If you want to that’s your choice, but most people are not going to value another person’s child as much as they value their own.
She has a father. Its not him. Anything she inherits from her father she should not be expected to share with her step and half siblings that are not that man’s children.
When my wife and I married I had 2 minor children and she had none. We then had 2 children of our own. My wife and I pooled our assets and earned more over time. These assets are in a trust and will eventually be left to the four children equally. The inheritances will be a tidy sum for each. Meanwhile my wife will inherit a considerable amount from her parents. Some of this will be gifted to all 4 children as per instructions from the grandparents. The remainder will be contained in a separate trust for the benefit of my wife. Eventually this estate will be inherited by our 2 children. Why did we do it this way? The oldest 2 children, mine, have a mother. She has assets and a responsibility to leave them to her her only 2 children. I do not know the amount but it is none of my business. My wife and I have given a lot of thought to the arrangement and feel it will be very fair to all 4 children. I don’t know what Dave Ramsey would say about this but I really don’t care. By the way, the state planning attorney felt hat the plan is reasonable and normal. There is no one size fits all.