I was immediately drawn in with the curiosity of various segments, I knew would eventually fall together but for now were just laying groundwork.
How will Jason fit in ? Or was he just a character to help introduce Mark? How will this “crew” work together? Are one of them aliens delivered years ago.? Are they sworn to secrecy? No connection with outside for safety and security reasons? Will the aliens be able to take over the bodies on earth at will?
It was a great tease. I wanted more —now. May I reserve your first copy? Signed of course and paid with green.
I’m really impressed! I’m not a literary critic but am an avid reader with a mixed bag of interests(good ADD)
I wish you success in moving forward. Only hope the crazed idiot in White House doesn’t sabotage the country further to not let creative people like you flourish.
God speed Laz