Started with AI in 1984 as a scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Hanford). It hasn’t been my focus all along, hardly, but since about 2016 have followed it fairly closely.
Okay, but I don’t know what you’re trying to say. One thing I do not see is the creation by human artifice of an independent being with a soul, but it looks to me like a tool for maleficent humans to use against other humans.
Good for you. Its certainly something worth keeping an eye on. I’ve lost touch.
Back in the early 90s I was hanging on Usenet in the nuclear energy groups. I made friends with John McCarthy of Stanford, who was a very pro-nuke advocate. McCarthy of course was the inventor of AI, or at least as it existed then. He did get me to buy a LISP compiler. Interesting and weird. Back then the idea was to create rule-based “expert systems”. That whole thing fizzled out. Getting the mind of an “expert” into an app was much harder than anybody thought.