Officers learned a 7-year-old child and her mother were inside a store and were being followed by Arturo Elmore-Adon, 25, of Reston. Arturo touched the child inappropriately and took a picture of the child without consent. Arturo fled the area before police arrived.
what country did arturo migrate in from?
Arturo Elmore-Adon, 25, of Reston
registered dem?
Probably some South American prison or mental facility. I understand that in Brandon's administration, those institutions have seen a remarkable reduction in population.
The new motto on Heels-Up's Statue of Liberty:
"Give me your criminals, your mentally ill, your unescorted minors, the wretched refuse of your penal instutions yearning to vote Democrat! Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the unfinished wall!"