To: Poison Pill; Jane Long
Well, I’ve heard that used as a verb, noun, statement of fact, and even a declarative.
Often in amazement at reality and fact.
So what mind blowing selection is it here?
334 posted on
03/24/2024 10:36:24 AM PDT by
(Those who support liberal "Republicans" summarily support every action by same. )
To: Darksheare; Poison Pill eloquent, right?
This profound intellect (😂) tool just admitted it has a problem with JimRob’s site’s standards.
Maybe time for it to take a long hike.
336 posted on
03/24/2024 10:42:04 AM PDT by
Jane Long
(The role of the GOP: to write sharply-worded letters as America becomes a communist hell-hole.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson