Legit corporate graft. I think Barack or Michelle just got paid $3/4 million for giving a speech. Upon leaving the WH Barack got a multi million 💰 book advance (written by a 'ghost' writer!)
All legal and all dirty as H3ll. "Hey, Mr./Ms. POTUS! Give me that fat contract and when you leave office I will pay you $3/4 million PLUS expenses to give a speech at the stock holder's meeting in Las Vegas!"
Back when Barack was a Senator, Michelle had a job in a Chicago hospital that paid $300,000 a year... never even had to show up for work - said she hated her country until Barack became POTUS.
Never mind just the Obozos. They all need a hard look. I remember ‘Lizabeth Dole going to sort of work for the Red Cross at 350,000/year. Maybe she put on a couple of bandaids?