[[On the farm we didn’t have money to spend at the vet, we got a new dog.]]
Exactly- We didn’t hand off our problem animals to others to deal with either- we dealt with whatever needed to be done- sick animals, wounded (from predators) or whatever- we just did what had to be done- it wasn’t pretty or nice or fun- but leaving animals to suffer was worse for them-
Then came time to process the chickens, ducks, geese, lams, pigs etc- all part of the cycle of life-
We always ad our favorite animals th0ough- and it was a bit sad to see their time come-
I was raised in NE Montana in the 1960’s. My Father was a bird hunter, and trained dogs for extra income.
I saw him shoot 2 dogs on different occasions.
He told me dogs were no different than people. Some don’t have good minds.
He would not pawn them off on anyone, and we could not afford to keep pets.