I like Trump but here, like many other Republicans, he is a coward. The question is: is it a child? If the answer is no, then there should be no restrictions. But if yes — and it is yes — then there can be no justification for willfully killing it. A child is not an inconvenience, it is a person.
The real problem, one that no one wants to address, is that abortion is only a means to an end: the denial of the nature of women as the bearers and nurturers of children. Abortion is the result of the desire of some women to be free from that nature and to be allowed to follow selfish lives in imitation of men.
John 11:50
God literally let his son die, brutally on a cross for the greater good. No one on this board wants babies to be killed before they even get a chance at life but we’re dealing with a reality. Not everyone agrees to 0 abortions and 0 exceptions. If you keep losing you won’t be fighting for 15 weeks, that’s certain.