
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