Over paid and over-manned gummint agencies are an obvious problem. I’ve lost track of the number but The Trumpster said he eliminated something over 10,000 fedjobs. And he said he was just getting started. This is a giant reason we need the Big Guy back. Congers just doesn’t have enough hair to trim itself.
Remember the BCC-—Base Closing Commission? We got rid of some non-productive milbases with that. It was made up mostly of non-gummint types and the rule was all or nothing. Congers could not cherry pick their recommendations. And they sucked it up and passed it. A similar thing might be the way to go on the larger fedbunch. At least go one dept. at a time.
Then we need to outlaw K Street in DC. Lobbying gummint shouldn’t be a perfession?
BCC was a FAT Pelosi and Feinstein payoff out here in the state of California. Pelosi and/or compatriots got their claws into the Presidio (SF) property, Treasure Island, NAS Alameda (the only deep water carrier port between Bremerton and San Diego), Mare Island etc...
In related scummery Feinsteins husband got the goodies in the giant desert “wilderness areaing” in the south, getting a mineral play worth billions as a tradoff for rights in the designated “no human fun” zones...