Thanks Kalamata for the heads-up. Lots more info here including retailers who have dropped all Edipeel produce (scroll down)
>>Lots more info here including retailers who have dropped all Edipeel produce (scroll down)
Thank YOU, Cleebie. What a great site! This is far more advanced and nefarious than many could imagine.
How about that CostCo having tons of the stuff and employees being told to keep spraying more and more coats on produce they donate to food banks!
And we’re supposed to believe they somehow don’t spray it on the produce they sell to customers? Pure poppycock!
If I were younger and in good health, I would garden myself. Where I live we are just “lucky” to have a Walmart and a Publix.
I know Publix says they won’t sell it, but let’s stop and think about how Gates has bought up most of the farmland, now has control of much of the food supply, has a stake in his Apeel, and people can’t see if it is on the produce they buy.
Talk about pushing people towards his depopulation checkmate. No wonder he proudly displays his evil grin!