Got a lot done so far. Hubby and I working together on chores we used to do separately. So far the garden was tilled twice, compost pile emptied and spread, garden tilled again this morning. We are picking asparagus every other day, garlic doing really well, about 12” tall. Taking a break this afternoon. Tomorrow will be putting in our 3 biggest broccoli plants. Also planting some seed, zucchini, cukes, cilantro. Lots of seedlings just too small to plant yet. And I found a small borage plant - made me laugh. We thought we pulled every single plant before they put out seeds. They engulfed the whole front south edge of the garden last year. They all went into the compost bin so its all good. This one was growing just outside the brick edge, about 6” tall. Will probably eat the young leaves in a salad before we yank it. Life is good.
No thanks on this one, new GMO purple tomato. Video at the first link, and article at the second link.
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