Marvelous! Your writing is extremely visual.
My only trip to upper Maine was for my very first camping trip, and my mother’s. I was in my 30’s then. There was a sign immediately seen about bears. I’m TERRIFIED of bears. Suggested we go elsewhere but it was too late. We all got into sleeping bags and mother went off to sleep instantly. Mother! My supposed protector! I stayed awake the ENTIRE night. Come morning I was able to convince our party to leave. I tried one more time to camp out by putting up a tent next to the house. Managed about 3 hours before I came running in.
When I was searching genealogy, I was shocked to discover my grandfather was an outdoorsman and gold miner, and to find his newspaper stories of his life alone in the desert with his mule pack. Clearly those genes did not descend to me.
Grandfather Jack Bell
I am absolutely going to check that link out when I get off work tonight! Thank you...:)