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To: yantis we really need to go back to the 2021 Q thread where this stuff was questioned or the follow up where it was shown to be bogus ? pay attention. keep up.

see here:

1,470 posted on 06/23/2024 10:11:43 AM PDT by stylin19a (Golf is a game invented by the same people who think music comes out of a bagpipe)
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To: stylin19a

Yes, yes we do. Please explain it to me like I’m a mouthbreather who voted for George W Bush, No Name and Mittens.

In addition, your condescension really gains converts /s.

So, oh wise one... enlighten me as to what what my brain.. full of 30 years of coding, DBA’ing, Network Admin’ing and building multi-site interconnected enterprise systems for organizations that are household names as an SRE is missing.

What I currently think you’re saying is:

We are to trust the “unmentionable ocho” posts and others that have IDs that aren’t 00000s because the trips match Q’s and they have non-0 IDs... but we shouldn’t trust the posts with 0000’s even tho their trip matches because of something with IP addressing...

“A trip code is a code used in anonymous threads like 4chan to determine whether or not the anonymous poster is authentic or not.”.. based on a hash of the password.

We shouldn’t trust the 000s ‘cause ... the Watkins had access to the data layer (keine scheisse... it’s their site) and they were smart enough to “post as Q” ... duplicating the trip code... YET SOMEHOW not smart enough to update an “ID” database column and set it to something other than 0s. (yes it could be a calculated field... but they could populate the field(s)? generating the ID) They own the site/code and database, can set a trip code to post as someone else, but are unable to set that ID field!?!?!? In addition, they knew of the existence of the previous posts (with IDs) but they didn’t know to set the ID column (or the fields that generate it) for deception purposes? :eyeroll:

Fairy-tale logic. The chans aren’t a modern enterprise with separation of concerns (those with access to the HW layer have no access to SW layer) so... if they could be manipulated after a point in time... they could also have been manipulated before that point in time.

“Herein, I have reproduced the work of several Anons in determining that drops with IP mask “000000” are fake and generated INTERNALLY to 8kun. It was an 8kun INSIDER generating the posts.” ... Yup... an 8kun INSIDER with the intelligence and access to manipulate the datastore and “POST AS Q” using the trip code... but not possess the intelligence and access to set the ID field.

Even if it was an insider and that field was based upon IPs_ .... how were they able to post to a website based on TCP/IP without an IP? The only way would be direct datastore access/manipulation. Sure.... lets talk about that!

Examples to describe tables in a RDBMS.
desc {tablename}; in mariadb/mysql
\d+ {tablename}; in postgres
select * from dba_tab_columns where table_name = {tablename}; in oracle
If they were using a noSQL database, there are still ways to see the “fields” you can set by viewing existing entries in Dynamo, Mongo, etc or reviewing the code and determine the fields it’s using to populate the web display.

These will all give you the table format and show you the fields that are available to populate. It’s not magic, it’s just DBA’ing. Further more.... 0a3163 (from is NOT an IP ... so without access to the code, who knows what the hell it truly is referencing. IF the prevailing theory is that the ID is generated based on IP... internal IPs that used the site for webform population should also generate a value. Sure, it may be 192.168.x.x, 172.16.x.x, or 10.x.x.x, but after being hashed... no end user would ever know the original value.

From my experience, the only way to not automatically populate a field like that (via the webform) would be to manually enter it into the datastore. However, if you have access to manipulate the datastore at that level, chances are you’re going to be able to view all fields (and calculation populating fields) in the database. Coming up with a “fake Q post” should be ez-pz.

I will give you that it’s an “odd departure from previous behaviors”... but isn’t that the state with everything in this republic at present?

Finally, Cletus is worthless, human debris... I’d advise against association with “it” after outing themselves as someone that likes the N word and to make fun of the neuro-divergent population.
“Show me your friends I’ll show you your future”

What am I missing, oh wise one?

1,542 posted on 06/23/2024 6:53:11 PM PDT by yantis
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