The zest with which our ‘leaders’ pursued the lockdowns and all the other control measures, especially the vaccination and Rx components were dead giveaways. It was nothing more than an old-fashioned battle for control. Nothing else made any sense to me from Day One.
I think it was two things.
First it was just good old fashioned greed. The word went out to the UniParty faithful that COVID was an opportunity to cash in on Pharma stock. The plan was laid out and lock downs and work requirements were crucial to getting the reluctant to take the jab.
Stifling any possible alternative treatment that included approved medications was necessary for the approval of the Emergency authorization. If there were a safe and effective alternative the EA was cancelled.
I would guess that if we looked at the Stock Porfolios of the governors that enforced stringent lock downs we would find huge holdings of the mRNA vaccine manufacturing companies.
Those that have power want money.
Those that have money want power
Those that have both want more of the same.