You should listen to what the Bible says..
1 Timothy 2: 11-12
“11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
I'm about to get into a whole crap-ton of trouble. I'm donning my flame-retardant Nomex suit.
But this one bothers me. This is, to my eye, almost Koranic in nature. I'm not sure I want women to be quiet and in full submission.
There are other Biblical assertions I take a little issue with, such as the prohibition of wearing clothing woven of two or more fabrics.
And there are other Biblical assertions that are controversial to others that I am aligned positively with, such as the prohibition on homosexuality.
Now I am certain of one thing: That I will be flamed, told I am going to hell, and that I am 'picking and choosing' what I like from the Bible. Perhaps I am. But that verse about women just grates against me, fundamentally (pardon the pun).
Seriously? I learned in quietness and submission, both growing up in a parsonage, and later in seminary.
I don’t preach or attend churches where women do. I don’t teach.