keep me posted on your progress. Iodine truly is a valuable mineral. A friend has the Merck medical handbook from 1899 and the 3 main treatments in it are whiskey, turpentine and iodine.
Iodine was widely used for all kinds of ailments several decades ago but big pharma crapped all over it to push their toxins.
You can send me Freep Mail to remind me that you are interested in my progress on Lugols/DMSO topically. You can also crush your B12 tablets. Dissolve in 100% DMSO that has 25% water added.
Apply this topically. B12 tablets have trouble getting that B12 through the digestive system intact. This is why people get B12 injections. Also why B12 tablets say to dissolve them under your tongue for sublingual Absorbtion of the B12