Russian rates 16%=that is how much he has to pay to lure capital to Russia to stop the freefalling Ruble.
Russian Ruble off nearly 50% vs the USD.
Russia GDP 1 1/2 X NY
Russia GDP up 40% under Biden thanks to climatescam oil prices. The per capita income is up 50%-divide the groceries by $6500/yr as that is what it was pre Biden.
Drill,drill,drill=Russia and Iran near destitution.
Standard of living as measured since it was invented:
US living space= US poverty-990 SQ FT or 50% more than the world incl the working class in Europe.
Access to calories-per capita income adjusted we have the among the cheapest, most readily supplied food on earth.
Access to medical care-Our system subsidizes every other HC system on earth.
Willfully ignorant is not a way to go through life. This stuff is found in 10secs. That stuff yesterday was obnoxiously stupid put forth by spoiled entitled imbeciles living better as a people than anyone else in the history of earth.
Lying b y omission is still lying.
Russia gdp per capita for 2022 was $15,345
Russia gdp per capita for 2021 was $12,593
Russia gdp per capita for 2020 was $10,194
“$6500/yr as that is what it was pre Biden.”=obvious error.
All of this info is available at the fingertips.
The endless stupidity to the contrary is inexcusable yet endless.
US supremacy has never been greater, every idiot has every convenience of modern life but we want to be hind teat sucking Russia!!!
So Russia is collapsing and Putin is doomed and we don’t need another couple of $T to Ukraine over the next few years and the American economy is doing just fine so STFU and stop concerning yourself with petty PS.
Oh, and Putin really is dying and Z is victorious like Churchhill. Got it.