The Russian scum happen to be the very same stock of people as the Ukrainians. They both are Slavic.
The big offensive will probably begin some time between May to August. The Russians are slowly preparing the groundwork for that offensive by missiles and bombing of strategic places in the interior of Ukraine, e.g., train stations, electric power plants, airplane runways (including the F 16 runways), etc. Russia is already on a war footing but took time to achieve. Now it is only a case of when the offensive begins. My guess is that it will be after May 29 when Zelinsky will no longer be president — because he didn’t have elections according to the law stated in their constitution. Legally, his signature will be worthless.
Here we go the predictions from the Russian supporters telling us what the mighty Russian juggernaut is going to do next.
Pan-Slavism, under big brother Russia's tutelage of course, has been a staple of Russian propaganda for a two centuries. It's like the Nazi's "Pan-Aryanism" that wanted to group together the Scandinavians, Dutch and English under one "Pan-Germanic" grouping under German tutelage.
Most of Ukraine west of the Dnipro spent almost 400 years being acculturated to the West by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. That's why Ukrainians, even many of the Russian speakers who have been influenced by that culture, are not Russian barbarians.
If Ukraine gets more air defense, Russia's air campaign will have limited ability to suppress much of anything. Even now, apart from glide bombs on the front lines, most of Russia's attacks on civilian infrastructure and apartments seem designed either to coerce a peace settlement or force Ukrainians out of areas the Russians wish to annex, like Kharkov. Those attacks have not had much military effect in the past and I doubt they will in the future either. In fact, they just tend to piss off the population even more.
I've read about supposed great Russian offensives for two years now. They've never materialized.