Mosquitoes must have some role in the ecosystem as a general population regulator. I can't imagine how miserable the existence of animals must be in areas with high mosquito counts.
Our town’s local mosquito control guy died a few years back, and Noone replaced him for a few years. The mosquitos got so bad, that even just jogging down the street was intolerable. It was sick how fast they sprung back up when not controlled- and how many there were. It was so bad that it drove tourists away, and even us locals couldn’t take being out in the mosquito clouds for very long
This year is the first that a new person has taken over spraying, and what a difference it has made already.
The other I sect that is really bothersome are the black flies- hey get really bad some years- then there are the horse flies, deer flies (smaller than horse flies, but more ruthless, and they drive animals bonkers), no see’ums stable flies for those,around animal farms.
I wish the town would put a bounty on mosquitos- $10 per carcass lol. We could be rich in no time 😆