If you’re walking out of the store with a TV in your hands or in a cart with nothing else how do you know it’s not being stolen in a store the size of most Walmarts?
I could put one in a cart, walk around for 10 minutes and go out through 2 or 3 different locations. That would be stealing. Happens all the time in stores. According to you all I’d have to say is I paid for it, it’s mine. The kid was being a dick.
Stop and frisk worked well in NYC. It’s a shxthole now like all cities for the most part.
You get searched at the airport before you get on a flight. You consent to that and they even do body scans.. They’re not even cops.
Ever go through a metal detector? Why not walk around and just say your innocent.
Then after they sell the TV they can escort me out to the car. There are many ways to do it without acting like everyone is a criminal.
Also they can put a huge sticker on the TV box.
And I’d they let me go through self checkout the cashier that is just watching can put the sticker on. But once I pay for it—it is mine and they have no business inspecting me