Alcoholics are only weak because they are wrestling with a powerful drug--a real demon.
I've known a lot of addicts and I know a lot of people who have overcome addiction.
People who have overcome addiction are strong people. Much stronger than people who have never fought that demon and won.
Recovery takes REAL courage. Don't ever look down on someone who is in that fight. They need your support and faith.
That said, don't trust them or loan them money.;-)
As an aside, I had a lady at church tell me that alcoholics are trash and that she would never be an alcoholic...she's never even tasted alcohol.
I said, "How does you know you're not an alcoholic if you've never tasted alcohol?" "You might be a raging alcoholic without knowing it."
She hasn't spoken to me since.
Incorrect. I am a recovered addict and I recovered successfully because I am weak.
If I tried to rely on my strength, I'd still be scoring coke, probably even tonight.
You have to surrender to the Program.