Typical college town.
Waiting to see City Council arrested for being terrorist supporters.
Absolutely right! Even Ohio State University up the road from OU is like an insane asylum. I was at George Mason University which was far worse! We had a finance professor (unqualified) who used her class to lecture students on the glories of Marxism. As department chairman, I called her in and told her to stick to finance education. She pleaded freedom of speech and felt that educating students in the glories of Marxism was more important. I asked The Dean permission to get rid of her (untenured, so it should have been a no brainer). But she was popular with poor students and The Dean gave her the Outstanding Professor Award. WTF?? So she refused to let me fire her. I have droves of bad stories like this from academia. I finally retired having had enough of it.
Athens Ohio is a tiny dot of Marxism in a sea of MAGA.