Bees are about the only critter I worry about when I'm out hunting or hiking in Arizona, much more than rattlesnakes. I've heard that Africanized bees will chase a person for up to a mile, and there's no way I could run a mile in the desert these days. If I notice more bees around than usual, or if I hear the sound of a swarm, I leave the area cautiously and quietly.
A local beekeeper once told me that Africanized bees have a warning behavior of bumping into intruders before attacking, so if you have bees flying into you and bouncing off, get out of there. Don't swat them, because a dying bee will release pheromones that will trigger an attack by the rest of the bees.
Yep, covering that is not as helpful to visits and clicks.
Some years ago, a swarm took up (temporary?) residence between the chimney and behind the interior wall of my house in SoCal. The bees were dropping down behind the baseboard and crawling out into the living room(!) A local bee removal expert and beekeeper was Johnny on the spot and took care of the problem. He showed up in shorts, T-shirt, & flip flops, and didn’t mind that he got stung a few times. An encyclopedia of bee knowledge, he said the kind that I had were a Russian variety and not Africanized, a relief.