It is now 100% certain that Ukraine will lose the war absent direct and massive NATO intervention in the very near term.
Now it's all about what comes afterwards.
To prevent a total economic collapse and Russian takeover, there must be some form of support for Ukraine.
We have currently have four options
One - Stop throwing good money after bad and watch the inevitable military and economic collapse of Ukraine, which will be a total disaster.
Two - Keep funding the Ukraine is the same wasteful and counter productive fashion and delay the he inevitable military and economic collapse of Ukraine, possible til after the 2024 elections to allow our political leaders to avoid paying an even worse political price for their malfeasance. This will be an even worse disaster than than the first option because we have another year of death, destruction and squandered assets to deal with.
Three - Retool our funding and our military and political postures in Ukraine to give Ukraine the necessary leverage and breathing space to execute the best possible negotiated settlement they can get to avoid a total loss. Funding should be contingent upon Immediate entry in to fast track negotiations to end the conflict. We should use the threat of of the defensive military measures we will deploy rather than their actual deployment as the negotiating leverage to arrive at a cease fire as quickly as possible to preserve as many assets as possible
Four - Direct NATO and US intervention ie WWIII. Both NATO and the US are in a very poor position to mobilize for such a conflict at this time.
What most don’t fully realize the Ukies economy has been totally destroyed, infrastructure, manufacturing, population, etc….the military side of the campaign depends on the “ economics”, and with Ukraine totally 100 percent dependent on western welfare for survival, it is only a matter of time.