Delegitimizing Moscow’s opponents is such classical Cold War Kremlin Bolshevik gaslighting tactic. Putin and his useful fools sure spend a lot time on Marxist tropes for folks who claim not to be such.
Sensible people realize that we have much more immediate threats right here at home and refuse to have their attention diverted to some distant boogeyman “dictator” yet again. We are on the cusp of losing our great nation to global communists and don’t consider stoking WWWIII to be a satisfactory response to the crisis. Our great institutions have been subverted, our currency debased, our culture vilified, our morality sneered at and almost outlawed, and we’re supposed to rally around another “‘if we don’t fight them there, then we’ll fight them here” boondoggle and travesty. The toothpaste is out of the tube and there’s no putting it back in.
It is amazing to see how many on the right parrot tired, old Vietnam era tropes from the anti-American Left.