80/20 ground beef
One store I use now has gb at 73/27 and its still way higher than last year.
At 73/27, a lot of your “meat” is dripping into the fire and going up in smoke.
I don’t even try to buy beef any more. I buy maybe a pork roast & bake it for sandwiches. That’s about as “high on the hog” as I get these days as I get. I may eat out a couple times a year with the family for special occasions. I hear Biden keep saying how inflation is tapering off, but I’m seeing the opposite in most cases...and I shop at the cheapest places most of the time. What I’m afraid is that prices are so high right now that they will never get back to normal. I work from Social Security, so you know raises aren’t frequent. The really sad part of it is that the S.S. raises are more frequent than the ones I received when I was working. The other half of this is that I have a little saved, but I’m not sure but what that is gradually decreasing. When that’s gone...what then?