Maybe the US should buy the T-14? Oh, wait...Russia canceled it.
Oh, I see. Calling out the MIC touches you where you are tender. I don’t see why, they’re wasting your money as well. They’d be of more use than a $110 million F-35 that can’t get off the ground. If you want to pile on we can talk about those $600 million littoral ships that are giving the Houthis what for. Going down that route is just too infuriating to continue though.
“Russia’s military expenditure has tripled compared to pre-war times. By 2023, the government intends to spend $160 billion”!!!!! (Wilson Center 9/23)
One Fifth what the US spends. And the Ruskies are involved in a life or death war! Add in the Euroweenies $350 billion and, incredibly, the Russians are still kicking NATO’s arse.