It is sad to be mentally ill and to be unaware of it.
I have now and have had in my past, some family members that have mental health issues and that person is rarely aware of it {or it's consequences}, until something drastic, that cannot be avoided occurs.
When I grew up in the 40s & 50s there were mental institutions {commonly called, crazy houses} all over the country. Most were state run, some run by smaller units of gummint {county, city} and while there was some abuse, there was never a person crapping on the street, shooting up in public or openly abusing children.
When I was 10-11-12 years old and with my parents permission, I hitch hiked, 5 days and nights a week, 10 miles to the nearest town that had a Little League Organization to play baseball.
Never had a single problem...couldn't even try that today because of the crazies and the pedos, but I repeat myself.