About as many adults ages 18 to 64 now report severe cognitive issues as report trouble walking or taking the stairs, for the first time since the bureau started asking the questions each month in the 2000s.
I’ve seen real life evidence of the mental impairment again and again at the bridge table. Formerly very competent players are making incomprehensible mistakes in both judgement and play. It should be an advantage for me, being unjabbed, except my partners are all vaxxed, so they’re some of the ones exhibiting impairment. I’ve seen the evidence too many times now for it to be anecdotal, and if it’s visible to us, then we can be sure that the impairment is more pervasive than we can see. When I drive now, I’m driving very defensively and like every other driver is trying to kill me. Mentally impaired people handling a fast-moving 3000 pound machine should scare the dickens out of us.
Not to mention, they also vote.