Every other Arab country hates them as well. Egypt built a wall to keep them out. If you spent decades undermining the country (Israel) where you live, no one wants you in their country because you might do the same thing there.
In the 1970s the Palestinians in Jordan staged a revolt against their hosts the Hashmite Kingdom of Jordan. The Jordanian King Hussein responded with a crackdown that killed some 25,000 of them. Even though the current King (Hussein’s son) is married to a Palestinian I am sure he’s not anxious for a repeat of that. The Queen will make some sympathetic noises in general support of Palestinian issues but that’s all that will happen. The Jordanian tribes that support the King and the Palestinians do not like each other and never have. They are very different culturally.
The Ivy League kiddies somehow missed the history of why no one wants the Palestinians. Some education they’ve had, huh.
If you spent decades undermining the country (USA) where you live, no God-honoring conservative wants you doing more of the same in their country, but hopes you will come to your senses in making Jesus your Lord.
Why should the Palestinians have to move anywhere else when it’s their property and land that was confiscated by the “Partition.” That’s a documented fact. From what I’ve read, the Palestinians still don’t want to move, and are willing to die in this fight. What the other Muslim countries think of them personally is irrelevant, but maybe they agree. TPTB are blowing up the world so the DPs can come to Canada and AMerica and W.Europe, for further Chaos and Mayhem. So maybe we’ll get some of our own Medicine sooner than later about being forced out of our own homes for the Migrants.