Good info.
13KW, is all day would be 24x13=kWHr.
How does that compare to your power bill, without the blackout? You should be able to divide by the number of days in your non-blackout billing period.
I'm on a co-op, so we have really cheap electricity. But, even this diesel generator costs way more to run than the power company charges.
You don't select a generator based on your average power draw over a 24 hour period. You need enough power to run your maximum expected continuous load. Then you build in a cushion in case you exceed that power draw because someone decides to use the toaster, microwave, clothes dryer and air conditioner at the same time.
That is a huge amount of energy. 312 kwh per day.
We live in the bay area, we don’t even use 20 kwh a day. Granted we have mild weather here.
An average heat pump runs on 5kw, and of course that is intermittent, so a 13 kw generator is a bit much for a regular house.
We have a 8kw generator and run the whole house with it.