Would you be so kind as to display the code you used to resize that? I’ve had college level Fortran, Basic, Visual Basic and C++ but html is a mystery.
but html is a mystery. Try this:
[a href=https://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_basic>Cool site to play with HTML[/a]
Again...change the "[" to "<" and "]" to ">" and you'll have posted a link to a site where you can play around with html online in real time.
Cool site to play with HTML HTML is all about placing things within "tags". An "open" tag and a close tag (which is similar to the open tag but has a "/" preceding it. "Img" tags are to post pictures. "A" tags are to post hyperlinks. You'll pick up enough rudimentary html manage stuff we post here in no time.
Only thing about this site is once you include html tags "<" in your reply or post, you have to use them for line breaks or you'll end up with one big run-on paragraph.
That's where the [br] (line break) tag comes in. I use a lot of [br][br] to create double-spaces between paragraphs.
Other good tags:
[b]my bold here[/b]
[i]my italics here[/i]
[b][i]my bold italics here[/i][/b]